
Android Development: How To Automatically Add Linebreaks When Using setText()?

Hello, In my app is the ability to read a file. This works perfectly, but there's a problem. No line breaks or whatever they are called get added when I append the file's contents to my big EditText, so this: function hmm(){ echo 'Hello, PHP!'; } would turn into this: function hmm(){ echo 'Hello, PHP!'; } How can I stop this and m...

Android Key Events for EditText not happening on device

I am new to Android development and having a problem with what SHOULD be a very simple task. I want to receive KeyEvents whenever a user is typing in an EditText field because I want to save their entered values to data structures in the background on each key stroke. I have mimic'd the code in the Beginner's Dev guide at http://develop...

Remove highlight effect from EditText

I want to remove the orange highlight around the EditText. This highlight doesn't match my UI and I really want to get rid of it. Any ideas? ...

Problem temporarily disabling a EditText field

I'm trying to create an activity which gets input in the following form: () Option 1 (a RadioButton) () Option 2 (a RadioButton) () Custom (a RadioButton) [ ] (a EditText) The idea is that the user can either choose one of the two predefined values, or enter a custom value. In order for him to enter a custom value, he mu...

problem with Android requestFocus()

Hi all, The below is the piece of code that i have written for transferring the focus from one edit text to another, but the problem that i got with this implementation is, the focus moves to the particular edit text, and suddenly moves to the next edit text.So, i could not able to enter anything , since the focus is not at all staying ...

Super Simple Android Help: Change Image on Correct Password

So I am a complete newb, and am currently taking an intro to Mobile Programming course in which we use Android (I have some experience with Java). I am trying to do a simple assignment which displays a text field and an image, and upon entering the correct "password" and pressing enter, the image changes. Should be so simple! But I am ...

switching a TextView to an EditText

Hi, The need is to make a title (TextView) tappable to edit it(EditText)... I'm using the trick to have 1 TextView and 1 EditText next to each other in my xml layout, and then I play with .setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE/VISIBLE) to visually switch them. Since TextView and EditText are pretty close, is that possible to effectively switch...

Text that doesn't fit into EditText - scroll it to the left

If I set text to my EditText and the text is bigger, the default behaviour is that the text is scrolled to right. Can I scroll it to left? Example with EditText 8 characters long and text "Sample text": Normal behaviour: [ple text] What I want: [Sample t] ...

Adnroid Listview with spinner and a checkbox

Hello guys I am a newbie to android development. I am trying to create a List which has a spinner, a edit text and a check box. The data for spinner and check box come from data base. I have the following files. NewTransac class which extends ListActivity private PayDbAdapter mDbHelper; private Spinner paySpinner; private CheckBox mC...

How to make EditText hint not to wrap?

I have a one line EditText, when I set a long hint, the hint wraps to two lines. Can I force the EditText to be always one line tall? android:lines="1" didn't work. ...

Android: Expand the inputType of EditText ?

I'd like to allow possible inputs of 0-9, "," or "-" for EditText and couldn't find an answer. I know using the "|" as an separator is possible: android:inputType="number|text" But how can I archive something like this (too bad it doesn't work): android:inputType="number|,|-" Does anyone know? Regards, cody Addition to the co...

Android - Get soft keyboard to automatically pop up when a dialog is displayed?

I currently pop up a custom dialog with an EditText in it. Currently the keyboard will only pop up when the user clicks "into" the EditText. Is it possible to get the keyboard to pop up for the EditText as soon as the Dialog loads? I have tried: editText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.EditTextd); editText.setFocusable(true); editText....

EditText's cursor coordinates

As the title suggests, how can i get the coordinates of the cursor in the EditText ? im not trying to get the cursor position here but the screen coordinates of the cursor. im trying to show a popup relative to that cursor, therefore i need to determine the cursor coordinates first. ...

Cursor location not updated when non-focused EditText clicked.

When non-focused EditText clicked, it becomes focused, but cursor does not move to new location. I should click it again to move cursor to a new position. Q: How can I focus and move cursor with only one click? ...

changing EditText

When I change the layout_height of an EditText field in Android, the nice looking gradient becomes a hard gray line as you can see here: Is there a way to either fix or disable this gradient? thx Ben ...

EditText get toString

Hi all, This is my code but i can't fill my string with the value puuted in by the user. I've tried a lot of solutions from other sites but it won't work. Somebody please help me! Thanks already package app.android.Mel import android.app.Activity; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickLis...

Sustaining EditText data through activity changes

I can't seem to use data that is in an EditText box. I have one activity for entering a url and a submit button. When the user clicks submit, a new activity opens as a WebView and should display the url that the user typed in the EditText box. This should be the simplest of tasks but I can't find how to do it anywhere... ...

EditText isn't highlighted when touched

I assumed this feature would be activated by default. How do I set an EditText box to do the normal orange highlighting when a user touches it? ...

Android EditText with a Fixed Suffix

Hi,on Android, i need an EditText with a fixed Suffix (A String i want to add to the text).Now i'm using a TextWatcher to catch the onTextChanged Event, but if i change the Text again adding my suffix, it goes on StackOverflow caused by an infinite recursion. Sorry if is not sounds clear, but i'm a java novice and i have a bad english....

Android error, when having Edittext lines

This gives me error: EditText messageEdit = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.description_text); Why can I not do like this on a eittext with lines? This is how the Edittext looks like <EditText android:id="@+id/message_text" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:lines="3...