
jQuery Accordion gets scrambled when shown from a display:none DIV

Basically, I've set up a DIV in a display:none mode, showed when clicked (simple JS event). HOWEVER, I tried adding to the non-displayed div a qQuery Accordion; whenever the DIV is shown, the accordion is displayed incorrectly: the H3 tags are scrambled into the text, and the sliding/hiding won't go properly. Removing the display:none s...

How to deal with competing effects in Flex?

I'm a beginner at Flex, and having the hardest time, working with Effects. Right now I'm dealing with the problems faced when dealing with competing effects. Please look at the following code. I have basically created a short reproducible tests sample which shows the problem I'm facing: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Appli...

javascript and ajax load, then effects

Hi, I have a javascript code, whereby I'm trying to load a list from a separate page (using jQuery's load() function), slide the current list out and slide the new list in. Now, I don't want the old list to slide until after the new list has been completely loaded. Can anyone tell me how to achieve this without looking like the script i...

Clear dynamic content with jQuery

After loading dynamic content to a DIV, I'd like to add a Close option, that would remove this content from the DOM. I'm working with jQuery and WordPress. Any ideas? ...

Flex: doing useful things while the transition effect is played

We have a Flex application which has several 'pages' worth of content. Each time a page is opened by the user some of the information on the page needs to be refreshed (takes less than a second to do so). We currently display a 'loading' animation. The idea is to replace it with some kind of transition effect for the whole page and load ...

Extending prototypejs toggle() for effects

Is there a way to extend the toggle method in prorotypejs to allow for injection of an effect function, eg, scriptaculous effects or FBJS ...

jQuery: child-element disappears with $('.parent_class') opacity effects in IE

I have this html: <div class="foo parent"> <div class="child"></div> </div> with some css: .foo{ position:absolute; left: -117px; background:#000000 none repeat scroll 0 0; color:#FFFFFF; z-index:8; } .parent{ top:23px; width:100px; height:30px; ...

How to animate Opacity of a DropShadowEffect?

I have a WPF project with a border using the following style. The plan is to get the glow effect to fade in when the mouse moves over the border, and fade out when it leaves. <Style.Resources> <Storyboard x:Key="GlowOn"> <DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames BeginTime="00:00:00" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(DropShadowEffect.Opaci...

JQuery mouseout timeout

Similar problems have been dealt with before but I believe mine's slightly different owing to the use of the bind() function. Anyhow... $('.overlay').bind("mouseenter",function(){ $(this).fadeTo('slow', 0); }).bind("mouseleave",function(){ setTimeout(function() { $(this).fadeTo('slow', 1); }, 2000); }); I want to fad...

How to make dynamic Magnifying Glass effect in Flash

I wanted to make a magnifying glass effect in one of my project. I want this magnifying effect on full flash, i.e. even on dynamic object. So this is why i can't use large static images. Please suggest me best way to proceed on this problem. ...

JQuery mouseout timeout part 2

Hi again. This is an additional question following on from this one. $('.overlay').bind("mouseenter",function(){ $(this).fadeTo('slow', 0); }).bind("mouseleave",function(){ var $this = $(this); setTimeout(function() { $this.fadeTo('slow', 1); }, 2000); }) Beneath my .overlay div I have bits ...

Adding effects to a flex custom component

Hi all! I have a flex application and I want to add a new custom component with action script at runtime. This works fine. I have created my custom component and added the following code: var freeView:FreeView=new FreeView(); freeView.setStyle("showEffect",this.fadeIn); freeView.setStyle("hideEffect",this.fadeOut); freeView.visible=fals...

Script.aculo.us Events in Rapid Succession results in display error...?

Using the script.aculo.us Effect.Highlight on an onMouseOver event works perfectly - if the user only mouses over the DIV once. If they mouse back over the DIV during the execution of the effect, another Effect gets scheduled (or runs in parallel, depending on whether or not {queue: 'end'} is enabled). Does script.aculo.us have a ...

JQuery - slowly bg-image changing

Hello, I'm trying to make my hover-action with slowly bg-image changing. .menu_part { border-left: 1px solid black; background-image: url(../images/bg_menu.png); float:left; padding: 2px 10px; } .menu_part:hover { background-image: url(../images/bg_menu_hove.png); color: #FFF; } Men...

JQuery - div fading trouble

Hello, I have div, which has id 'content'. It's visible. <div id="wrapper" style="display:block"> <div id="content"> Some text </div> </div> Now I want to fade it out: $('#wrapper').fadeIn( 1500 ); $('#content').click(function(){ $(this).fadeOut( 1500 ); }); And nothing happens. But when I wrote: $('#content').fadeIn( ...

jQuery using append with effects

How can I use .append() with effects like show('slow') Having effects on append doesn't seem to work at all, and it give the same result as normal show(). No transitions, no animations. How can I append one div to another, and have a slideDown or show('slow') effect on it? ...

Ajax with slide effects onready witout using a toolkit

I'm really not that good at Javascript and that, so I need another bit of help. I want to be able to do a quick bit of AJAX using PHP then when the ajax response is finished show the response in a div and SLIDE it down nicely. The basic AJAX side of it is no problem. But I want to be able to have it slide nicely without using any framew...

WPF exposing a hidden item like a torch would do

Hi All, I have a need to have hidden items in my WPF app and when the users moves their mouse, a torch light style of control is shown (which is just a basic path shared like a cone on its side at the moment). What I would like is to add an effect to the hidden controls (which are buttons) when the torch light is over them to give the...

How to implement a SeriesInterpolate effect for a new Flash charting library?

I'm working with a hot new open-source Flash data visualization library (http://www.axiis.org) It doesn't (yet) have a series interpolation effect, like the Adobe Flash Charting library does. Can anyone point me at anything that would help me understand how to do it? I gather it involves applying a tween effect between the old-data sp...

Making fire effect on iPhone

I'll describe ways that I already know, and can do, and want to hear another suggestions, or may be even solutions :) Create N frames of fire with semi-transparent pictures (PNGs) Like at this site Create pixel-based fire - line by line with shifting up. (not the best way I think) Like here Any other solutions? ...