
ASP.NET cant access datatable created in Page load from inline coding

In my Page_Load event of codebehind file, I am loading data in to a datatable.In my .aspx page I am having some inline coding,I want to display some data from this datatable.But when i am running the program,It is showing an error like "Error 64 Use of unassigned local variable 'dtblChild' " dtblChild is my DataTable Object Is Page_Loa...

Inline Code on Webform Property

Why doesn't this display the date/time when rendered? <asp:Label runat="server" ID="test" Text="<%= DateTime.Now.ToString() %>" ></asp:Label> Is there anyway to make this work? ...

Is there a way to nest (or escape) ASP.NET inline code inside HTML angle brackets?

is it possible to do something like the following in ASP.NET: <tr<%= index++ % 2 == 0 ? " class=\"alt-row\"" : ""; %>> in other words, is there a way to escape the angle brackets for the inline code block or something? (i know the alternative is: <% if (index++ % 2 == 0) { %> <tr class="alt-row"> <% } else { %> <tr> <% } %> ...

Problem with gcc gcse optimizer on PowerPC

Hi there. I noticed with -O2 level optimization using gcc 4.1 built on IBM AIX (for use with 5.3 and 6.1) that a bunch of lwz rxxx,offsetyyy(r2) sequences are added to an inline sequence, before bctrl (calling a method or function) is done. After the register is loaded, it is never used again after the return from the method or function...

Using python scipy.weave inline with ctype variables?

I am trying to pass a ctype variable to inline c code using scipy.weave.inline. One would think this would be simple. Documentation is good when doing it with normal python object types, however, they have a lot more features than I need, and It makes more sense to me to use ctypes when working with C. I am unsure, however, where my erro...

Use temp variable or inline in this example?

I'm loading an ASP.NET dropdown list. Is there any advantage to doing this:: Private Sub LoadSeasonsListbox(ByVal seasons As List(Of Season)) Dim li As ListItem For Each s As Season In seasons li = New ListItem(s.SeasonDescription, s.SeasonCodeID) frm.SeasonsList.Items.Add(li) Next End Sub o...

Inline code, list of events I can override.

Hi, In my inline .aspx page, I want to override the pre-init event. How can I do this? is it: void pre_init(object sender) ? Update This is a user control ...

Is there any way to declaratively pass code-behind property values to server controls?

Can anyone explain why you can’t use inline code blocks within server control declarations in ASP.Net? The following is a simple example... .... <form id="form1" runat="server"> <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="<%= SomeProperty %>"></asp:Label> </form> .... The code block is rendered literally to the page... <span id=...

Inline Data-Binding tags not executing

My problem is I used to be able to do this, < div runat="server" visible='<%#CallAFunctionThatReturnsBoolean() %>' > and CallAFunctionThatReturnsBoolean() will be called in Page_Load when the control's DataBind function gets called implicitly and the div's visibility will be set correctly. Now for some reason this doesn't happen anym... inline code <%# MyboolVal %>

Hi all, I must be missing something stupid here but I can not see it. My work uses inline code on their sites, for example: <panel runat="server" id="myid" visible='<%# MyboolVal %>'> some stuff </panel> That seems to work great for them, the panel will display when their condition is meet. I am trying to use a similar approa...

Why are my classes not available from ASP.NET inline code?

Hi, I have an ASP.NET (C#) application, written with VS 2008, that uses CodeBehind files and master pages. There are also other classes and extension methods all in the same namespace. Now on some pages my classes and methods are undefined from inline code, like <%=MyClass.MyMethod().ExtensionMethod()%>. I can write <%=MyNamespace.MyCla...

Is there a better, less cumbersome way to extract text inline than <%= %>?

Let's say I am working in a .aspx page (or View, for the MVC folk) and I have a block of inline code: <p>Some HTML and content</p> <% foreach (var x in foo) { %> <%= x.myProperty %> <% } %> <p>Moar HTMLz</p> Is there a more efficient, less cumbersome way to extract text into the markup than this model? It seems like there are a l...

Can I use Extension Methods inline in an ASPX page?

Is it possible to do something like this inline in an ASPX page? <%= Me.SomeExtensionMethod() %> I can't seem to figure out how to get this to work properly. I'm receiving an error saying that "SomeExtensionMethod" is not a member of the current Page object. I've added the necessary <%@ Import Namespace="..." %> directive at the top o... inline override

If I'm writing in-line code on a .aspx page is it possible to override the onLoad of the class that the .aspx is directly inheriting from? Right now if I do the override the base.onLoad inline on the .aspx page it is overriding the "Page" object's onLoad event not the class the .aspx is inheriting from. Thanks for your help. ...

Tool to convert inline C# into a code behind file

Hi I have a number of legacy web controls (ascx) that contains huge amounts of inline C#. The forms contain a number of repeated and duplicate code. Our first plan is to move the code into code behinds per file, then refactor etc... were doing this to upgrade the client to the latest version of their cms At the moment we are going ...

How to access referenced table from ASPX in-line code (datagridview control)

Hi, i am trying to bind data to a datagridview control on an ASPX webpage and am using something like this.. <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="MyField"> <ItemTemplate> <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "MyField") %> </ItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateField> the problem i am having is that the data for the 'MyField' field...

Which is faster for large "for" loop: function call or inline coding?

Hi, I have programmed an embedded software (using C of course) and now I'm considering ways to improve the running time of the system. The most important single module in my system is one very large nested for loop module. That module consists of two nested for loops that loops max 122500 times. That's not very much yet, but the proble...

QueryString problem in .aspx - prints out nothing

I need to print out the querystring value "?type=xxx" inside my .aspx-page, why doesn't this work: <%= Request.QueryString("type") %> While this does: <%= Request.QueryString(0) %> The first prints out nothing, the second one prints out the value as expected, but it isn't always the first value I want... Any ideas? I redirect to...

Multiply defined linker error using inlined functions

The linker is reporting multiply defined errors for an inline function. I have the following code in a header file: struct Port_Pin { volatile uint32_t * port_addr_set_value; //!< Writing the pin value here sets the pin to high. volatile uint32_t * port_addr_clr_value; //!< Writing the pin value to this port clear...

Inline Coding, To access Class through javascript in .aspx page

I want to create a class object inside javascript that is on my aspx page. so i added a namepasce which has the following class but it is not allowing me to assign value to the property of the oject of class is there any other way to achieve this <% DataPricingRequest ClientPricingRequestObject = new DataPricingRequest(); ClientPri...