
C# Programmatically adding EFS Certificates to encrypted file(EFS)

After a file has been encrypted using EFS, its possible to share file access with other users by selectig their certificates from a list provided when you click on the 'Details' button next to the 'Encrypt' check box in the 'Advanced Attribute' dialog. I am looking for an API to allow me do this in C#. Any ideas? ...

Encrypting web.config on shared hosting

I want to encrypt the connection strings in a web.config file in a shared hosting environment. I have read most of the articles on MSDN on the subject (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/53tyfkaw.aspx) and concluded that I need to use RSAProtectedConfigurationProvider so that I can export the config file with key container to our s...

How to resolve deprecation warnings for OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher#encrypt

I've just upgraded my Mac to Snow Leopard and got my Rails environment up and running. The only difference -- OSX aside -- with my previous install is that I'm now running ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [universal-darwin10.0] (Snow Leopard default) rather than 1.8.6. I'm now seeing deprecation warnings relating to OpenSSL when I...

Compact framework calling webservice using encryption

Ok, here is my situation: 1) I've build a free c# compact framework application 2) I've got a webservice where i retrieve my data (trapfic related) 3) Anyone can download and use the application. But the webservice that is being called should not be available to others. I've been looking into security and encryption, but haven't fig...

Is it safe to use PBKDF2 with SHA256 to generate 128-bit AES keys?

I want to use PBKDF2 with some cryptographic hash function to generate 128-bit AES keys. SHA1 is also 128-bit, so I thought of using that with PBKDF2, but it was broken, so I have opted to use SHA256 instead. Is this safe, or will the difference between the hash size and resulting key size cause some sort of disastrous silent truncation ...

Encrypted Django Model Fields

A client wants to ensure that I cannot read sensitive data from their site, which will still be administered by me. In practice, this means that I'll have database access, but it can't be possible for me to read the contents of certain Model Fields. Is there any way to make the data inaccessible to me, but still decrypted by the server t...

c# code for encryption

I want to encrypt the serail numbers of hard disk,mother board etc.can u please suggest some good mathematical equations for encryption? ...

Java simple encryption

I would like to encrypt a textual (configuration) file stored on disk. Trying to use DES encryption I've had fatal error on client machines, I later found out the algorithm could not handle accented characters (!) I suspect that was because I was using old packages (sun.misc.BASE64Decoder) - but I'm not sure that is the reason. However,...

AES encryption using Lantronix dll and SDS1101 device

Hi I would like to know if there is anybody who has used the lantronix dll for doing AES encryption. Thanks ...

HTTPS and encrypted database is really secured in shared hosting?

Hi folks, I read all posts on HTTP over SSL. So far, I know how to get the data securely in a Web form. But I miss the part of recover and keep the data in the same way. I need in my Website a form to collect sensible data from customers (may be also credit cards numbers for booking, but no credit card authorization process is required...

Using Crypto++ generated RSA keys on OpenSSL

Is there a way to use the RSA keys I've generated with the Crypto++ API in OpenSSL? What I am looking for is a way to store the keys in a format that both Crypto++ and OpenSSL can easily open them. I'm writing a licensing scheme and would want to verify signatures and decrypt files using the Crypto++ API, but to generate the license fil...

Reversing django.contrib.auth.models.User password, sha1 to readable string

from django.contrib.auth.models import User u = User.objects.get(username='test') user.password u'sha1$c6755$66fc32b05c2be8acc9f75eac3d87d3a88f513802 Is reversing this password encryption possible? ...

Blowfish encryption sub-key generation

Okay, so I'm doing a little blowfish implementation in PHP as a programming exercise for myself, and to get to know that encryption method better. I arrived at a set of functions that work, in that I can encrypt data and decrypt it again, but the test vectors I found don't agree with my encrypted values... Since the encode/decode seems t...

DPAPI with ASP.NET Service Account

Hi, I want to encrypt data before saving it to the database. The access to the data is controlled by the application. So anyone with Admin role should be able to see the data. I want to be able to protect the encryption key used to encrypt/decrypt the data. I dont want to use the DPAPI machine key since the server hosts multiple apps. ...

How to identify encryption algorithm used in ciphertext?

Is there any ways to try to guess encryption algorithm used to encrypt the ciphertext? ...

ASP.NET MVC: Where do library classes go?

I do have experience with Ruby on Rails, and am programming a project in ASP.NET currently. So having found ASP.NET MVC was awesome for me, since it seems to be a verbatim copy of Ruby on Rails in many respects. However, there are differences, and I have to re-learn quite some things. One such thing is the way additional (library) funct...

SQL Server EncryptByCert weirdness

On a SQL Server 2005 box, given that I have already created a key and a certificate for encryption usage... CREATE CERTIFICATE [cert_Employee] WITH SUBJECT = 'EmployeeTable_SSN protection' CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY [key_Employee] WITH ALGORITHM = TRIPLE_DES ENCRYPTION BY CERTIFICATE [cert_Employee] and the following definition...

What is the best way to store an AES encryption key?

We use Tomcat for our java web application. There is a properties file under WEB-INF folder. AES encryption will be used to generate key and encrypt password. The encrypted password will be stored in the properties file. Where should be the encryption key stored? Is it a good idea to put the key and the encrypted password in the same p...

RSA code in both Javascript and Java

I want to find the RSA code in both Javascript and Java code. And they can return the same result in encrypt and decrypt. My purpose is: I can encrypt a message in the user's browser using Javascript (with the public key). After I can decrypt that message in my server (with private key). I found on internet but Javascript and Java retu...

Why is XOR used on Cryptography?

Why is XOR only used in the cryptographic algorithms, and other logic gates like OR, AND and NOR are not used? ...