
Expected ctor

I am writing a delete member function for a Binary Search Tree. I have already written a boolean search function to return true/false based on whether it is in the BST. I have retooled it as a new function to return a Node* so that my delete function can call it and get a pointer directly to the correct Node. Right now, I am getting a c...

Patch Error 2229 for non-default languages in Windows Vista/7

I'm having a problem with a patch. The patch supports English by default, as well as a few other languages. When a non-English language is chosen while installing the patch in Windows Vista/7 error 2229 occurs referring to a failed SQL query to the CONTROL table. Any suggestions? ...

Advise HTMLElementEvents2 sink (MSDN website)

From the msdn website void CMyClass::ConnectEvents(IHTMLElement* pElem) { HRESULT hr; IConnectionPointContainer* pCPC = NULL; IConnectionPoint* pCP = NULL; DWORD dwCookie; // Check that this is a connectable object. hr = pElem->QueryInterface(IID_IConnectionPointContainer, (void**)&pCPC); if (SUCCEEDED(hr))...

Namespace loop or code leak in boost::function ?

I'm really baffled by this. Have I managed to do something to cause this, or is it an unclosed namespace block in boost, or some bug in VS c++ 2008? I'm definitely sure I've closed all my own namespaces properly, all includes are outside of and above them, and all my header files got include guards. The boost/function.hpp is only incl...

What's a good way to manage error and success messages and codes?

Currently I don't have a very good system for managing error or success messages, they are pretty much written inline with the code. Can someone suggest a best practice or something you are doing to be able to properly manage a large list of error and success messages through out an application. Think internationalization ... some appli...

Problem with WMD editor

Hi, Has anyone used wmd editor? I am having a problem with the editor in a form. Its not being configured as the editor after setting up in a form. Only the text area is shown with no editing options. The form has already many controls and other scripting files included. I am using IE 7. Its working in another form which has only a tex...

cygwin / vista32 bash.exe has stopped working

Our work machines are moving to vista so I am struggling through installing cygwin. After setting the proxy on the installer manually instead of using "use IE5 settings" and running the following command: mkpasswd -l -c > /etc/passwd; mkgroup -l -d > /etc/group I finally have a "working" version of cygwin. However, when I type exi...

sqlite3 error "not an error" on iPhone SDK

Im getting an error "not an error" on iPhone SDK, I spent a whole day trying to resolve it. SQLite version 3.4.0 sqlite3_step(compiledStatement) The table I'm using in the query has only one row. It returns 100..? sqlite3_errmsg( database ) This line gives me the above error. I've created a database and tables in it with terminal ...

Error ping sound using Visual C++ and MFC

Is there a basic function call in MFC that simply plays the input error ping? I am looking for something analogous to the AfxMessageBox() call that simply plays the ping that is frequently heard when an error is made. ...

Lots of "incompatible signature" errors on Windows but not on Mac OS X with Flex 4 Gumbo.

I have a pure Action Script 3 project which I am compiling with the Flex 4 SDK. I have a standard Makefile which automatically invokes compc, mxmlc, and asdoc as appropriate. The project is compiling cleanly with no errors or warnings on my Mac OS X 10.4+ computer; however, when sharing it with a coworker developing on Windows XP (with C...

Error When Compiling C++ File In GCC

Hello, I'm using Linux Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex and using as compiler the gcc, but when i try to compile me C++ project file the compiler give me this error: ubuntu@ubuntu-laptop:~/C++$ gcc ClientFile.cpp gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: No such file or directory What is wrong? Please Help Me!! ...

PHP preg_replace() compilation failed: missing )

Hello, I have the following function to return a clean path for a script. function cleanPath($path) { $path = (string) $path; $path = preg_replace( array( '#[\n\r\t\0]*#im', '#/(\.){1,}/#i', '#(\.){2,}#i', '#(\.){2,}#i', '#('.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'){2,}#i' ), array( '', ...

Help with simple C# error

I'm writing this small program to extract any number of email address from a text file. I am getting two errors, "Use of unassigned local variable." and I'm not sure why. static void Main(string[] args) { string InputPath = @"C:\Temp\excel.txt"; string OutputPath = @"C:\Temp\emails.txt"; string EmailRegex = @"^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_'^&/+-])...

Error When Reading a Sequencial File In C++

Hello, I'm having some problems when i try to compile my sample C++ project, i'm trying to read a sequencial file, but when i compile i got some errors, here is the code: // ReadClientFile.cpp // Lendo e imprimindo um arquivo sequêncial. #include <iostream> using std::cerr; using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::fixed; using std...

XML parsing expat in python handling data

I am attempting to parse an XML file using python expat. I have the following line in my XML file: <Action>&lt;fail/&gt;</Action> expat identifies the start and end tags but converts the & lt; to the less than character and the same for the greater than character and thus parses it like this: outcome: START 'Action' DATA '<' DATA 'f...

Syntax Error in SQL

SELECT * INTO Temp3 from ( SELECT B.Name FROM [Temp2] as B WHERE B.Name Not IN ( SELECT E.WorkerName FROM WorkerDetail as E ) ) Why does this produce an error? ...

getting error not all code paths return value by c# compiler

This is a basic string reverse program and I want to do some level of exception handling in it. But during compilation it gives me an error "NOt all code paths return value. I am not able to find out why public static string Reverse(string s) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) ...

What's the standard for XML-RPC fault codes?

In the process of writing a pingback handler for my website, I noticed that the XML-RPC specification doesn't say anything about what fault codes should be defined and what they should mean. So the question is, is there a commonly accepted standard for fault codes that specifies this information? Which fault codes are defined and what do...

How to include a personal JAR with Axis ?

Hy everyone, I use Axis 1.4 and I need to use classes gathered in a JAR. I do not want to extract them. I try to put it in : /usr/share/tomcat5.5/webapps/axis/WEB-INF/lib/myjar.jar /usr/share/tomcat5.5/webapps/axis/WEB-INF/classes/myjar.jar /opt/axis/lib/myjar.jar /root/myjar.jar but I still have an error. myjar.jar is in my $CL...

Using Common Header Files in eVC++ 3

Hello, I'm learning C++ and i have the eVT(eMbedded Visual Tools) installed in my computer, because of the eVB 3(eMbedded Visual Basic) for my VB pocket programs, but i'm learning C++, then i want to use the eVC++ 3 for develop some command line aplications, then only to test i created an HelloWorld aplication, just for test, but when i...