
What is the list of JConnect error-codes?

I have recently changed an application from storing the database username and password in a configuration file (gasp password stored in plain text in a config file, I know, I know). The application now asks the user to type in her username and password before it can continue. The new version of the application now has to interrogate th...

using readXML into a JCO.table after the XML was created using JCO

Hi all! I created a JCO.table and transformed it into XML using myTable.writeXML (JCO method) now I'm trying to re-load the XML into a JCO.table and work with the table created from the XML. I tried to use myNewTable.readXML (another JCO method) but I need to create an instance to my new table before and I suspect it is created empty a...

How to save sap IMetaData into file (and then reload it as IMetaData)?

Hi all, I need to save the JCO (sap) IMetadata object in a file, then create the IMetaData object from the file on a different computer. can anyone help me on how to do so? thanks! :) ...

Sybase SQLAnywhere jConnect routines?

I have a database which is part of a closed system and the end-user of the system would like me to write some reports using the data contains in a Sybase SQL Anywhere Database. The system doesn't provide the reports that they are looking for, but access to the data is available by connecting to this ASA database. The vendor of the soft...

"Invalid SQL statement or JDBC escape, terminating '}' not found." with jTDS and Sybase.

I'm calling a stored procedure via ibatis. It works, and has worked, when using the jconn2.jar (5.5). When I swap it out for the jtds jar (1.2.5) I get an exception "Invalid SQL statement or JDBC escape, terminating '}' not found." For more transparency I'm using Spring with DBCP. Obviously the parsing of the SQL code in jTDS is not bei...

Getting a Connection with DBCP via the Sybase Jconnect JDBC driver

I am trying to get a Connection in the following code and I keep getting an SQLException with the message "Login failed" and with the details "Specified database not found". Connection con = null; BasicDataSource dataSource = new BasicDataSource(); dataSource.setDriverClassName("com.sybase.jdbc.SybDriver"); dataSource.setUsername("u...