
Android multi line editText (Text area)

I want to have 5 line in height text area following code i am using. <EditText android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:gravity="center" android:singleLine="false" android:lines="5" android:layout_marginLeft="10dip" android:layout_marginRight="10dip" ...

Getting EditText field from XML

I have an activity in my app, when i call the line EditText username = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.usernameText); the app crashes, why is this? ...

Android - Using PreferenceScreen to display and save settings to/from ContentProvider

I have my own custom Content Provider that loads a database which contains the settings information for my application. I load the settings from the ContentProvider on the creation of my Settings activity. My Settings activity is made up of a PreferenceScreen and Dialog based EditText's. The following code shows how I use the preferen...

How to make Edittext size stay put? Android

Hi everybody, I know the attribute which makes the text "disapear" on the left part of the Edittext to maintain a single line, (singleLine="true"). But my issue is when I fill the edittext before the view is displayed... in this case, my edittexts are all going out of the screen... any ideas? thx! This is what is get when fill the empt...

Android - Adjust screen when keyboard pops up?

I want to be able to adjust my UI screen on Android when the soft keyboard pops up. So at the minute I have something similiar to the first picture below where I have and EditText at the bottom of the screen and when a user taps the EditText I want the same as what happens in the second picture. That is that the EditText gets moved up ...

How to disable "Next" button on a EditText software keyboard (replace with "Done" button)

I have a bunch of EditTexts in my Android application, each with InputMethod set to numberSigned. My target device does not have a hardware keyboard and thusly uses the software keyboard for numeric entry. Android attempts to be user-friendly and replaces the standard "Done" button to the right of the entry box with a "Next" button, prob...

can i write my own event on android:imeOptions="actionSearch" ?

dear friends, i am using android:imeOptions="actionSearch" in editText and my question is can i write my own event if user presses Searchbutton on Softkeyboard? actualy i want to perform functionality of softkeyboard search button similar to button we use on android activity. any help would be appriciated. ...

Can not visualize correctly the written text of an EditText after animation (transformation)

Hello, At the end of a TranslateAnimation, when I write into my EditText that started that animation, it looks like I'm trying to write into the initial EditText. So It happens that I see a part of my text, sometimes I can see nothing. The EditText was well translated but not the rectangle where the text should appears. Here is my simp...

Android: Multiline & No autosuggest in EditText

Hi! Is it possible to have an EditText that allows multilines and doesn't show the suggestions? I tried with this code: android:inputType="textFilter|textMultiLine" Which I saw in this question, but it didn't work for me. If I try to use both at the same time, the EditText supports multiline, but the suggestions appear. Separately, t...

Android: Hiding the keyboard in an overrided "Done" keypress of EditText

Hello, I have used a bit of Android code to override the "Done" button in my EditText field: myEditField.setOnEditorActionListener(new TextView.OnEditorActionListener() { @Override public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId, KeyEvent event) { if (actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE) { ...

How to check the value entered in EditText is aplhanumeric or not?

My application takes userid from user as input, the userid is alphanumeric i.e just the first character is (a-z), other part is numeric. How can I validate input of this type ( like G34555) ? ...

How to add Editext and Button to Efficent Adapter which has a Icon and text

Hi, I want to create a layout in such a way that on top edittext and button should be there in one row. The search text I enter in editext and click on search button. Then I want to display a custom list view where each row contains image and text.(As per the API demos example list14 I have tried). But when I run the application, butto...

Android : How change focus on form with out user action ?

Hello, I've a form with 2 fields, after First login, i store the Mail in SharedPreferences and i restore when user start app again, But how to set focus on Pass Field ? it's not very nice to see that mail is fill but focus is still on mail field. Thanks <EditText android:id="@+id/Email" android:text="" android:layout_width="fill_p...

Android: need to validate an edittext for non-blank input

If I want to enforce a maximum length of input in an EditText field, I can use the maxLength attribute. But if I want to enforce a minimum length (in my case, simply non-blank), I find no corresponding minLength attribute. I've also looked at the various 'inputType' attributes (phone, password, etc) but I don't see anything like 'requi...

Android: Is it possible to dynamically change the border color of a EditText?

I would like to change the Orange border around a EditText. Like when the input is valid, I want it to become green. However I do not seem to find a method to do this. Is it possible? ...

Converting a string to an integer (Android)

I'm not 100% on how to do this so i'm asking... May seem stupid but... How do I convert a string into an integer? Background info: I have a textbox I have the user enter a number into... it then: EditText et = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.entry1); String hello = et.getText().toString(); gets the string 'hello' Now I wan...

EditText, inputType values (xml)

Where can I find the values that inputType can have? I'm aware of http://developer.android.com/reference/android/text/InputType.html, but how should the values look like in layout xml files? ...

How to automatically resize an EditText widget (with some attributes) in a TableLayout

Hi everyone, I have a layout issue. What I do is this: create TableLayout in xml with zero children: <TableLayout android:id="@+id/t_layout_contents" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_below="@id/l_layout_tags" android:stretchColumns="1" android:paddingLeft="5dip" android:paddingRigh...

Getting a Soft Keyboard for a EditTextPreference

Hello, I have a shared preference that is being accesed via an EditTextPreference. I am in the process of porting this application to a device that does not have a hardware keyboard for text entry. When the time comes to modify the EditTextPreference, there is no soft keyboard that becomes available, and I am at a loss as to how to in...

Android: How can I validate EditText input?

I need to do form input validation on a series of EditTexts. I'm using OnFocusChangeListeners to trigger the validation after the user types into each one, but this doesn't behave as desired for the last EditText. If I click on the "Done" button while typing into the final EditText then the InputMethod is disconnected, but technically f...