
Eclipse PDE build fails to find jar location on customAssembly

I'm running a PDE build - pretty much defaults ( see at the end of the message ) which manages to copy all my plugins/features, resolve them, compile them and generate p2 metadata. At the customAssembly step it fails misteriously with BUILD FAILED /home/robert/apps/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.build_3.5.0.v20090527-1800/scripts ...

How can I get Eclipse on OSX to use Java 1.6?

I just installed Java 1.6 on my OSX and everything works brilliantly, except that Eclipse refuses to start. It puts up a huge prompt from which I can't copy/paste, but it's clearly stating that it wants to be using Java 1.5 and can't find it anymore. I don't see anything in its configuration files about which version of Java it should b...

How can I change line height / line spacing in eclipse.

Hi, I am using eclipse for java programming but lines in the editor look little closer. And I want to change the amount spacing/gap between lines. Is there any option in eclipse that I can use to achieve this effect ? ...

How to create two mains in an eclipse C++ project

We've got a program which runs separately, executed with an execvp command. So it needs a main method, but I believe that poses a problem to eclipse with a managed make. Do we have to keep this code segregated into a separate project, or is there a way to incorporate it into the same eclipse project? ...

How to turn off DataNucleus Enhancer while working with Google App Engine

I am working in Eclipse on a Google AppEngine Java code. Every time I save a java file, the DataNucleus Enchancer starts off "Enhancement of Classes". Its quite irritating since it takes away focus when you are in full screen mode. Anybody knows how I can turn it off? If I turn it off, will it affect my ability to deploy my application ...

How do I view java log files in Eclipse

I am running some JUnit tests in Eclipse, and my code is generating an XML log file using the java logging APIs. (java.util.logging). Is there an easy way to view this XML log output in Eclipse, other than reading the raw XML? Specifically I want to be able to easily see what threads different log messages have come from. ...

Why not able to get the 'Run on Server' option for JSF jsp page on eclipse, weblogic, JBossTools?

I am trying to run a JSF 1.2 application created using Eclipse Ganemede and JBoss Tools on WebLogic 10.0 MP1 I have created a simple JSF helloworld application and have added a simple JSP. I have configured a weblogic domain and a server using the JBoss Tools plugin through eclipse. When I right click on the JSP file I can only see "Run...

Qt designer plugin (custom widget) in Eclipse integration

I have made custom widget plugin, which is recognized and visible in Qt designer, but Qt creator and Qt eclipse integration doesn't show it. Does anyone have ideas how to solve this problem? ...

How to build a Java Servlet in Eclipse?

I'm new to Java. I have to modify this Web Servlet that is running on my Tomcat. The Webapps folder contains several files and directories, but only one .JAR file. I managed to decompile it using Java Decompiler JD-GUI, but when I create the project in Eclipse from the decompiled source and try to Validate it, Eclipse shows me around 389...

Getting netbeans more eclipse-y

Hi - I'm a long-time eclipse user looking to use netbeans now that I've tried netbeans out a bit. I mostly like what I see, except there's a few aesthetics missing. Anyone have ideas on if the following are available in NetBeans?: Eclipse highlights modified & inserted lines in the left margin / gutter Eclipse highlights the currently...

How to use the "sysout" snippet in Eclipse with selected text?

I am aware of the Eclipse snippet "sysout" which is neatly replaced with System.out.println(); when tab-completed. This is very useful but sometimes, I need to wrap some existing code in a System.out.println(); In Eclipse internals, the template is defined as being able to wrap a "selected word". But how can I use the snippet with sele...

java agents with maven in eclipse

hi, I'm running aspectjweaver as a javaagent in Eclipse. I use maven to manage my dependencies, but I need to put a path to aspectjweaver on the command line. What's the recommended way to do this? Save another copy in my workspace? Reference my local repository? thanks, Jeff ...

indexing and searching contents in project folder

Hi, Every time I try to find out a variable or string or some text in my codes (in project folder), I am in trouble. It seems I don't know easy techniques to do that. I was wondering if there is any tool which indexes a specified folder (in my case project folder) and updates in real-time (with updating codes). Also any string can be se...

Best Todo list management software

I am looking for a simple, easy to use, effective todo list management. It will be better if I can link to my code where to make that todo change. Is there any open source solution for that? ...

Eclipse workspace reference outside eclipse plugin

I'm running the following code: import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; public class WorkspaceTest { public static void main(String[] args) { IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); } } and I get the following error: Exception in thread "main" ja...

Referencing Javascript libraries with Tomcat

I am using Eclipse Ganymede and Tomcat 5.5. I would like to add some javascript and especially ajax functionality to a dynamic web project and need some help. I would like to use jquery (but I am open to other suggestions, if you tell me why another library would be better in this case, but I have chosen jquery because it is supposed to...

Why are my breakpoints ignored with GWT, Eclipse, and Java 1.6.0_14?

After upgrading to Java 1.6.0_14, a GWT application in Eclipse no longer stops at breakpoints even though Eclipse shows that the breakpoints are active. Are there workarounds for this issue? ...

Installation of Jetty into Eclipse

Hi I've had Jetty recommended as a good container for fast and simple development, in my case, Java Server Faces. I wish to use it with my Eclipse IDE (Version: 3.4.1), but quite frankly, can't figure out how. I've tried various outdated plugins, only with large amounts of errors in return, so I'm hoping someone could guide me from dow...

GWT application/eclipse plugin crashes JVM

I'm trying to set up the GWT framework. I'm following the quick start at: OS is Ubuntu 8.04. I create a new application and start/debug the application, and after a few seconds JVM crashes. Any ideas? Generated log is: # # An unexpected error has been detected by Java Runtime Env...

How do I convince Eclipse to show javadoc documentation under Ubuntu 9.04 for openjdk?

I'm having a pretty hard time with this! I have installed the java documentation at: file:///usr/share/doc/openjdk-6-jre/api/index.html And loading that file up does show me all the documentation. However, I would like to browse it directly from within eclipse and see the documentation when I hover over a class. For example, when...