
embedded web/application server

I need to write an user menu for an embedded device (mips linux). The menu has to be accessible from network (web page - AJAX?) and it has to be able to read/write hardware settings. What would be the easiest way to implement such an app/server? Where do I start? PS: c/c++ preferred. PS 2: I have limited resources ...

FreeRTOS queues for IO before scheduler starts (or after it stops)

I'm looking for advice on how to best implement thread-safe IO (e.g. for printf going to a debug serial port) in an environment in which the operating system scheduler may yet to have started, be running, suspended or may have stopped or crashed. I'm using Newlib and FreeRTOS. At the moment, I'm doing the (seemingly-standard) FreeRTOS ...

Which is faster for large "for" loop: function call or inline coding?

Hi, I have programmed an embedded software (using C of course) and now I'm considering ways to improve the running time of the system. The most important single module in my system is one very large nested for loop module. That module consists of two nested for loops that loops max 122500 times. That's not very much yet, but the proble...

tools and books and pic boards to learn embedded programming

Can anyone suggest any good material to start embedded system programming? a good PIC board to start with a good book Tools like compilers, OS, etc. ...

I am at the point I need to purchase IAR, Code Composer 4, or something else for MSP430 development

I have been using IAR so far, but it crashes sometimes and doesn't have code completion. Also, the other dev environments I use are eclipse based. Which one should I buy? ...

GreenHills - small data area overflow

I'm hoping maybe someone has a quick answer for this but essentially when I turn on optimizations, I get the following error: [elxr] (error) small data area overflow: 0xfff9f6fc (signed) didn't fit in 16 bits while performing relocation in file test_main.o at location sti_13_test_main_cpp_252229d3+0xc, to reference sym...

single common address space for all tasks

Hi, How to give single common address space for all tasks. IF its happening like this can we avoid virtual to physical memory mapping. I f all task sharing common address space then how can we avoid virtual to physical memory mapping. ...

info about intel Cos embedded i86 os

I've got some old Intel printer (Etherexpress XL ) print servers and they seem to be running an Intel OS called Cos aka Intel Client Os i86 I've found out that much just looking in the update files from Intel. It was at least partly written in C. How do I make a custom software image Intel Cos's boot loader will understand ? I know ...

Design patterns commonly used for RTOS (VXworks)

Hi, Can anyone help me on design patterns commonly used for RTOS? In VXworks, which pattern is more preferable? ...

advantages of atmega32

what are the advantages of using atmega32 than other microcontrollers ? is it better than pic and arm,8051 ? ...

Batch build using IAR tools

I am trying to do a batch build of a project using IAR tools. The processor is a CC2530, and it builds fine in the IDE. I have followed the documentation for batch build (Project/Batch Build) and created a .cspy file that is suppose to be my batch file, but in the comments in that file it indicates that I need a debug file (.ubrof) to ex...

C embedded automatic unit test generation

Hello all, Is there any SW to generate unit tests in C and embedded applications? The reason I am asking is that my boss told me he heard from someone that "You need a tool to analyze the code and create 80% of all relevant testcases automatically, the remaining 20% you use all your time and focus on", else it would take "too much time"...

Designing an API with compile-time option to remove first parameter to most functions and use a global.

I'm trying to design a portable API in ANSI C89/ISO C90 to access a wireless networking device on a serial interface. The library will have multiple network layers, and various versions need to run on embedded devices as small as an 8-bit micro with 32K of code and 2K of data, on up to embedded devices with a megabyte or more of code an...

How do I know which illegal address the program access when a segmentation fault happens

Plus, The program runs on a arm device running Linux, I can print out stack info and register values in the sig-seg handler I assign. The problem is I can't add -g option to the source file, since the bug may won't reproduce due to performance downgrade. ...

ARM Assembly - Branch Instruction

I'm looking at some assembly for the start up of some firmware that runs on an ARM processor. The following exception vector table is defined: LDR pc, =resetHandler LDR pc, Undefined_Addr LDR pc, SWI_Addr LDR pc, Prefetch_Addr LDR pc, Abort_Addr B . LDR pc, =irqHandler LDR ...

Synchronizing indices of function pointer table to table contents

In the embedded system I'm working on, we are using a table of function pointers to support proprietary Dynamic Libraries. We have a header file that uses named constants (#define) for the function pointer indices. These values are used in calculating the location in the table of the function's address. Example: *(export_table.c)...

Trouble installing Windows Embedded Standard 2009

Getting the following error when attempting to install: Error attempting to create the destination file: C:\Windows Embedded Data\Repositories\{25C88912-9870-4686-97CE-8244C A1B0DAB}.CAB. System error code: 5 Code 5 looks to be an "Access denied" issue. Not sure if this is a generic Windows error, or specific to this install. Any ins...

Need some ignition for learning Embedded Systems

I'm very much interested in building applications for Embedded Devices. I'm in my 3rd year Electrical Engineering and I'm passionate about coding, algorithms, Linux OS, etc. And also by Googling I found out that Linux OS is one of the best OSes for Embedded devices(may be/may not be). I want to work for companies which work on mobile app...

Call/Ret in x86 assembly embedded in C++

This is probably trivial, but for some reason I can't it to work. Its supposed to be a simple function that changes the last byte of a dword to 'AA' (10101010), but nothing happens when I call the function. It just returns my original dword. __declspec(naked) long function(unsigned long inputDWord, unsigned long *outputDWord) {...

Boot from flash-rom with qemu-system-arm

Is it possible to emulate boot from flash memory using qemu-system-arm? (Using Integrator/CP motherboard) I'm able to boot using qemu's -kernel option, but if I try using an option such as -pflash, qemu generates an error telling me that I must use the -kernel option. Is there any way around this? ...