On windows, how could I open a dired buffer showing all drive letters. When you do C-x d you should always provide a directory, but I want to start at the drive letters level instead of a root directory of a particular drive.
If no standard solution exists, do you have one (an extension to dired ?) ? or links to articles on the subject ...
And can I / how do I submit updates of packages that I use to the ELPA? Can someone provide an example of how to prepare paredit-22, for example, to put onto the ELPA?
I used to have emacs set up the way I liked it until I lost my emacs configuration file.
How do I customize emacs so that it supports CTRL+x,c,v keys as in windows (cut, copy paste)
and also when you paste, the highlighted region is replaced?
I'd also like the delete key to behave so that if a region is highlighted it will delete the r...
I came up with a elisp function, and tried to match a key to the file.
(defun loadtopics ()
"Load the topics.org file"
(load "../topics.org"))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-a") 'loadtopics)
The problem is it's hard to find an unallocated key combination.
Is there any easy way to find key combinations that are not...
I've been using vi quite a while, and with a Mac, I sometimes use TextMate, and finally, I found the greatness of emacs. And, it's very likely that I settle in emacs.
The problem is, I sometimes need the other (vi/TextMate) editor for doing something. It's not that emacs doesn't have the feature, it's just that I need the feature right ...
I need to get the full path of the file that I'm editing with emacs.
Is there a function for that?
If not, what would be the elisp function for getting that?
How can I copy the result (path name) to a clipboard so that I can reuse it?
I'm using Mac OS X and Aqumacs.
(setq filepath (get-fullpath-current-file)) ???
Example code:
f x
| "s" == x = 1
| otherwise = 0
I can see the regexp as "match the equals sign when surrounded by whitespace characters". However, \s-+=\s-+ doesn't work (\s-+ is the pattern for 1+ whitespace) because it ends up inserting an extra space before the equals sign. I need a pattern that says "match empty string when t...
Hi, I recently installed Visual Studio 2010 for my c++ course at school. Im very used using emacs scheme in netbeans and eclipse, its hard wired into my brain, the hotkeys.
At my frustration, after installing the emacs scheme (the extension) for visual studio 2010, and also enable the keymap via tools -> options -> keyboard, the auto i...
What do I put in my .emacs file to change the cursor type for all frames to box?
I have the following code to have auto-fill mode as minor mode when I run emacs/org-mode.
(defun my-org-mode-hook()
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'my-org-mode-hook)
But, when I open the org file, I see only (Org Fly Spc): flyspell mode is on, but not the auto-fill mode is not on.
There's a couple of emacs features, such as flyspell-mode,
highlight-beyond-fill-column, or auto-fill-mode, I find so useful that I
want them enabled almost all the time. However, there's always certain
conditions in which they don't make much sense.
highlight-beyond-fill-column, for example, I tend to want for pretty much
everything I ...
I know that I can list all the keybidings avaliable in emacs by using C-h b, but is it possible to list only the keybindings that apply to a certain mode, say dired-mode.
In dired+, I can do
and it shows me all the applicable dired mode keybindings.
I use M-q for fill-paragraph, can I do the un-fill-paragraph in auto-fill-mode?
With org mode, I sometimes enter [[Very long HTML][Name with spaces]], and for the 'Name with spaces' the auto-fill mode break the whole line based on the inserted space, which makes it very ugly.
Is there a command something like un-fill-paragraph? Or, i...
I would like to search files (either all of them or matching a pattern) in a directory and it's subdirectories for a certain string. What I usually do in emacs is find-name-dired to list the files and search them, but that also searches all the .svn directories which is wasteful and makes it really slow for large projects. Is there a way...
In the HTML file, I need to show some XML code. The problem is that I can't use
to show '<' and '>'.
What would be the solution for this problem?
From the answer, replacing '<' and '>' to < and> can be a solution. I'm an Emacs user, are there Emacs tools/magic to do that automatically? I mean, I can us...
As is asked in here. I could run vi or mate within emacs.
The problem is that after running (async-shell-command "vi"), I always have the *Async Shell Command" popped up as a window.
Can I prevent popping up this windows? Or, can I modify the emacs code to remove the window as soon as it pops up?
(defun runvi ()
For now I've stuck with multi-occur-in-matching-buffers and rgrep, which, while powerful, is still pretty basic I guess.
Eventhough I realize anything more involved than matching a regexp and renaming will need to integrate with CEDET's semantic bovinator, I feel like there is still room for improvement here.
Built-in functions, packag...
For a new user of Emacs, are the any good tutorials + references for learning and getting familiar with Emacs's search, replace and regex features?
Hi, I obtained a git clone of vimpulse and followed the instructions for installation. It basically says to put (require 'vimpulse) in my .emacs file - but this will start viper/vimpulse upon startup, so I tried to have vimpulse load only if I invoke viper-mode with (add-hook 'viper-mode-hook (lambda () (require 'vimpuse)). But when I do...
Is there some way to get transliteration to work in Emacs, sort of like it does in Gmail now? I am particularly interested in getting it to work in Cyrillic.
For reference, Gmail does something like the following:
I can type svoboda and it will output свобода. This allows somebody like me who speaks Russian but cannot type to easily inp...