
Handling nmake errorlevel/return codes

Hi all, I have an nmake-based project which in turn calls the asp compiler, which can throw an error, which nmake seems to recognize: NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_compiler.exe' : return code '0x1' However, when I call nmake from within a batch file, the environment variable %ERRORLEV...

How to set ERRORLEVEL in SSIS?

I have a batch file that runs an SSIS job. I have no knowledge of how the SSIS job runs, I took over a project involving it. The batch file uses %ERRORLEVEL% to detect errors that occur within the SSIS job. It must be expanded to report other errors too. How do I set the ERRORLEVEL in SSIS? ...

What is the easiest way to reset ERRORLEVEL to zero?

I have a post-build event that runs some commands for a c# project. The last command would sometimes cause the ERRORLEVEL value not equils to zero and then the build fails. I want to append an extra line of command to always set the ERRORLEVEL value to zero. What is the most convenient way to do that? ...

TortoiseSVN from the command line and "IF ERRORLEVEL"?

I have a batch file I'm running from a Windows XP w/service pack 3 workstation which applies SQL changes to a database using sqlcmd.exe in SQL 2005. I've got a command-line entry for TortoiseSVN to automatically update the local copy of my repository like so: tortoiseproc /command:update /path:"C:/SVN/My Code/Dev/2009.07.23" /closeonen...

Windows batch-file errorlevel question

I've got a batch file that parses a bunch of file names out of a text file and concatenates them into a single strong - it was previously discussed here. However, I don't want the string to contain a file if the file throw an error when I run it through some command (like a VCS check, for example). Here's my attempt: set FILE_LIST= for ...

How does pylint quit the Windows command box it is running in?

Pylint is doing something odd on my Windows box - something that shouldn't be possible. This isn't a question about fixing pylint, so much as fixing my understanding. I have a typical install of the latest version of pylint, Python 2.6 and Windows Vista. If I open a Command Prompt, and run pylint from the command line, it executes succ...

Killing a process in Batch and reporting on success

Hello, i have the following batch file, which terminates the iTunes program so, that if i connect my iPod, it's not going to sync it. (I know you can set this up in iTunes.) @echo off :kill cls taskkill /F /IM itunes.exe >nul if %errorlevel%==1 { echo iTunes not found. } else { echo iTunes is killed. } goto kill However, the >nul does...

Why does cmd.exe have different errorlevel behavior on a 64-bit machine?

If I make a batch script named temp.bat (for example) containing: exit /b 1 When I run it in various ways, I get different behavior on my 32-bit XP system vs. a 64-bit XP system. On 32-bit: > temp.bat > echo %ERRORLEVEL% 1 > cmd /c temp.bat > echo %ERRORLEVEL% 0 On 64-bit: > temp.bat > echo %ERRORLEVEL% 1 > cmd /c temp.bat > ech...

Errorlevels set by DOS commands on Windows

I have a batch program that calls several child batch programs and they make entensive use of various DOS commands. In case of error, i would like to provide logging information about the error details to the user. This page details the various MS-DOS commands that can set an errorlevel How do i kn...

Create event with the batch files

Hi All, Here's what i want to achieve. We have this email archive database which we optimize on a weekly basis . At the moment we are manually logging in run the command and monitor the status. The optimization can take anywhere between 3-12 hours which is making us login every few hours and check if it has finished or not etc. What i w...

System.exit(num) or throw a RuntimeException from main?

I've got a single threaded app that should set the DOS errorlevel to something non-zero if there is a problem. Is it better to throw a RuntimeException, or to use System.exit(nonzero)? I don't need the stack trace, and I don't expect this app to be extended/reused. What are the differences between these two options? ...

Batch ERRORLEVEL results different from CMD?

Why does ERRORLEVEL behave differently in these two circumstances? From the command line: Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. C:\>aescrypt.exe -v 2> NUL C:\>echo %errorlevel% 9009 Versus from batch file: @echo off set /P C="> "? set or= if "%C%"=="a" set or=1 if "%C%"=="A" set or=1 if ...

Errorlevel in a For loop (batch windows)

I have the following windows batch code: for %%i in (iidbms iigcc iigcd dmfacp dmfrcp rmcmd qwerty) do ( tasklist | findstr /i %%i echo %errorlevel% if %errorlevel% == 0 (echo %%i ok process found %errorlevel%) if %errorlevel% == 1 (echo %%i no process found %errorlevel%) ) But it doesn't work as I expect. ...