I want to be able to insert a reference into a cell with arbitrary text around it.
ex. use a reference to cells A1, B1
C1 => "blah blah <A1 text> foobar <B1 text>"
Is there any way to do something like this while still maintaining the references?
I need some help with a sincronization of excel files with windows mobile from a PDA with windows mobile that is connected via wireless to the network office. I need to share an excel file that is on a network folder to all PDAs and then return the excel files modified to the network folder.
Any help will be appreciated.
I have a asp.net page that generates a report. For better or for worse, the entire thing is generated using nested tables. I am able to export the page to excel, however I lose all my formatting (can't set column widths, etc). Is there a way to handle this? I'm open to adding any goofy MS Office -specific tags that are required...
I have an excel file that pulls in data via data connection from bunch of CSV files. The CSV files are generated every now so often by a JAVA program.
Is it possible to refresh the data too via. JAVA program? I see JXCELAPI and JOI are there, but briefly looking at their documentation doesn't indicate my use case is even possible.
In s...
Using VBA, is it possible to get the size of a given range in terms of pixels or units? (I don't care which unit as I am only using it to relate to other measurements with the same unit).
I have a PHP script that simply takes some data, separates it into tab delimited format, saves it as an .xls file, and then gives user a link to download it.
Works well most of the time, but some people are getting cached versions of the exported .xls file.
What I am thinking I need to do is instead of giving user a direct link to the ...
Windows XP machine
Both Excel 2007 and Excel 2003 installed (in that order, not chronologically).
C# 3.5
When I use the PIAs to do some Office automation, I use the following line of code:
var excel = new ApplicationClass();
The PIA's version specifically refers to it as Excel 12.
Is there a way with Excel 9.0 Object Library to get a cell coordinate (from a range or cell) "Excel style" for example: A1 or C4 instead of [1,1] and [4,3]?
I am in a process of building an intranet application entirely using silverlight 3. On one of the page, I need to generate an excel report. Users can select few parameters through UI and will hit submit button, then silverlight shall generate an excel report & popup a window allowing users to save the generated report.
Is there anyway t...
Can anyone shed light on why I might be seeing very small (10^-08) number differences when using exactly the same numbers in Excel vs C#??
I have a formula and use the same inputs. In Excel I get one number - In C# I get another. The difference is tiny.
I am using doubles in C# and doing division. I have tried using decimals which d...
How can I save an Excel-file, which I'd edit with VB.NE, to a file, which already exists? Evertime there is a dialog: File already exists. Do you really want to overwrite? YES|NO|Abort
How can I overwrite without this dialog?
I need to create a very simple excel file from C# code, I saw the following question but got mixed up about teh various options. could any one point me what's the best and simplest way to do so. I need it to run also on xls as well as on xlsx. in addition I need a formula to color a specific column according to content.
From a previous questions someone indicated that Excel uses a 64 bit (8 byte) double-precision floating.
Is that correct - Is there any material on this at all?
I am trying to tie off numbers and this is killing me!
I have a user-defined function written in VBA that updates colors in a drawn shape (traffic light consisting of three circles). The call in a worksheet cell looks somehow like this:
setTrafficLight(A1, "Oval 1", "Oval 2", "Oval 3")
where A1 is a cell containing e.g. "green" or "red". The other parameters are the names of the shapes.
Here is my test code for some maths I am doing:
Why is C# treating this differently?
Numerator = =-0.161361101510599*10000000
Denominator = =(-1*(100-81.26)) * (10000000/100)
It would make my user's lives much easier if I could do the following;
Allow an Excel document to be viewed (not edited) in Internet Explorer 8
Facilitate jumping to particular sheets in that document
I can embed the Excel file using an iframe which works, but I am utterly stuck when it comes to jumping to a particular named workshee...
I am having trouble using the Jet provider and OleDb to get the sheet names in an Excel95 workbook.
I have a workbook with 3 sheets, Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3. I am using the following code to extract the sheet name:
var connectionString =
String.Format("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source={0};Extended Properties=\"Excel 8.0;HDR=...
A field in Excel contains words separated by semicolons, e.g.:
A1 = save;the;national;treasure;for;good
How can I apply Excel text formulas to produce separate words from this field in another fields? E.g.:
A2 should contain a formula to get the first word ("save")
A3 should contain a (different) formula to get the second word ("t...
I'm getting the following Error:
ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
The code is written as :
protected void btnconnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
OdbcConnection oConn = new OdbcConnection();
oConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSDASQL.1...
I need to create a excel file with password protection on opening the xls.
Need a solution with open source java library.
Could not find any proper solution.
Its urgent,Pls help...