
Good example WPF applications

I'm just starting to learn WPF and am interested in seeing some sample applications. These can either be applications written entirely for showcasing WPF features, or real-world applications written in WPF. Obviously the source code would need to be available. Does anyone have any suggestions? ...

Is it a good way to use java.util.concurrent.FutureTask ?

First of all, I must say that I am quite new to the API java.util.concurrent, so maybe what I am doing is completely wrong. What do I want to do? I have a Java application that basically runs 2 separate processing (called myFirstProcess, mySecondProcess), but these processing must be run at the same time. So, I tried to do that: publ...

Well designed Django example code to learn from

Does anyone know of good, well designed open sourced Django applications? I'm really curious about different designs and I'd like to look at some good examples in order to learn about good design in a real world example. Thanks. ...

What are the most overused design examples? Provide better examples if you have them.

When given an example of refactoring, I'm tired of seeing a Data Access Layer with string literals for connection strings being replaced by IConnectionStringProvider. eg: public DataSet GetCustomers() { string connectionString = "SQLClient;Blah;Blah"; using(SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) ... to...

Which open-source-programs are good examples of integrating C++ and Lua?

There are some very good books about Lua. What they cannot cover is the big picture, when it comes to real applications (doc/view-type of applications). The interesting things are around those questions: Use C++ in Lua or Lua in C++? Who gets the main-loop? What plays where? How are model (document) and Lua-State kept in sync? Should t...

How to avoid random UI?

Say for instance I'm going to do some seat of my pants coding adding a feature to an enterprise app. What are some good examples/tenants/cardinal rules a person can follow for making a fairly complex setup/config screen not look like feet. What I'm looking for is along the lines of "Don't put one thing in a group box". But I'd also li...

Practical uses for threads

In your work, what specifically have you used threads for? (Please give a description of the application and how the thread helped/enhanced the application.) ...

Where can I find some websites with VB.NET tutorials?

I am looking for a website similar to W3Schools that teaches the basics for VB.NET 2008. If none exist I would just like some good tutorials to get me started. I did some basic VB.NET a couple of years ago but I need to refresh myself, any ideas? ...

Looking for some examples of GUI apps with great design.

I will start developing my next desktop application in about a month. In the past I have delivered functional software that hasn't wowed anyone, including myself, in the usability or aesthetics department. Does anybody know of any resources or guides or even books that could showcase examples of good design in desktop software? There s...

Clone detectors

Anyone know some good clone detectors? I'm searching for examples and algorithms on how they work to study them. A clone detector is a program that detect repeated code in the src file. An example of a clone detector I already found, was this for eclipse: http://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~swevo/clonetracker/ But I'm really interested is in d...

Example.com alternative

Let's say you want to provide an example url in documentation somewhere. The correct thing to do is use example.com, since that is the defined location for such things and anything else you come up with is likely to be actually registered somewhere and serving up who knows what to your readers. My questions is, what do you do if you ne...

Double click an NSTableView row in Cocoa?

I need my application to open a window when a user double clicks on a row in an NSTableView. I'm having a bit of a difficult time finding information or examples on how to accomplish this. Can anybody point me in the right direction? ...

Where can I find the best documented, most reliable Perl examples?

Update: Thank you all for chiming in. It's tough to pick a winner, so I went with the highest voted with the most information. I'll check out perlmonks and I'll look into some of the books mentioned as well. End Update Let's say I'm looking for help with Perl. (I am. I'm just getting into it.) Compared to PHP, I'm really disappointe...

What's a real world example of something you would represent with a hash?

I'm just trying to get a grip on when you would need to use a hash and when it might be better to use an array. What kind of real-world object would a hash represent, say, in the case of strings? ...

How do we perform multi threading application in C#?

Duplicate of c# threading Beginners threading in C# Multithreading reference? Can any body provide some good examples, codes for multi threading in c#.. I tried on google but I need examples with good explanation about what is happening at what point? ...

Best short examples of the need for Excel VBA

Here's one for Joel... I am looking for ways to demonstrate to an Excel user (with no programming experience) how learning some Excel VBA can make their life working with Excel a little easier. First thoughts are to use an example that replicates manual tweaking of a spreadsheet, such as one click conditional formatting of all the data...

Should examples--even beginner examples--include the error-handling code?

Brian Kernighan was asked this question in a recent interview. I'll quote his reply: Brian: I'm torn on this. Error-handling code tends to be bulky and very uninteresting and uninstructive, so it often gets in the way of learning and understanding the basic language constructs. At the same time, it's important to remind programmers ...

Help with Dependency Injection in .NET

Can someone explain dependency injection with a basic .NET example and provide a few links to .NET resources to extend on the subject? This is not a duplicate of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/130794/what-is-dependency-injection because I am asking about specific .NET examples and resources. ...

WCF Web Service, cross-domain example.

Can anyone point me to a good/simple example of creating a WCF web-service sitting on one website, followed with a simple example consuming that WCF web-service on another website? ...

What the heck does 'ALFKI' mean?

I've seen this abbreviation (or mnemonic) used in various examples in SQL and web services. What does it mean? And if you know, what are its origins? ...