
JPA2 -- Where is EntityManager.detach?

I read in several places that JPA2 will support a detach method call on Entity Manager. I am running with Hibernate 3.5.1-FINAL and Spring 3.0.2-RELEASE as Maven dependencies -- snagged from the JBoss repository. Isn't this enough? Perhaps the problem is with my javax.persistence.EntityManager interface definition. Do I need to updat...

Injecting Entitymanager via XML and not annnotations.

What I am trying to do is inject through XML almost the same way that is done through A @PersistenceContext annotation. I am in need of this because of the fact I have different entity managers I need to inject into the same DAO. The databases mirror one another and I would rather have 1 base class and for instances of that base class ...

EntityManager does not update on flush()

Java EJB's EntityManager does not update data from a Consumer. A Consumer logs into a shop, buys some stuff and wants to look at his shopping-history. Everything is displayed but his last purchase. If he logs out and in, it shows. I have used JPA to persist buys/purchases (that are mapped to the Consumer)to DB. It seems like purchases...

Hibernate EntityManagerFactory EntityManager

Can I create an EntityManager from EntityManagerFactory outside a bean. If so, how would I do it? ...

Problem creating JPA EntityMananger in Spring Context

I have a JPA/Spring application that uses Hibernate as the JPA provider. In one portion of the code, I have to manually create a DAO in my application with the new operator rather than use Spring DI. When I do this, the @PersistenceContext annotation is not processed by Spring. In my code where I create the DAO I have an EntityManager...

TestConnectionOnCheckin c3p0 Configuration Property in Hibernate/Spring Framework

I would like to set the testConnectionOnCheckin property for c3p0. However I am having trouble doing so because the c3p0 datasource is created on my behalf within a hibernate entity-manager bean. <bean id="entityManagerFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean"> <property name="persistenceUnitM...

Two db connections using ejb, java persistence entitymanager

I am am tryign to access two dbs via one slsb, specifically one method within an slsb. However this is not possible ? Other than altering the stored procs is there anything else I could do ? @PersistenceContext(unitName = "DB1") private EntityManager oneEntityManager; @PersistenceContext(unitName = "DB2") private EntityManager twoEnt...

How to prevent non-repeatable query results using persistence API in Java SE?

I am using Java SE and learning about the use of a persistence API (toplink-essentials) to manage entities in a Derby DB. Note: this is (distance learning) university work, but it is not 'homework' this issue crops up in the course materials. I have two threads operating on the same set of entities. My problem is that every way I have t...

How to use JUnit tests with Spring Roo? (Problems with EntityManager)

I'm trying to write a JUnit test for a Spring Roo project. If my test requires use of the entity classes, I get the following Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Entity manager has not been injected (is the Spring Aspects JAR configured as an AJC/AJDT aspects library?) The Spring Aspects JAR looks to be configured correctly....

What is the proper way to ensure EntityManager connections are closed?

There are 19 methods in our DAO layer, each is some variation of this: public TicketProp saveTicketProp(TicketProp prop) { EntityManager em = this.emf.createEntityManager(); try { em.getTransaction().begin(); prop = (TicketProp) em.merge(prop); em.getTransaction().commit(); return prop; } fina...

JPA - Lazy Loading - LazyInitializationException - When Not accessing child collection

I am building a project with Stripes, Spring, JPA & Hibernate amd have an object with a many to one child collection. I have set the loading as Lazy eg. @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.MERGE, mappedBy = "paperOffering", fetch = FetchType.LAZY) private List<PaperOfferingAssessment> paperOfferingAssessments; Now I am getting the Lazy...

How to use JPA EclipseLink to connect to the DB in a multi layer environment (REST + EJB + Core) ?

I am using Glassfish v3 server. Usually the DB connection with EJB3 + JPA (Eclipselink) is done through injection, with @PersistenceUnit or @Persistencecontext. However, there are 3 layers in my App : Core (contains business logic, entities, exception handling etc) an EJB on top of it, calling the right core objects and methods to do...

SEAM: How to get EntityManager and Logger in a class that is loaded dynamically?

Hi, I have a background service that runs every 10 min. This service queries the DB for jobs to execute a will load a class with a different business logic according to the job (using Class.forName()). They implement the same Interface, of course. I declared those classes to be SEAM components but when I try to use the entityManager ...

EntityManager not injected

I'm getting an NPE for my EntityManager and can't figure out why - can anyone spot my mistake? UserManagerImpl.java @Stateless public class UserManagerImpl implements UserManager { @PersistenceContext(unitName = "persistenceUnit") EntityManager em; public List<User> findUsers() { return (List<User>) em.createQuery("from User").g...

How do I change this query to make it return records that meet the `minPrice` condition even if the `keywords` value is null?

I don't know if this is a problem that is specific to Google App Engine for Java, but if the value set as the keywords parameter is a null String, then nothing is returned from the query, even if a minPrice is set. How do I change this query to make it return records that meet the minPrice condition even if the keywords value is null? ...

How to use JDBC ClientInfo with JPA and EJB3

We are migrating a JDBC based application to JPA and EJB3. Our old application used the Connect#setClientInfo API to record the current user name as part of the client info: http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#setClientInfo%28java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String%29 We need to do something similar in th...

How to define the constructor of an EJB3 session bean

Hi, I'm creating an EJB3 module which tries to respect a specific facade/implementation design pattern. My facade should be totally EJB free. I have 2 classes in this module: an entity bean and a session bean, which is the manager of this entity. The manager contains an EntityManager attribute. I also have a factory which instantiates...

java and jboss, with SQL server. Mulitple insert statements in a native query using entitymanager, not working; but does work in sql

String myQuery1 = "insert into mytable(mycol) values(myval) \ngo"; String myQuery2 = "insert into mytable(mycol) values(myval2) \ngo"; String myQuery = myQuery1 + myQuery2; Query query = myEntityManager.createNativeQuery(myQuery); List<?> insertResultList = queryInsertDefaults.getResultList(); using the eclpise debugger I can see th...

JPA - database gets updated only when method is @Transactional

I've encountered a problem I don't really understand - unless a method working with the DAO is annotated as @Transactional, the underlying database doesn't get updated. My app runs on JPA/Hibernate, Spring and Wicket. Why is that? DAO: @Repository(value = "userDao") public class UserDaoJpa implements UserDao { @PersistenceContext ...

problem with using JPA

I am getting following exception while i try to execute simple jpa code. What may be the casue? 5453 DevPQRWDPBSSPersist WARN [P=351601:O=0:CT] openjpa.Enhance - This configuration disallows runtime optimization, but the following listed types were not enhanced at build time or at class load time with a javaagent: "[class com.XYZ.PQ...