
How to hide/show controls in UITableViewCell when it goes in/out of editing mode?

I have few custom controls (image views) added programmatically to table cell. I want to hide them when table view goes into editing mode and show them again when view gets out of editing mode. I'm not using UITableViewCell subclasses, controls are added through tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: method. When and where should I do the hid...

Using insert rows in a UITableView

I'd like my UITableView to behave like the the table in the Contacts editor, i.e. the user should hit Edit and an "add new category" row should appear at the bottom of each section. I'm using the below code to do this, but the problem is that there is no smooth transition as there is in Contacts. Instead, the new row suddenly appears. ...

ms access Add, Edit, Delete Items through an Access form

I'm not real familiar with inputting data through forms. Up until now I've just been handling the data from the table. However, now I have a table with two pieces of information: Group ID Each ID is in a group, not all IDs are represented in the table (ie there is another table with a complete list of IDs...many to one), and multiple...

Can I have only a single row of a WPF DataGrid editable?

I have a data set that I want to display to the user, but I only want them to be able to edit the newest (first) row of data. I need to display the other rows of data to them for reference. I don’t have to keep everything in the same DataGrid but would like to if possible. I’m new to WPF so any help/ideas are greatly appreciated! ...

XML mode for XEmacs?

I'm a GNU Emacs user who uses nxml-mode for editing XML files, but I have a colleague who would like to use XEmacs for editing XML files. It seems as though my colleague can't use nxml-mode because the README file for that package says: To use this, you need GNU Emacs version 21.x, preferably 21.3. GNU Emacs version 20 will not wor...

Refactoring tool for Spring.NET

Hi all, Currently I get to edit a lot of Spring.NET XML files, and I do find this work to quite repetitive and, frankly boring. Most of the stuff I do is sort of 'refactoring' - generalising XML declaration for instances and "inheriting" from those generalised structures to declare more specific ones. As I said, it's a no-brainier typ...

Edit parsed JSON

I have a JSON file contact.txt that has been parsed into an object called JSONObj that is structured like this: [ { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "address": { "streetAddress": "21 2nd Street", "city": "New York", "state": "NY", "postalCode": "10021" }, "phoneNumbers": [ { "type": "home", "...

how to programatically edit the cell value of a datagridview in virtual mode?

I have a DataGridView in virtual mode. I only implemented the CellValueNeeded eventhandler as described in http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/15a31akc.aspx. Implementing the rest of the events only seems needed when you want to be able to edit the cells manually. I would like to programatically edit a DataGridView cell value. I ...

bash script to edit xml file

I want to edit the config file of a program that is an XML <software> <settings> .... </setting name="local directory" type="string">/home/username/</setting> .... </settings> </software> What is the easiest way to do this from a bash script. Thanks ...

iPhone SDK:Editing XML files

Is there any external library using which one can edit and save XML files for an iPhone application? ...

edit text file using Python

I need to update a text file whenever my IP address changes, and then run a few commands from the shell afterwards. Create variable LASTKNOWN = "" This is the ip address we have while writing this script. Get the current IP address. It will change on a daily basis. Create variable CURRENT for the new IP. Compare (as stri...

How to protect PE file resources(string,image....) ?

Hi: I need any method to protect pe file resources form editing and thank you very much.. editing like: 1) open pe file as binary file and search about a string then edit it. or 2) edit assembly code like "jne"(jumb if not equal) to "je"(jumb if equal) **best regards** ...

How to show a * (asterisk) in Application Title when document has changed and is not saved

I have a MDI Application with one MDI child. When a user changes a Textbox on the MDI child, the MDI child (= document) is changed and is not saved. I want this to be visible in the Titlebar of the Application, like this: ApplicationName [DocumentName*] When the users saves the Document and doesn't change anything after, it should di...

WPF IsEditable=true ComboBox filled with objects displays the ToString() as the selected item

The Wpf combo box allows editing, and this is fine if all your combo box items are strings, or have a ToString() method defined on them. When you select an item, it is displayed as Text, it does not use a DataTemplate, it just calls ToString() on the item that is selected. I get a list of items in my combo drop down that are formatted...

iPhone SDK trimming audio file

Hi I have implemented a audio recording feature using AVAudioRecorder with AVSampleRateKey as 44100.0 and its saved as .caf. Once the audio is recorded, I want the user to be able to trim the audio from both the ends if required. Can some one please help me implement this? In my case since the AVSampleRateKey is 44100.0, 44100 bytes re...

Maintaining same piece of code in multiple files

I have an unusual environment in a project where I have many files that are each independent standalone scripts. All of the code required by the script must be in the one file and I can't reference outside files with includes etc. There is a common function in all of these files that does authorization that is the last function in each ...

Recommended method to handle record editing with approval in CakePHP?

I haven't been able to find any information regarding the best way to handle record editing with approval in CakePHP. Specifically, I need to allow users to edit data in a record, but the edited data should not overwrite the original record data until administrators have approved the change. I could put the edited records in a new tabl...

Gridview Sorting, Updating and Editing

Hello all - seasons greetings to you all. I really need some help as this is driving me mad. The aim. I have a textbox which a client enters a number, they click on a radio button list to select a material and hit a button to populate a gridview. This is the front end code: <asp:TextBox ID="tbxHowMany" runat="server" style="z...

How to add text to "edit box" control in visual studio 2005

Dear All, I want to add some text on a dialog in VS 2005. I have installed Microsoft SDK on my system. The text which I want to add is very big, it runs upto 4 pages. So I decided to add edit control with scrollbar, which I am not able to do. I tried adding through string table, but formatting was not maintained. Plz let me know, ho...

MFC :: Modify the values in a json file

Hi All, I'm able to parse json files in MFC but is having a hard time modifying the values. Is there an easier way writing new values, other than converting it to native file types, modifying the contents and converting it back to json again? I thought it would be as easy as changing values in an XML file where you just look for the ta...