
does webapp has 'elseif' or 'elif' in template tags..

my code is : Hello!~~~ {% if user %} <p>Logged in as {{ user.first_name }} {{ user.last_name }}.</p> {% elif openid_user%} <p>Hello, {{openid_user.nickname}}! Do you want to <a href="{{openid_logout_url}}">Log out?</p> {% else %} <p><a href="/login?redirect={{ current_url }}">google Log in</a>.</p> <p><a href="/twitter">...

PHP unexpected elseif

I'm filtering some content on my website via country specific code, I'm trying to add else statements so it doesn't have to run each piece as individual code except whatever I try gives an error: <?php if (function_exists('isCountryInFilter')) { ?> <?php if(isCountryInFilter(array("us", "ca"))) { ?> <a rel="nofollow" class='preloading g...

Multiple IF's and ELSE IF's in javascript

Hey guys, So what's getting pushed to this array is dependant on a few radio boxes. I've got this for standard and wheelchair seats: if(document.getElementById('standardseat').checked) { //Standard seat is checked seatsArray.push(e.posX, e.posY); } else if(document.getElementById('wheelchairseat').checked) { //Wheelchair seat is ch...

What's the difference between if and elseif?

This should be a simple question. I have a simple if/else statement: <?php // TOP PICTURE DEFINITIONS if ( is_page('english') ) { $toppic = 'page1.png'; } if ( is_page('aboutus') ) { $toppic = 'page1.png'; } if ( is_page('newspaper') ) { $toppic = 'page1.png'; } else { ...

wordpress login - php if statements with fbml conditions?

I'm trying to integrate Facebook Connect with my Wordpress installation. I DO NOT want to use a plugin for this as all the ones I've tried do not give me the scope I need. I've set everything up giving the user the option to log in (with previously created wordpress details), register (with wordpress) or login with Facebook using <fb:l...

PHP elseif vs. else if

Possible Duplicate: Are elseif and else if completely synonymous? Hello! Is there a best practice recommandation for using either of the two in PHP or are they equal in every way and choice should only be made based on personal preference? Thank you. ...

"if' VS "else if"

I'd been told, that using "if" statements is preferred , because of harder debugging of the code, when "else if" is used? Is there a grain of truth in this statement? ...