
eclipse plugin for rectangular select/cut/paste regions?

Does anyone know of an Eclipse plugin to do selection by rectangular region rather than the "normal" selection? (difference illustrated below) the asterisks here represent a "normal" selection region ***** ************ ****************** ***** and can all be selected as one block of text here is a ************* rectangular select...

Delete text in between HTML tags in vim?

I know di< will delete in an HTML tag itself. Is there an easy way to delete text in between two tags? <span>How can I delete this text?</span> Thanks! ...

How to navigate to a bookmark in eclipse 3.4.1 ?

I am able to set bookmarks in a source file, but are there shortcut keys to navigate to a bookmark ? The navigate menu has a goto line. But that is not useful. ...

Code editor plugin for MS outlook 2003?

I constantly find myself sending .NET code snippets to other developers using MS outlook email. Is there a code editor plugin I can use that can help in formatting and copy/paste (something like SO editor? ...

Editing large files on Mac OS X

Does anyone have any recommendations for a programmer's editor that can cope with large files on Mac OS X? By large I mean hundreds of megabytes. TextMate doesn't cut it. ...

Is there other way to make a WYSIWYG editor on a webpage without using the designmode property?

Is it true that most WYSIWYG editors on a webpage is by using the designmode property? Is there any other method besides using this method? (is designmode first available on IE and other browsers added it too later on?) ...

is using TinyMCE a top choice for WYSIWYG editor on a webpage? What are good alternatives?

is using TinyMCE a top choice for WYSIWYG editor on a webpage? What are good alternatives? some comparison seems to show that TinyMCE is one of the most compatible across browsers: http://geniisoft.com/showcase.nsf/WebEditors ...

configure emacs variables for a specific function

I run an email client in a separate emacs window (usually connecting to gnuserv), for example, emacs -f wl (the email client being Wanderlust, which probably doesn't matter much). Is it possible to make emacs remember my preferred window layout, main window dimensions, fonts, colours, etc., to set these up only when wl is called?...

how to get tinymce (in-browser "rich editor") to preserve indentation

PROBLEM: I use Drupal with a rich-editor, and the rich editor likes to clobber my text by stripping out the indentation and formatting. This would be unacceptable in a desktop editor, but people seem to tolerate this with in-browser wyswigs. QUESTION: How do I turn this off. I've searched around and I have yet to discover the best pract...

HTML Tidy, Web Editors WYSIWYGs and html fragments

BACKGROUND: WYSIWYG HTML editors tend to be both "intuitive" and "smart". Intuitive means someone can reasonably edit HTML without knowing the inner guts of how HTML tags actually work. Smart means that the user does not have to worry about adding the HTML or HEAD or TITLE tags, because the editor does that for them. PROBLEM: These days...

Put cursor on a YUI SimpleEditor

Hello, I would like to be able to put the cursor wherever I want inside an instance of YUI SimpleEditor. The problem is that I am using setEditorHTML after every keystroke and the cursor moves to the beginning of the text every time. Different commands in YUI do it already but I don't want to have to create a command for it if possible....

Automatically scroll screen in vim when near top/bottom?

I would like to have smarter screen scrolling when I'm editing. When I reach within X number of lines from the top/bottom of the screen, I would like it to scroll the screen as I continue moving the cursor (so I can always see, at minimum, X lines below or above). I know ctrl-y and ctrl-e will scroll, but is there a way I can have vim d...

Which text editor supports syntax highlighting for Wiki code?

Does any text editor (such as Notepad++) syntax highlight MediaWiki code? This might not be strictly programming related though the Wiki script is a language by itself. ...

Linux editor with VMS EDT like direction mode.

VMS editor EDT allows one to use the keypad to control most of ones editing commands. One of the rather nice features is that the direction of operation can be set to "up" or "down". This then effects commands like "move to next character" and "move to start of line". Another feature is that there are "character", "word" and "line" buffe...

.NET WinForms Editor Control that supports RTL\Hebrew and export to OOXML\PDF?

I'm interested in replacing an aging control we use in our project that is a simple HTML WYSIWYG editor. The main requirements i'm looking for are as follows: Support for RTL/Hebrew input. Support for custom numbering styles (not just 1. 2. 3., A. B. C., etc). Support fo exporting the content to OOXML (for Word 2007 inclusion) and PDF....

Question About Icons and GUI For Notepad++ Lovers

In the notepad++ website there's a technique to change the icons with any other "ico" format image. Each icon has it special name in order to be detected by notepad++. For instance, the new file icon is: new_normal.ico. The open file icon is: fileopen_normal.ico and so on. But I can't find the special names for Synchronize Vertical Scrol...

Looking for Windows Text Editor which supports GIT

Hello all, I am looking for a Text Editor on Windows which is integrated with GIT (check out, check in from the UI). Also, it would be nice is this editor could also support Python syntax highlighting. Is there anything like that available? Thanks! ...

Web-based JSON editor that works like property explorer with AJAXy input form

Background: This is a request for something that may not exist yet, but I've been meaning to build one for a long time. First I will ask if anyone has seen anything like it yet. Suppose you have an arbitrary JSON structure like the following: { 'str_title':'My Employee List' ,'str_lastmod': '2009-June-15' ,'arr_list':[ ...

reuse vim instance from linux terminal

By making use of the remote feature in vim, is it possible to reuse an instance of vim to load up multiple files as needed. It will be nice to have that facility from within the same terminal instance. I am more keen to have a tab based interface, which available in vim 7+ The scenario should be Open terminal vim file1.cpp Edit - Sav...

How to make read only editor in Eclipse (Eclipse Plugin Development)

Hi, I'm wondering how to make a really read only eclipse editor.. My editor extends TextEditor, so when I reimplement method isEditable to always return false. It's the easiest way, which prevents user from typing or deleting anything in the document opened in the editor. But you can still change content of the document for example b...