
How to configure DPT in eclipse to use with Xampp

I'm working in Ubuntu with eclipse for development PHP, with PDT (PHP Development Tool), and using Xampp and my workspace is at /home/, so when I run my PHP file it run under http://localhost/, but the files are not in the folder /opt/lampp/htdocs, so there is a way to copy the files to /opt/lampp/htdocs when I run my project from eclips...

How to format perl code?

I really like my Perl code formatted - lines indented, etc. The problem is I hate doing it myself, and I really enjoy auto-formatters that do this automatically for you. I work with Eclipse and the EPIC plugin does just that. The problem is that it does not handle comments very well. If comments are too long, it does not break them into...

Help with Extended ASCII/Encoding in PHP!!

Good Evening folks. This is my code: static private function removeAccentedLetters($input){ for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($input); $i++) { $input[$i]=self::simplify($input[$i]); } return $input; } static private function simplify($in){ $ord=ord($in); switch ($ord) { case 193: //Á... return 'A'; ...

Launch java program in eclipse plugin failed

Hi all, I try to launch a java program in a eclipse plugin, but failed. What I try to do is to let the example from "Contribution to eclipse" to work. In the example, the plugin contribute an menu item to eclipse, when you select a test class, you can use the menu to run test cases in the class. To run the test case, there are two cla...

Problem integrating OCL types in Xtext grammar

Hi, I'm working on a grammar (Xtext project) where I want to reuse OCL types. Usually you refer in Xtext to existing types with an import statement, e.g. import "" as ecore There is already an example Xtext project (CompleteOCL) which integrates OCL types in a grammar. Unfortunately the project re...

MESSAGE Exception launching the Eclipse Platform

Possible Duplicate: could not find framework in eclipse RCP application !SESSION Wed Sep 15 15:57:56 CAT 2010 ------------------------------------------ !ENTRY org.eclipse.core.launcher 4 0 Sep 15, 2010 15:57:56.342 !MESSAGE Exception launching the Eclipse Platform: !STACK java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not find framework ...

How to remove an entire line which matches a pattern

The following pattern matches an entire line, how do I search and remove these lines. If I leave a space in the replace string, it leaves a blank in that particular line, when I do via eclipse. ^[\t ]*<param name="logic" .*$ ...

I have just created small android project in Eclipse, which files I should add to version control?

I have no idea, which files should be versioned for a new android project created in eclipse. Could anyone tell me, what I should add?? ...

How to publish a Apache-Axis web service in tomcat 6.0

I have developed a simple Apache-Axis java web service using Eclipse IDE and now it works successfully. I have generated test client also which provide by the IDE automatically. I can see that deployed web service is in the IDE server node when I expand it. (I have already added the tomcat 6.0 server to the Eclipse). But the problem is...

Eclipse C++ On Ubuntu installation Process

Hi, I am now working on a data transfer project under Linux. The Project Team choose putty to login in linux server via vim to development, But I think the efficiency is too low. Now I choose Eclipse for C++, and distributor the version "eclipse-cpp-helios-linux-gtk.tar.gz" on Ubuntu. However, I encountered a problem: My Linux syst...

How to add automatically the imports in a Java project?

Hi, I generate (from a progam java) some Java classes but actually, I don't add the import in each class. I'd like to have a kind of parser that is able to see which import needs to be added in a class. Maybe, it's possible to reuse the fonctionnality of Eclipse because it's able to do that. However, I don't know where I can find that. ...

How to import and compile Android FBReaderJ source code into Eclipse (Windows)?

Hello, I want to import and compile FBReaderJ on eclipse. I have downloaded the latest source code from their website. Is it necessary to install NDK and cygwin for compiling FBRreaderJ. If you can suggest me any tutorial OR helpful link. FYI: OS – Windows vista Eclipse – [Helios 3.6] Android OS – 1.6 ...

How can i access a file (say .xml) from a native code,invoked from an android activity class, where do i need to place that XML file?

Hi, I am trying out an example of OpenCV from and am stuck at the point where it is mentioned "Before attempting to run the VideoEmulator application, you must first copy this XML file into the emulator in the following location: /data/data/org.siprop.opencv/files/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xm...

Is there any Eclipse plugin for firefox extension creation?

I have starting creating my first firefox extension. I am following But seems creating this without an IDE is very tedious task. Do we have any eclipse plugin for creating firefox extension? Or is there any tool for firefox extension creation? ...

finding a function with particular name.

How can i search for a function with particular name in my entire project.I dont even know if the function by that name exists.So i cant find references to that function by right clicking and then selecting the required option. For example in eclipse we have one short curt ctr + shift +R to search for all classes with particular name. C...

How does one install 'rj' in StatET plugin for Eclipse?

I have started to try to use StatET and Texlipse with a view to producing SWEAVE reports. When starting the R console in the StatET plug-in for Eclipse (OS X 10.6.4), I get the message: [INFO] The R package 'rj' is not available, R-StatET tools cannot be initialized. Information on states: "The packa...

How to remove a whole project from SVN synchronization?

I have a project i no longer want synchronised to SVN (as this is just a copy and i have another project synchronised)... How in the life do i remove it from SVN using Eclipse, or anything basically? I can't see any .svn file in the directory folder. Thanks, Mike ...

IBM Eclipse WSDL Editor: How do I include an external wsdl/schema?

Hello: I am trying to create Web Services from the Top-Down approach. I downloaded Eclipse and am using the WSDL gui editor in it to build my WSDL files. I am splitting up my Services based on "modules". The Types I am adding to the WSDLs all need to reference common stuff, such as PersonEntity, AddressEntity, States enumeration (simpl...

Are Eclipse warnings customizable beyond just the level

I am wondering if it possible to, for example, set the warning level for unused import statements on files that end in * I know I can use the @SupressWarnings annotations, but the files that I want excluded are built from another project. I simply want to ignore their least for the time being. I don't see any...

Ant build won't run in Eclipse

I have an Ant build.xml which no longer runs when launched in Eclipse. I click on the External Tools Configuration, select the Ant Build I've been running, and click Run. Nothing happens -- no console window and the build doesn't appear to launch (the classes are not compile nor is the WAR file created). I recently added a plugin (Spr...