
Emacs folding mode error

I want to be able to use the emacs folding mode provided by folding.el from http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/FoldingMode I put the following in my .emacs file: (setq load-path (cons (concat (getenv "HOME") "/.emacs.d") load-path)) (load "folding") (folding-mode-add-find-file-hook) (folding-add-to-marks-list 'latex-mode "%{" "%}" nil ...

Adding a previously defined macro to the macro ring in Emacs

I've been using kmacro commands such as kmacro-name-last-macro to save keyboard macros. The problem is that after I have saved a macro and even added it to my .emacs file, I come across an error and want to edit the macro using kmacro-step-edit-macro. If my named macro is no longer in the macro ring (the default kmacro-ring-max is 8) I c...

emacs 23 on OS X: how to open web links from emacs?

I'm trying the 23.2 release Cocoa Emacs build (OS X 10.6). There's a number of things that are more annoying about Cocoa Emacs than the terrific Carbon Emacs (based on an Emacs 22 build, I believe), so I hoped folks might have some solutions/thoughts (unfortunately posting on neither the carbon-emacs list nor emacs-dev has produced a use...

ESS-Emacs23 question: How to automate a few basic steps after loading an R script

Hello Emacs Gurus, I use ESS-Emacs to edit my R scripts. Whenever I load a R script it is always followed by: C-x 3 (I prefer this split) M-x R (Opens R) Is there a way to automate steps 1. and 2. every time I type on the terminal: emacs misc_r_file.r Just to make myself clear - I don't want either 1 or 2 if I have already opened ...

How to make emacs Semantic use the TAG file generated by GTAGS

My emacs version is 23.2.1 Although I used the following to change the backend to use GTAGS. (require 'semantic/db-global) (semanticdb-enable-gnu-global-databases 'c-mode) (semanticdb-enable-gnu-global-databases 'c++-mode) I tried to generate a GTAGS file to be used as a backend of semantic. However, everytime when I open a C file, Seman...

emacs 23 on OS X: mailto links & calling compose-mail?

I'm trying the 23.2 release Cocoa Emacs build (OS X 10.6). There's a number of things that are more annoying about Cocoa Emacs than the terrific Carbon Emacs (based on an Emacs 22 build, I believe), so I hoped folks might have some solutions/thoughts (unfortunately posting on neither the carbon-emacs list nor emacs-dev has produced a use...

Do you use Emacs tabbar?

The emacs tabbar.el package adds (buffer)tabs to each window and comes standard with aquamacs and can be added to emacs23 with the emacs-goodies-el package. Are any of you hardcore emacs users actually using tabbar? I'm sort of used to having tabs, but I would like to know if working without them could be more productive, and if there a...

Tips, Tricks, Shortcuts for using EnigmaCurry's Emacs configuration

I just stated using emacs and wanted to find a good configuration for python programming. I choose the EnigmaCurry emacs configuration which is very extensive. There are a lot of ".el" files. The problem with this configuration is the lack of documentation on how to use the various tools. Without knowledge of emacs-lisp I feel a little ...

Simplest Emacs syntax highlighting tutorial?

I would like to create only a syntax highlighting minor mode for Emacs. I have the "Writing GNU Emacs Extensions" by O'Reilly, but it does not go into any depth of detail. Is there a simple tutorial for a real or fake programming language highlighting mode? Thank you ...