
Excel 2003 doesn't have WorkbookConnection class

How to get over this problem Excel 2003 does not have WorkbookConnection class while 2007 have it. ...

how to merge cells in excel using php ?

hello all, using php i exported report in excel.But got stuck in merging cells. i want to merge the first 10 cells to dispaly the Name of the Company. The variable which has the company name is in one cell, tried to merge the cells but i cudn't... can any one help me, thank u in advance. ...

Write Hyperlink Formula to Excel with XMLWriter

Is there a way to write a hyperlink formula to an excel file using XMLWriter? In other words, I am trying to create an Excel file using XMLWriter and it works well except that my URL is merely a string and I want it to be a hyperlink. I tried writing =HYPERLINK(A1), for example, where A1 is the url string (thinking I could just hide th...

Excel Programming using C#

Hi there, im trying to manipulate excel file XLS with C# by using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel the workbook im trying to manipulate has shared protection between users i have the file pw and i have the pw of the cells which i want to access and edit. if i try to do that from excel i do the following open the file type the pw go...

Convert VB's Format() into PHP

In PHP, I'm trying to read an Excel file using COM(): $rrc_app = new COM("Excel.application"); $rrc_workbook = $rrc_app->Workbooks->Open($filename); $rrc_worksheet = $rrc_workbook->Worksheets('Top sheet'); $rrc_worksheet->activate; I tried to extract the value of a cell containing a "Time" value: $review_time = $rrc_worksheet->Range(...

Dealing with Excel files

Hi! I want to read ms-excel file in java and I've also downloaded the compressed file containing 'poi' api by Apache( on the site http://jakarta.apache.org/poi) but where actually to unzip it? means in which path?? whether in org.Apache or somewhere else?? ...

Export to excel in c#

Hi anybody working on data exporting? I've 4 tables in my sql server database. I want to export these 4 tables data into one excel file in different sheets with column names. Is it possible? Thanks in advance ...

Excel: Runtime error 13 type mismatch

I got Run-time error '13' at then end of this code, even if I try to switch between the commented lines of code Public Property Get cnnString() As String 'old: strcnnString = "OLEDB;Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Password="""";User ID=Admin;Data Source=" & Me.DBFolderName & ";Mode=Share Deny Write;Extended Properties="""";Jet OLEDB:S...

Convert image (jpg) to base64 in Excel VBA?

I need to convert an image inside Excel (or through VBA) to base64 (in the end I will make XML output). How can I do this? Do I need to make a reference to DOM? I´ve been reading this question but it only works for text strings not images... Does anyone have any code that I can see? ...

convert spreadsheet formulas to java

What tools are available to convert an OpenOffice or Excel spreadsheet (with all its formulas) into a Java object that can be called at run-time? Obviously this would only make a calculation engine and just be about numbers and text, not timing or API calls. Even with named cell ranges being used to (effectively) name variables the out...

VSTO: Attach meta-data to a cell in Excel?

Hi! I'm using VSTO to create an Excel Add-on. This add-on retrieves and display alot of data from a sql-server. This works great, but later on I plan to access some of the data inside excel and modify it in some ways. My problem is that I need a way of classify cells that I want to modify. Is there any way to add meta-data to a cell to ...

Finding rightmost cell in an Excel document in .Net

I'm reading an Excel document via the DocumentFormat.OpenXml library. Is there a good way to find out how many columns it has? The current code, which I've just come across while investigating a bug, does this: public string getMaxColumnName(SheetData aSheetData) { string lLastCellReference = aSheetData.Descendants<Cell>().Last()....

Excel through OleDb shows numbers differently...depending on whether spreadsheet is open!?

I'm opening an Excel worksheet into a DataTable using OleDb like this: string select = string.Format("SELECT * FROM [{0}$]", worksheetName); using (var con = new OleDbConnection(connectionString)) using (var adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(select, con)) { con.Open(); var dt = new DataTable(); adapter.Fill(dt); con.Close()...

Is there an Excel Chart Object to System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting converter around?

Does anyone know if there is a tool that allows you to convert an Excel Chart object to an System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting object (aka ASP.NET Charts) e.g. in C# using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting; ... var xlChart = xlWorksheet.ChartObjects.FirstOrDefault(); Chart chart = SomeConverterLibrary.Conve...

Excel PrintPreview

Hi, The Following is my code to print preview for an excel document. The compilation is successful. But the preview window is not visible. Can any body point me what is the error. Is there is need to add any more codings or dlls. (Note: The Document contains data) Excel.Application excelApp = new Excel.Application(); ...

How to import .class file in jsp page which is not in standard library?

I would like to read excel file in java. For that no classes are provided by java standard library. I have downloaded required classes but I am not able to import them. One solution is jsp:usebean but they are near about 300-400 classes so I can't use usebean. Please suggest another solution. ...

Export Repeater to excel

I am trying to export my repeater to excel and here is my code... StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw); string attachment = "attachment; filename=file.xls"; Response.ClearContent(); Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", attachment); Response.ContentType = "applicat...

Read Excel sheet in C#

Error while reading Excel sheet from C#: ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified How to solve this? This is my code: OdbcConnection oConn = new OdbcConnection(); oConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;data source=D:\\Para_Lalit\\sample.xlsx;E...

How to auto-size column-width in Excel during text entry

I usually try to avoid VBA in Excel, but it would be convenient to be able to type text into a cell, and have its column get wider or narrower to accommodate the text remaining as it's entered or deleted. This would be subject, of course, to the lengths of the text in the other cells in the column. 'Auto-fit as you type', I guess you m...

SQL Server 2005 SSIS Data Transfer SQL to Excel Corrupts Excel File

I have an SSIS package that exports data from a table on a SQL Server 2005 database to an Excel Spreadsheet. The spreadsheet in question has 15 sheets, and I am trying to populate values on one of these sheets. I have a template file which I clone to be the target for the export (a simple file system task). This template file is valid, ...