
eventKit framework in iOS4.0

i am developing a quick app using EKEventKit framework. I am able to display the modal and i am fillinf details in that but when i click the done button after filling all the entries,application crashes and console writes NewFeatures[16949:207] Calendar: unable to save event: Error Domain=EKErrorDomain Code=5 "An unexpected error occur...

OS 4.0 features in backwards compatible app

I have an OS 4 app that was completely compatible with 3.x up until I added eventkit. Is there a way I can omit this feature if they are on a 3.x device? I have #if __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= 40000 ...code #endif around my stuff but it seems to be failing on initial launch and I am thinking due to the linking of the EventKit....

Adding Event Kit.Framework results in 1000+ Errors When Deployed to Device!

Hi, I need to add a calendar event to the user's Calendar when they click a button. This works in the simulator, but when I attempt to deploy to my 3GS running iOS 4.01, XCODE throws 1000+ errors! Any ideas? Thanks! Jason ...

Adding EKParticipants to an EKEvent in EventKit

I'd like to programatically add a participant to an EKEvent on the iPhone. EKParticipant's class reference states "You do not create EKParticipant objects directly. Send attendees to an EKEvent object to get an array of EKParticipant objects.". EKEvent's class reference states that the 'attendees' member (NSArray) is "The attendees ass...

How does -[EKEventStore eventsMatchingPredicate:] return recurring events?

I'm researching EventKit for an upcoming project, and I have a question that the documentation doesn't clearly answer. I could whip up a quick test, but it's quicker just to ask: Let's say I use eventsMatchingPredicate: to fetch an array of events that occur in a given time span. Now let's assume that one event exists in my EKEventSto...

How to delete all events from calendar?

Is there a method to receive all entries from calendar at once, without specifying predicate, which can only create 5 years intervals? I know about "5 years" from console output. I specified 1912-2020 years and here is output: EKEventPredicate start:1/1/12 12:00 AM; end:1/1/16 12:00 AM; cals:(null) Here is my current code: EKEventStor...

EventKit in Universal app (OS3.2)

I made iPhone app with eventkit framework. However, i upgrade to universal app, app can't run in ipad. I got error message dyld: Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/EventKit.framework/EventKit Yes, event kit only work for iOS 4.0 or later. So, how to make it for universal. I want to make , if iPad app, don't use event kit ...

How to delete calendar events faster?

Following code works and deletes all calendar events from iPhone calendar database. But events are deleting very slow: 2 events per second on iPhone 3GS. So if you have 3000 events - then it's 25 minutes to erase them... How would you optimize this code? Maybe I am doing something wrong? Thanks. - (void)deleteAllCalendarEventsFromIPho...