
What is the list of JConnect error-codes?

I have recently changed an application from storing the database username and password in a configuration file (gasp password stored in plain text in a config file, I know, I know). The application now asks the user to type in her username and password before it can continue. The new version of the application now has to interrogate th...

How to find oracle error codes that could result from a connection error?

I would like to handle an OracleException thrown when my network/database connection is interrupted, where can I find out what error codes I might can receive? I guess since we are talking about a connection interruption these would be technically TNS errors such as ORA-12560 "TNS:protocol adapter error." But I have noticed a couple oth...

How do you make sense of the error: cannot convert from 'int []' to 'int []'

When compiling the following code: void DoSomething(int Numbers[]) { int SomeArray[] = Numbers; } the VS2005 compiler complains with the error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'int []' to 'int []' I understand that really it's trying to cast a pointer to an array which is not going to work. But how do you explain the ...

What's a good way to manage error and success messages and codes?

Currently I don't have a very good system for managing error or success messages, they are pretty much written inline with the code. Can someone suggest a best practice or something you are doing to be able to properly manage a large list of error and success messages through out an application. Think internationalization ... some appli...

RedDot LiveServer dynament error

How do I go about debugging what a return code of -26504 means? It's the result of a 'content' dynament of type 'import'. ...

Where to find the list of error code and its messages for C#, Sql server ?

How can I find a list of error codes for sql server, socket exceptions, web exceptions or any exception. For sql server I am not able to find all the error codes in sysmessages like for instance errorcode 53, 17 so where do we find such codes? For example System.Net.Sockets.SocketError sockererror is an enum which contains most of the ...

Exception re-throwing through layers and usage of status codes

Hi all! I searched for this for a long time (here too), have read many php codes, but still couldn't find a satisfying answer. It may seem a too wide topic, but it really sticks together - at last for me. Could you please help? In a php website I have PDO as DAL, what is used by BLL objects, and they are called from the UI. Now if some...

Where are the Spring MVC validation error codes resolved?

I am attempting to write validators under the Spring MVC framework, but there is a glaring omission in the documentation. When calling passing an error to the Errors object most of the methods expect an String parameter named errorCode. These errorCodes, if I understand correctly serve as stand ins for specific error messages. But I can'...

Java: Is it ok to set Integer = null ?

I have a function that returns an id number if the argument exists in the database. If not, it returns null. Is this begging for a null pointer exception? Negative id numbers are not permitted, but I thought it would be clearer to have non-existent arguments returning null instead of an error code like -1. What do you think? private Int...

Use of Exceptions or Strings containing error codes in Software Services

We are creating an application for a client's website. The website will make a function call to our application to generate XML data, which we will return as a String. If something goes wrong during the course of our processing, how should we report this error? Should we throw an Exception for the client's website to catch, or should ...

What should I return for errors in my functions in C?

Hi, Currently I'm returning -1 in my custom functions in C if something wrong happens and 0 for success. For instance, working with a linked list and some function needs a non-empty list to work properly. If the list passed as argument is empty, I return -1 (error) and 0 if it's not empty and the function worked without a problem. Shou...

How to redirect to a 404 in Rails?

I'd like to 'fake' a 404 page in rails. In PHP, I would just send a header with the error code as such: header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); How is that done with rails? Thank you. ...

MIME/IMF error codes?

I need to write php code to identify common e-mail errors, like "inbox full" or specially "invalid email name" from email messages, because we need to clear our databases from nonexistent emails. I'm looking the MIME and IMF formats but I didn't find any kind of standard error code, does it exist? ...

Getting the linux error code from make in Vim

I'm trying to get the "0 of success, nonzero if error" return code from make in Vim. Specifically, I am on Ubuntu and using v:shell_error does not work. After digging around and looking at this question, it seems to be because of my shellpipe setting, which is shellpipe=2>&1| tee The tee pipes the make output back into vim. The shel...

How do I detect which program has returned an error code?

Hi, I'm attempting to run a series of commands programmatically, read the error codes, and detect if these codes indicate success or failure so I can respond accordingly. Currently my commands are using psexec which then launches robocopy. I've noted that while most commands return an error code of 0 if the program is successful, roboco...

OCUnit Error Codes

Does anyone know how to find a list of all the possible error codes thrown by the ostest utility, and their meanings? I noticed this to be a common problem for people, where they ask about an OCUnit failure with some code 138 or 139 that is completely opaque to them, and somebody who has encountered that particular error number points ou...

What is the meaning of error code 24 on Linux?

I'm running a Java program through a Python script on Linux, but the program crashes without outputting any error messages. The os.system command that executes the Java program outputs an error code of 24. What does this mean? ...

NetServerEnum returns 58, can't find this error code in the documentation

NetServerEnum returns error code 58, can't find this error code in the documentation. What does it means? ...

List of all OLE error codes

Is there a list of all OLE error codes? ...

I get CL_SUCCESS for all my OpenCL error codes, but all my clEnqueueReadBuffer calls crash the program

I am badly stuck on why my OpenCL program crashes after clEnqueueReadBuffer calls. Is it a okay if I post all 300 lines of boilerplate/kernel code? Otherwise any suggestions on how to debug OpenCL code besides eyeballing and error code printing would be appreciated. UPDATE Wow, so I merely messed up my paramter to host memory on my clEn...