
PHP Encryption & VB.net Decryption

I'm trying to do a simple task. Encypt a value in PHP and Decrypt it in my VB.net app. I figure I'd use tripleDES or Rijdael 128 or 256 I though this should be simple. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you ...

Java Encrypt And Save Vector to File

I have a vector of user passwords. I would like to save this vector to a file and encrypt it. Then load and decrypt the file to get the passwords. I would like my users to enter a pass phrase to decrypt the files. Which algorithm should i choose? and How can i encrypt the vector before writing the file? ...

Why does changing one bit in a Triple DES key or initial value not give different encrypted data?

I'm using pyDes to encrypt some data. I wanted to demonstrate that if you change even one bit in the key or initial value, the encrypted data would be totally different. I set up the 16-byte key to change the last character by +/- 1, causing at least one bit to be different. However, even when I do that, the 3 different instances of e...


I am using password based encryption. My initial thought was to use AES to encrypt the file which contains passwords. Turns out password based encryption does not support AES. It uses DES. AFAIK des is not secure. Is PBEWithMD5AndDES secure enough to thrust my data or should i look for another implementation? ...

Bignum libraries for windows?

Are there any bignum libraries that are good for Windows use? I looked at GMP, but unfortunately it does not look like it can be compiled on Windows...I'm going to be doing some custom RSA and hashing routines, and I need something that can handle extremely large integers. Thanks. ...

Encrypt an assembly [c#]

Can I encrypt an assembly (using AES/DES) and deploy? I simply don't want people to use Reflector to view the code of my assembly. ...

Best way to use PHP to encrypt and decrypt?

I plan to store foreign account information for my users on my website, aka rapidshare username and passwords, etc... I want to keep information secure, but i know that if i md5 their information, i can't retrieve it later to use. Base64 is decrypt-able so theres no point using that just plain off. My idea is to scramble the user and ...

Encrypting JSON in Google Gears Workerpool

Hello, I need to encrypt JSON (stringified) data in a Google Gears Workerpool. So far, any implementation I tried either makes the Gears Workerpool bug out, or gives me unwanted encrypted strings. For example: DES encryption (can't post URL due to account restrictions) This works brilliantly for most applications, except after encrypti...

SHA256CryptoServiceProvider and related possible to use on WinXP?

Is it possible to use SHA256CryptoServiceProvider and related SHA2 providers on Windows XP? I know the providers use the cryptography services that are included in Vista and above is it possible to install these services in XP from Microsoft? EDIT: I should've provided more information the documentation on the MSDN is wrong in regards t...

Should IP addresses and ports be considered confidential?

I'm dealing with a client who is "concerned about security" and they're demanding all files containing ports and IP addresses (config information essentially) must be encrypted. My view is that IP addresses and ports are essentially public. The file may give away the nature of the server but this sort of "partial secrecy" to me doesn't...

Cryptography: Decode CRAM-MD5 algorithm

I have an ASP.Net web application where I would like to implement cryptography for password security. I am not using SSL. For that i studied and pick CRAM-MD5 algorithm for password authentication. I have implement javascript cram-md5 algorthim available at http://pajhome.org.uk/crypt/md5/ Here i would like to know that is there anyone...

Encryption Algorithm for Web Applications

I have been using Symmetric (Rijndael) Key Algorithm (http://www.obviex.com/samples/Encryption.aspx) for a while to encrypt an ID. Then I URL encode the encrypted version of the ID and pass it in the query string. When I retrieve the ID from the query string, I URL decode it first and I decrypt it. A problem came up recently. If the enc...

writing 10mb to application settings?

is this a good idea or not really? instead of having to open a file through filestream, i would like to just save text in an encrypted format in application settings. is this OK if the text is under 10mb? what would be the best way of implementing this? ...

DPAPI encryption not working so well with my.settings

when my.settings.datastorage has nothing in it, this works fine. but after i go through this twice, it gives me an error total_string = "some string" My.Settings.datastorage = My.Settings.datastorage & DPAPI.Encrypt(total_string) My.Settings.Save() MsgBox(DPAPI.Decrypt(My.Settings.datastorage)) this is the error it gives: "Invalid ch...

Padding error when using RSA Encryption in C# and Decryption in Java

Currently I am receiving the following error when using Java to decrypt a Base64 encoded RSA encrypted string that was made in C#: javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Not PKCS#1 block type 2 or Zero padding The setup process between the exchange from .NET and Java is done by creating a private key in the .NET key store then from the ...

What are the standard encryption file formats?

I'm a bit confused on encryption file formats. Let's say I want to encrypt a file with AES-256. I run the file through the encryption algorithm and I now have a stream of encrypted bytes. I obviously can write that stream of bytes to a file, but any third-party encryption application is not going to understand it since it's not expect...

C# How to Generate Unique Public and Private Key via RSA

I am building a custom shopping cart where CC numbers and Exp date will be stored in a database until processing (then deleted). I need to encrypt this data (obviously). I want to use the RSACryptoServiceProvider class. Here is my code to create my keys. public static void AssignNewKey(){ const int PROVIDER_RSA_FULL = 1; const...

System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData method with DataProtectionScope.LocalMachine parameter. Is use of this parameter effected by a change in machine name?

We're using System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData method Protect with the DataProtectionScope.LocalMachine parameter to encrypt some data we keep in the database. My question is this: If we encrypt some data this way and then change the machine's name, will we still be able to decrypt the data encrypted on that machine? Is the ...

concrete example breaking xor encryption with five bits

i am new to xor encryption and the task i have uses five bits not ascii. how do i break it?am looking for a concrete example of breaking. ...

Inserting encrypted password using RSACryptoServiceProvider class into DB?

I have WCF service that being used by clients, and the following is my current implementation for user authentication, I want a recommendation to enhance it or better mechanism. I am using RSACryptoServiceProvider class (RSA implementation) to save encrypted user passwords into database The client should encrypt password every log-in u...