
Password hashing (non-SSL)

How is the password sent from browser to server in case of non-ssl transfer? I want to use bcrypt to hash password+salt before sending.... but it seems there is no javascript implementation for the bcrypt algorithm... is md5, SHA-1 good enough? PS: My site does not store any user personal information.. I just want that user intended ...

RSA encryption :InvalidKeyException: invalid key format

Hi All, I have to read pem key files to get RSA Public key,and then use them to encrypt. I can do this using openssl and convert pem file to der file. and then load my key using X509EncodedKeySpec and PKCS8EncodedKeySpec. But I don't want to do this because pem is the user key exchange format. user can register it's own key can like thi...

Suspend Bitlocker programmatically?

Is there a way to suspend Bitlocker for a drive programmatically from .NET? ...

Encrypting file with python

Is there a way to use python to encrypt/decrypt a file? Something like Axcrypt Thanks in advance ...

Best place to hide secret keys?

I am looking for advice on where to store encryption keys and other sensitive application data. Is a certificate on a USB stick really the way to go here? What can you do to keep your secret keys safe? ...

php encrypt question

Here's the story: I have to pass some classified information from one script to another script. In the first script I need to encrypt the data first and then I HAVE TO attach the encrypted data into a GET request and send it to another script, the url would look like this : http://mydomain.com/mysecondscript.php?secret={encrypted st...

Fast and secure cryptography algorithm C#

Hello. I'm looking for a fast and secure cryptography algorithm with C# implementation. I need to be able to restore the initial message. What could you suggest? Thank you for your help! ...

Code Golf: XOR Encryption

From: Encryption Co. To: x$*sj4 (that's you) Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create a program in the shortest number of keystrokes that Takes two filenames parameters (either command line or stdin), the first is a file containing the key and the second some message. Both files will be plain text. Applies the key t...

Hashing of Key-Value pair on Hashpass.com

Just found this website: hashpass.com and here is the JS implementation which they use to encrypt the key-value pair: http://hashapass.com/sha1.js So, can there be a "simple" and obvious alternative to this? Thanks ...

Is there a way to encrypt in jQuery?

How do I encrypt something in jQuery? I want to have the option to encrypt via SHA1 or MD5. How do I do that? ...

Entire range - Reverse MD5 lookup

I am learning about encryption methods and I have a question about MD5. I have seen there are several websites that have 'rainbow tables' that will give you reverse MD5 lookup, but, they can't lookup all the combinations possible. For knowledge's sake, my question is this : Hypothetically, if a group of people were to consider an up...

How do I prevent managed dll from reverse engineering C#

Hello. The problem is that my dll deals with encryption and the key is stored in constant variable. I want the key to be difficult to get. I understand that there's no way to hide it completely, but I hope there's a way to make it difficult to get the key. What could you suggest? Thank you for your help! ...

Transforming a url into a unique 32 character token

I am writing an affiliate system, and I want to generate a unique 32 character wide token, from the url. The problem is that a URL can be up to 128 chars long (IIRC). Is there a way that I can create a unique 32 char wide key/token from a given URL, without any 'collisions'? I am not sure if this is an encoding, encryption or hashing p...

Storing Passwords Encrypted in Database

Hi there guys. Today I came up with a question about the web application conventions. For the sake of security, if we store passwords of our users, most probably we are encrypting it (with MD5, SHA-1 etc.) and storing digested-hash in order to make them difficult or impossible to reverse. Today there are many Rainbow Tables that are lo...

encrypting/decrypting password stored in config file

I have a simple Bash script automating tasks which require password-based authentication. Currently I store the credentials in plain text: $ cat ~/.myconfig username=foo password=bar Obviously that's bad - so I wonder whether there's a simple way to encrypt/decrypt the password using my public/private key pair. Using Yet Another Passw...

Can you spot a vulnerability in my authentication protocol?

Some time ago we needed a solution for Single Sign On authentication between multiple web services. At least at that time we considered OpenID protocol too complicated and we were not convinced about the Ruby on Rails plugins for it. Therefore we designed a protocol of our own instead of implementing an OpenID provider and OpenID consume...

What metod KeyAgreement.generateSecret(String algorithm) does?

We implemented Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange algorithm: KeyAgreement aKeyAgree = KeyAgreement.getInstance("DH"); keyAgreement.init(myPrivateKey); keyAgreement.doPhase(otherPublicKey) Now we need to generate a secret to use for AES encryption. There is method generateSecret(String algorithm). I think I should call it with 'AES' argument...

Implement data encryption for network-based application, help with OpenSSL

Like in the title, I want to encrypt data, which is sent over network. Because I decided to use TCP and/or SCTP protocols I cannot use SSL/TLS. That's why I want to implement my own solution based on SSL idea. Two peers will exchange symmetric algorithm's key (AES0 using asymmetric algorithm (RSA) first and then continue communicatio...

Rewrite Rijndael 256 C# Encryption Code in PHP

I have an encryption/decryption algorithm written in C# - I need to be able to produce the same encryption in PHP so I can send the encrypted text over HTTP to be decrypted on the C# side. Here is the C# code for the encryption. this.m_plainText = string.Empty; this.m_passPhrase = "passpharse"; this.m_saltValue = "saltvalue"; this.m_has...

Multiple Protection Levels does not work in WCF

Hi every one, I am facing a problem in the security part of WCF. The problem is: Partial encryption is not working for the message payload. It either encrypts the payload completely or keeps unencrypted the whole payload when I change the ProtectionLevel at the MessageContract and MessageBodyMember Attributes. Ie, the partial encryp...