
Is there an equivalent of the following in prototype?

Particularly the bit about live.... jQuery('.something').live('click', function() { jQuery(this).parent('form').reset(); }); I suppose this might work as well, though I am curious about the parent function: jQuery('.something').live('click', function() { this.form.reset(); }); ...

How do I assert that two arbitrary type objects are equivalent, without requiring them to be equal?

To accomplish this (but failing to do so) I'm reflecting over properties of an expected and actual object and making sure their values are equal. This works as expected as long as their properties are single objects, i.e. not lists, arrays, IEnumerable... If the property is a list of some sort, the test fails (on the Assert.AreEqual(...)...

PHP equivalent to ASP.net Menu

Hi, I always use ASP.NET but I'm making a site of my own with a friend of mine so we don't have the money to use webhosts which can use asp.net & sql server. So I'm planning on using a free php based webhost. I actually already created my entire site in asp.net, so I'm researching in php equivalents. I managed to find as good as anything...

What’s the Linq to SQL equivalent to CEILING?

How do I do this SELECT CEILING(COUNT(*) / 10) NumberOfPages FROM MyTable in Linq to SQL? ...

Is there a python equivalent of Ruby's 'rvm'?

Q: Do we have anything functionally equivalent in Python to the Ruby version manager 'rvm'? (RVM lets you easily switch completely between different versions of the ruby interpreter and different sets of gems (modules). Everything concerning download-build-install-switch of interpreter(-s) and gems gets taken care of by invoking rvm...

what is the equivalent for java class : BigDecimal in c#

hi all , BigDecimal is a class in java.math package it has a lot of benefits for handling big numbers with certain scale . is there an equivalent class or data type in c# with this features ...

Excel : sum of values depending of other values

Hi, What would be the equivalent Excel formula of this SQL query SELECT SUM(a) FROM table WHERE b < 0; A B ---- ---- 1 0 2 -1 3 4 5 -3 >> 7 ...

Equivalent of `__FILE__`, `__LINE__` in bash

Is there any variable in bash that contains the name of the .sh file executed ? The line number would be great too. I want to use it in error messages such as: echo "ERROR: [$FILE:L$LINE] $somefile not found" Thank you ...

jquery 1.4.2 equivalent for setTimeout and clearTimeout..

Is there any equivalent for setTimeout and clearTimeout functions in jquery 1.4.2.... I found this ex which uses jquery 1.3.2.. var alerttimer = window.setTimeout(function () { $alert.trigger('click'); }, 3000); $alert.animate({height: $alert.css('line-height') || '50px'}, 200) .click(func...

Loop Java HashMap like Python Dictionary?

In Python, you can have key,value pairs in a dictionary where you can loop through them, as shown below: for k,v in d.iteritems(): print k,v Is there a way to do this with Java HashMaps? ...

Sql server equivalent for this mysql query?

I ve formatted a date column in mysql like DATE_FORMAT(enquiry.enquiryDate,'%d-%b-%Y') as enquiryDate and now i want sql server equivalent for this? ...

Is there any equivalent of JVisualVM on DotNET ?

Hello, I would like to know if there is an equivalent of the excellent Java JVisualVM (included with JDK, the command is "jvisualvm") on the DotNet platform ? JVisualVM is a great tool that allows developers and admins to have really useful monitoring on any running Java application, here is some features that it has : Graphical view...

"Equivalent" is equivalent to... in concept definitions

What does "equivalent" mean in the definition of concepts, such as http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_43_0/libs/utility/CopyConstructible.html? Shallow copy? Deep copy? Either? ...

What is the jquery equivalent to: document.forms[0].elements[i].value;

What is the jquery equivalent to: document.forms[0].elements[i].value; I don't know how to travel through a form and its elements in JQUERY and would like to know how to do it. ...

Objective C equivalent to Java's ArrayList

Just wondering if there is an equivalent to Java's ArrayList in Objective-C? Or something that can be used to store objects/data that does not have a set size. Thanks. ...

Prototype Equivalent JQuery's offset()

Hi, I would like to know if there is any prototype equivalent to the JQuery's .offset() function? Thanks for your help. ...

What's the .NET equivalent of a COM LocalServer?

In VB6, it was a simple matter to write applications that served up COM classes, the application would run as a system-wide singleton and would be able to serve COM classes to multiple processes. I believe this is called a COM LocalServer. What's the equivalent in .NET? How can I make a single executable that handles requests from multi...

PHP developer looking for solutions equivalent to j2ee architecture

I am a PHP developer, I read about J2EE technologies and I want to implement such technologies( n-tier, EJB, JPA...) with PHP and all what coming with ( MySQL, Apache..). ...

In Ruby, what is the equivalent to an interface in C#?

Hi, I'm currently trying to learn Ruby and I'm trying to understand more about what it offers in terms of encapsulation and contracts. In C# a contract can be defined using an interface. A class which implements the interface must fulfil the terms within the contract by providing an implementation for each method and property (and mayb...

What is the jQuery equivalent of the Prototype function .activate()

Prototype's activate function Gives focus to a form control and selects its contents if it is a text input according to the Prototype website. i.e. $('my_element_id').activate(); What is the equivalent function in jQuery? ...