
encyption/decryption of one time password in python

how to encrypt one time password using the public key and again recover it by the private key of the user , i need to do it using python ...

RSA Encryption Failed with Error Code = -2146893819

I'm working on some code that dropped on me when another developer (and the only person who knew anything about this system) left. I'm trying to figure out why my client and server are not connecting. I'm getting the following error: "Genuine channels operation exception: The connection has been forcibly closed. Specified reason: RSA en...

MySQL MD5 and Java MD5 not equal

The next function in MySQL MD5( 'secret' ) generates 5ebe2294ecd0e0f08eab7690d2a6ee69 I would like to have a Java function to generate the same output. But public static String md5( String source ) { try { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance( "MD5" ); byte[] bytes = md.digest( source.getBytes("UTF-8") ); ...

Will it ever be possible to run all web traffic via HTTPS?

I was considering what would it take (technologically) to move all the web traffic to HTTPS. I thought that computers are getting faster, and faster, so some time from now it will be possible to run all traffic via HTTPS without any noticeable cost. But then again, I thought, encryption strength will have to evolve to counter the loss o...

Encrypted and signed MIME messages using RFC 1847

I need a client-server encryption solution for web transfer, (i.e. signed and encrypted client-side, and verified and decrypted server-side). I am using HTTP, but SSL is not available due to shared hosting restrictions (my server is a shared host environment). Looking into alternative solutions, I have decided on OpenPGP using GnuPG. On...

MCRYPT in .Net

I have a PHP decryption algorithm at one end, and a .Net encryption algorithm at another. I am using mcrypt_decrypt for decrypt purpose in PHP code, and looking for an equivalent of mcrypt_encrypt in .Net. More specifically, the PHP code that I want to convert to .Net is the following: $cipher_alg = MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128; $iv = mcrypt_cre...

Which Cipher Suites to enable for SSL Socket?

I'm using Java's SSLSocket to secure communications between a client and a server program. The server program also serves up HTTPS requests from web browsers. According to "Beginning Cryptography with Java", page 371, you should always call setEnabledCipherSuites on your SSLSocket / SSLServerSocket to ensure that the cipher suite that e...

How can I decrypt a file encrypted in Perl using Crypt::CBC (Blowfish) in C?

I have a small encryption tool in Perl which uses the Crypt::CBC and Blowfish to encrypt files. I want to write the decryption algorithm in C or C++ ... Please somebody help me in doing this. ...

Storing Password Reset Questions in LDAP

I want to store answers to password reset questions in LDAP. I know that the answers should be hashed with a salt. I would like insight into the following: What attributeClass should we use? Is it possible to get the LDAP server to perform the hashing operations? Is there a way to use the LDAP compare operation if the container doesn't...

Encrypt a string using a public key

I need to take a string in Python and encrypt it using a public key. Can anyone give me an example or recommendation about how to go about doing this? ...

obfuscate or encrypt some plain text data in PHP

I need to obfuscate or encrypt some plain text data in my php 5.2 application. I'd prefer a solution that would have input string and output string retain the same length. This does not need to extremely strong, as there are numerous other layers of security in place. Strong would be good, but this will just keep programmers/dba/suppo...

What is the most secure python "password" encryption

Hi, I am making a little webgame that has tasks and solutions, the solutions are solved by entering a code given to user after completion of a task. To have some security (against cheating) i dont want to store the codes genereted by the game in plain text. But since i need to be able to give a player the code when he has accomplished t...

Python and PGP/encryption

i want to make a function using python to encrypt password by the public key. at the user end i need to install PGP software which will generate the key pair .i want to use public key only for encryption and private key for decryption. The problem is coming with the encryption function(how to use key for encryption) and also in pgp insta...

What is the strongest encryption available in .Net 3.5

I am storing files in S3 and want to encrypt the data to the maximum. I am using ThreeSharp S3 library and it uses DESCryptoServiceProvider to encrypt the data. How strong is DESCryptoServiceProvider compared to other encryption available in .Net? I have also seen services like Mozy.com that use 448-bit Blowfish encryption. I have do...

What is the best way to encrypt a text file in C/C++?

A C/C++ based cgi web application will be creating a temporary text file on the server as long as the user is logged in. The text file will be deleted when the user logs off. I want to encrypt this text file and also the content of the file. The file will contain information like username and password. What is the best way to do this? ...

java.io.IOException: Invalid Keystore format

Hello, Does anyone know how to solve this? I tryed many things non of them work :( And when i click more details i get this: at sun.security.provider.JavaKeyStore.engineLoad(Unknown Source) atsun.security.provider.JavaKeyStore$JKS.engineLoad(Unknown Source) at java.security.KeyStore.load(Unknown Source) at com.sun.deploy.security.Root...

What encryption algorithm is best for encrypting session file on the server?

Possible Duplicate: What is the best way to encrypt a text file in C/C++? It may sound weird but there is a C++ web application (CGI). Every new request creates a new process. So in order to maintain session a text file will be created on the server which will contain info like sessionid, username, password, timestamp etc. This ...

Encrypt/Decrypt password usage in a custom MembershipProvider?

Hi folks! I implemented a custom membership provider. I've also implemented my custom AES Encryption/Decryption overriding the abstract EncryptPassword/DecryptPassword of the MembershipProvider. however, when I trigger ValidateUser, the password is not automatically converted, am I missing something? Is it supposed to be called automa...

AES output, is it smaller than input?

Hi, I want to encrypt a string and embed it in a URL, so I want to make sure the encrypted output isn't bigger than the input. Is AES the way to go? ...

How many characters to create a byte array for my AES method?

Hi, I am using the AES methods here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.security.cryptography.rijndaelmanaged.aspx I want to have a string value that I will convert to byte array and pass it to the AES encrypt method. How many characters should the string be to produce the correct byte array size that the method expects? ...