
How to retrieve the status of Foreign Key constraint?

I have the SQL query for getting all the constraint names, but not sure how to get its status like whether it is enabled/disabled? SELECT OBJECT_NAME(OBJECT_ID) AS NameofConstraint, SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS SchemaName, OBJECT_NAME(parent_object_id) AS TableName, type_desc AS ConstraintType,* FROM sys.objects Any help? ...

JButton updating its own isEnabled value

I'm trying to create a sub-class of the JButton component that will enable or disable itself based on a condition (which looks like below) public interface Condition { public static final Condition TRUE = new Condition() { public boolean test() { ...

Enable/Disable button using webViewDidFinishLoad

I'm working on an iOS app, and I need to prevent a UIButton from being usable until the page has finished loading (it uses resources that might not be on the page until it has loaded completely.) Right now, I've disabled the button in Interface Builder and am trying to use setEnabled in the webViewDidFinishLoad function. Here's what it ...

HOWTO: disable touchpad with key sequence

Hello, I'm using Ubuntu 10.10, and would like to know how to enable/disable "tapping" mouse clicks. When I have my mouse plugged in, this feature is pain in the *ss, but when mouse isn't here, I really need it since my left mouse button on touchpad is broken. To make it quick: Q: How to set key sequence to toggle mouse left click by ta...