
Can I set global fx properties in MooTools?

Is there a way to set some default properties for MooTools effects like duration or transition? That would make it easier to make all those effects like element.tween(); or element.reveal() uniform. ...

WPF and 3D to create a bowl effect

Hi Everyone, How would one go about either using the 3D components of WPF or using a pseudo 3D effect to create a "Bowl" effect, where the user is looking down on a bowl and can drag around rectangles and have the rectangles perspective change so that it looks like they move up, down and around the bowl? I'm not after any gravity effect...

What kind of web effects are out there?

Like rounded corner,any more? ...

WPF WriteableBitmap and effects

Im trying to look into using the WPF WriteableBitmap class to allow my application to apply an opacity mask to an image. Basically I have a blue rectangle as an image, and another 100% transparent green rectangle image over the top of the blue one. When the user moves their mouse over the green (transparent) image, I want to apply the ...

How do you fadeIn and animate at the same time?

Using jQuery I'm creating a basic 'tooltip' animation so that the tooltip will appear in a little animation in which it fades into view as well as move vertically. So far I have this: $('.tooltip').fadeIn('slow'); $('.tooltip').animate({ top: "-10px" }, 'slow'); Doing it that way or this way: $('.tooltip').fadeIn('slow').animate({ t...

jQuery - Scale anchor on mouseover

Can anyone tell me why this one isn't working? $(".stage a").live("mouseover", function(){ $(this).effect("scale", { percent: 200 }, 200); }); Animate height & width work - I'm just trying to simplify the function. I'm trying to get the hoverpulse plugin effect without adding it. Also can anyone confirm that "hover" doesn'...

Ajax response that slides open a div

Okay, this is following on from my previous question reguarding performing a simple ajax request that, once the request has returned a readyState of 4 and a status of 200 it inserts the response into a div and slides it down nicely. I don't want it to be performed using a toolkit such as jQuery or scriptalicious. here is the original qu...

How to use flex tilelist data effects combined with a ListCollectionView dataprovider

I am using a TileList control with an effect sequence linked to the itemsChangeEffect property. <mx:TileList itemsChangeEffect="{dataChangeEffectSequence}" ...> </mx:TileList > <mx:Sequence id="dataChangeEffectSequence"> <mx:Blur blurYTo="12" blurXTo="12" duration="250" perElementOffset="150" filt...

Flex Glow effect customization

Hi, all. I use Flex's Glow effects in my custom VBox-based component for highlighting it on roll over. It looks great. But I would like it to have rectangular shape with gradient to alpha 0. How can I accomplish that? Should I add some properties to Glow effect or mix it somehow with other effects or use another effect? Code is below: ...

Fx on Javascript: How to fade stuff, etc without frameworks?

Hi, I would like to learn how to do fade, and similar effects on Javascript. I often get answers, like why not use Jquery, mootools, etc ? Well, I want to learn how stuff works, then I wont mind using any of these frameworks. I'm currently learning about making changes on the DOM, so, I've read a lot of stuff on this theme. Also, I've ...

WPF ShaderEffect with PS 3.0 shaders

Where could I find examples of PS 3.0 shaders used as ShaderEffects for WPF 4? I'm looking for tutorials, presentations, any resource on this matter. ...

How do I use the "highlight" jquery effect without temporarily hiding the background-image?

Hello All, I am trying to use the jquery ui "highlight" effect on an input html element with a background image set in the CSS (A search bar with a magnifying glass). During the "highlight" animation, however, the background image temporarily goes away and then appears once the highlight animation is over. I would like the image to re...

Is it possible to use a pixel shader inside a sprite?

Dear all, Is it possible to use a pixel shader inside a sprite? I have create a simple pixel shader, that just writes red color, for testing. I have surrounded my Sprite.DrawImage(tex,...) call by the effect.Begin(...), BeginPass(0), and EndPass(), End(), but my shader seems not to be used : My texture is drawn just normally. ...

jQuery UI Slide Effect Problems

I'm redesigning my company website and we're going pretty effects-heavy with jQuery, Flash, etc. So far I haven't had much of a problem doing any of this, but two minor issues keep cropping up and I've had nothing but success after asking people here, so here goes: Development page in question: (URL removed) First Issue Click on the...

jQuery tabs: Transition happens after mouseover

Hi, I am using this code: $(document).ready(function() { $("#tabs").tabs({ event: 'mouseover', fx: { opacity: 'toggle', duration: 'slow' } }) }); which works fine if I have either the FX or the mouseover, but if I combine the two, the tab content shows, and THEN fades in. Any i...

How to bind Flex Effects to the effects target properties?

Hi, I'm trying to reuse effects. To achieve this, i was hoping that i could bind some of the effect's properties to the effect's target. Here's what i wanted to do: <mx:transitions> <mx:Transition toState="Ready"> <mx:Parallel targets="{[b1, b2, b3]}" perElementOffset="200" duration="500"> <mx:Move xFrom="{target.x-1...

neon-glow effect in IE8

The following css creates a nice neon-glow effect around text { text-shadow: 0em 0em 0.3em white; /* assuming a dark background */ } However it doesn't work in IE7/8 For a reference, compare this page in Firefox and IE Is there a way to get a similar effect in it? ...

How to apply multiple effect on same element

How can i set mulitple effect like(shadow and blur) on same element. ...

Using Jquery for mouseover effect and queue

I've been looking around for the last couple hours on how to do this - can't find it anywhere. I have several buttons (divs). It consists of a div within a div. The parent div has the normal button background image, the child has a lighter glowy background image. On Mouseover, I want the child div to go to an opacity of 1.0, then fade o...

jquery image effect not working

Here is my code. The initial fadeTo works, nothing else works. <script type="text/javascript" /> $(document).ready(function() { $('#ButtonBGanim').fadeTo('fast',0.5); $('#ButtonBGanim').mouseenter(function() { $(this).fadeto('fast',1.0) }).mouseleave(function(){ $this.fadeto('fast', 0.1); }); }); </scr...