I build an assembly referencing a COM interop DLL. If I embed the COM interop types by setting Embed Interop Types to True in the Reference's properties (VS2010), at run-time an error occurs "object does not contain a definition for get_Range". If COM interop types are not embedded then no error occurs.
Does anyone know why a particul...
I have developed some code which creates excel macros and each time after creation of new macro I want to digitally sign the macro programmatically. Can you let me know if there is any way using which I can create new digital certificates and assign those to macro programmatically. Thanks.
I have written a vsto addin with VS 2005 for excel 2007.
This addin is able to add XLL files to addin list.
That works fine in excel 2007 but in excel 2010, i have
"Attempt to read or write protected memory"
on this call :
this.Application.AddIns.Add(aAddInFullPath, Missing.Value);
I have checked that aAddInFullPath is ok...
I have a query like the following:
SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('MSDASQL', 'Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DBQ=D:\test.xls','SELECT * FROM Sheet1$]')
This brings back rows that are all null if they were ever edited and then deleted. I want to exclude those, but still include rows that have good data but possible null cells.
My ...
I'm writing a spreadsheet for a shop manager. What it does is keep track of the number of hours a worker has worked.
So you enter times for Monday-Sunday, and then an adjustment - e.g. if they work 40/40/40/32 hours for the month, then you would have an adjustment of -2/-2/-2/+6 to bring the worker to the 38 hour week that he's being ...
Im making a spreadsheet with different books people have to read and when the person gets finished reading the books they will mark and x and the box. So i have a formula for the following book columns E3,G3,I3and K3 which is COUNTIF(B3:L3,"X")*20. Can i add this formual to another so that N3 and O3 are worth 2.5?
How do i add two COUNTIF equations together to get a total
Good Morning,
I have a rather odd thing happening with an Excel WorkSheet that I am creating through .Net.
I load up an existing workbook
Dim _xlApp As New Excel.Application
Dim _xlWorkbook As Excel.WokBook = _xlApp.Workbooks.Open(_templateFileName)
set it to be visible before populating it (for debugging purposes)
_xlApp.Visible = T...
Hi All,
After developing using the Excel Interop with .Net for a while, i have become increasingly annoyed with the how many "odd things" happen - such as this question i posted earlier - My Problem.
I appreciate that this is not a direct question and more of a collaberation of experiences, but i do think that it would be helpful how...
i have written some values in column i want to make it in reverse order ....
I'm trying to copy a table that is created in our software into an excel spreadsheet.
Some of the title headers in our application are too big to fit in a column so they are separated by a #13+#10 (CR+LF) so they sit on the next line. e.g.
Strain SpikeConc Spike
ng/g dpm/g
Blah 20.0 5...
I'm trying to export data from a web app into excel, but there is a request to include the company's logo at the top of the spreadsheet. My normal method of creating the excel is to create a spreadsheet in excel and save it as an Xml Spreadsheet (Excel 2003). This allows me to build up the xml in code.
However, when attempting to save t...
StringBuilder sbExcelFileConnStr = new StringBuilder();
sbExcelFileConnStr.Append("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=");
sbExcelFileConnStr.Append(";Extended Properties=\"Excel 8.0;HDR=No;\"");
OleDbConnection xlConn = new OleDbConnection(sbExcelFileConnStr...
I would like to create a dialog box or message box in excel WITH custom button labels i.e. FIRST and SECOND. I would like for this box to open up when the file is first opened...and doesn't allow user access to the worksheet until they select either FIRST or SECOND.
I can make a form, but I would rather not add a form since this should...
I have a small script in Excel/VB that I'm trying to get working. All I want to do is select a dynamic range of data to copy but I can't seem to find any help/code on how to get the grid data (like A11).
Here is code I have from macro recording that selects the range of data:
I was hoping I could just do ...
(A) SumProduct( A1:A3,B1:B3) == A1*B1 + A2*B2 + A3*B3
Instead, what I'm after is
(B) SumProduct( A1:A3, Reverse(B1:B3)) == A1*B3 + A2*B2 + A3*B1
Is there a clean way to achieve this in excel 2003 / excel 2007 ? The natural ordering of these values is A1->A3 and B1->B3, so reversing the meanings of the cells is unsatisfactory; but cre...
I have the data coming from Entity Data model table on my ASP.NET page.
Now I have to export this data into Excel on button click.
If it is using OLEDB, it is straight forward as it is here: http://csharp.net-informations.com/excel/csharp-excel-oledb-insert.htm
Here is my function to read data from inquiries table:
var model = fr...
I have a CSV file with three columns (A,B,C).
I can record a Macro which selects Col A + Col B, then inserts a chart of A versus B.
This works, but the code generated contains a hardcoded ref to the 'Sheet1' like this:
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Range( _
I have an XML Spreadsheet that is automatically generated. There is a varying amount of Columns and Rows depending on the report.
When printing I would like for it to Fit to Width (Right now if there are too many columns it will not fit on a page... even when landscape).
I was initially using FitToPage but for reports with hundreds of ...
This VBA macro works:
Sub Draw_Graph()
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=ActiveSheet.Range("$A:$B")
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlLine
End Sub
This Python (near) Equivalent almost works:
from win32com import client