
Why am I getting an Argument exception when creating event handler dynamically?

Good day all I wrote the following method: private void RegisterEvent(object targetObject, string eventName, string methodName) { EventInfo eventInfo = targetObject.GetType().GetEvent(eventName); MethodInfo method = eventInfo.EventHandlerType.GetMethod("Invoke"); IEnumerable<Type> types = method.GetParameters().Select(param...

Raising events so that they are handled on a the same thread as original subscriber

In dotNET with C# 4.0, How can I ensure that event that happens on an arbitrary thread X will call handlers in the same thread (or synchronization context) as the subscribing thread A, B, or C. I am trying to avoid having to put in threading-related code into handler method or event site. It would be really great if I wouldn't have to ...

PropertyChangedEventHandler is null in FirePropertyChanged

Hi, I have a viewmodel named EmployeeViewModel which is inherited from ViewModelBase. here is the implementation of ViewModelBase. public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; public void FirePropertyChanged(string propertyname) { var handler = PropertyChanged; if (handler != null) ha...

On Mouse Over change Sprite Graphics Color: AS3

Hi, I have created a sprite as below: var arrowHeadRight:Sprite = new Sprite(); with(arrowHeadRight.graphics){ beginFill(0xDDDDDD, 1); moveTo(50,0); lineTo(0,50); lineTo(50,100); lineTo(50,0); endFill(); } On Mouse Over, I wish to change the color of the fill on this shape? Can this be done or do I have to re-...

android Eventhandler like in c#

Hi, I just start developping on android and i'm missing the EventHandler from c#. As a learning process, I started to write an EventHandler in java. It's almost good execept the method: getSlider_WantedValueChangedMethod() I need to get it through reflection, and the name is a String. So when you refactor, It will not change. What do you...

Parameters or Arguments in WCF service.

A wcf service accessing an SQL database: private void GetImagesDataFromDB(int imageIndex, int **extraParam**) { ServiceReference1.DbServiceClient webService = new ServiceReference1.DbServiceClient(); webService.GetSeriesImagesCompleted += new EventHandler<ServiceReference1.GetSeriesImagesCompletedEven...

Why *should* we use EventHandler

I hate EventHandler. I hate that I have to cast the sender if I want to do anything with it. I hate that I have to make a new class inheriting from EventArgs to use EventHandler<T>. I've always been told that EventHandler is the tradition and blah, blah...whatever. But I can't find a reason why this dogma is still around. Is there a re...

C# / MonoTouch EventHandler becomes null after component displayed; delegate going missing?

I've got a UIPickerViewModel that's supposed to fire an event when its selected value changes, but by the time Selected is called, the EventHandler is null. Code (somewhat simplified): public class MyPickerViewModel: UIPickerViewModel { public event EventHandler SelectionChanged; public void PrintWhetherSelectionChangedIsNull()...

should I use RoutedEventHandler

What's the difference between this two: _btnAddNew.Click += OnAddNewClick; _btnAddNew.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(OnAddNewClick); Thank you!! ...

Why does IE add a jQuery attribute for server-side element with mouseover handler?

Hi. This isn't a crucial piece of knowledge for me, but I would still like to know what exactly is happening here. This is a .NET 3.5 Web Forms application. One of the pages has 3 server-side inputs with type 'submit'. Each one of these inputs has the following JavaScript handlers assigned to them with jQuery: $('.button').mouseov...

JQuery: How to unbind a specific event handler

Code: $('#Inputfield').keyup(function(e) { if(e.which == 13) { functionXyz(); } else { functionZyx(); } }); $(document).keyup(function(exit) { if (exit.keyCode == 27) { functionZzy(); } }); Question:...

Serialising my class is failing because of an eventhandler

I wasn't expecting to come across this error. I imagine I'm doing something wrong somewhere else. I have an MVVM application. My model can serialise its self using a BinaryFormatter. This was working fine. Today I added in an event handler to my model, and the viewmodel that contains the model subscribes to this event. Now when I try...

C# - Create an EventHandler that can take any number of parameters

I wish to create a custom EventHandler that can have any number of objects as its parameters and the objects it gets isn't known in advance. I know I can pass it an Object[] but what I would like is something similar to MyEventHandler someCustomEvent(Object obj1, Object obj2, Object obj3) where the number of objects can be 0 or 10 if...

ASP.NET :Why my dynamically added event handler method is not firing in asp.net page

In my asp.net page codebehind,I am creating a button dynamically and adding a event handler to it.But when i set a breakpoint on the button click event(which i added in codebehind),its not hitting.Any idea why ? My code is here ASP.NET PAGE <form runat="Server" id="frm1"> <div id="divPaymentOptions" runat="Server"> </div> </form> ...

Can I determine which button was clicked with $(form).submit ?

Given the following HTML file: <!DOCTYPE html5> <html> <head> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.3/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#form').submit(function(e) { // put your breakpoint here to look at e alert('Whic...

passing parameter to DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler in C#

Hi, i am working on application in WP7 , i would like to pass a list box as parameter to client_DownloadStringCompleted method. My code looks like below , WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(client_DownloadStringCompleted); ...