
Office 2003 interop problems, interface, method not found.

This problem is making me crazy. Actually I have multiple problems. First one: Why on earth are is there a _Worksheet and a Worksheetinterface in the Excel interop. They both look the same, except for some attributes on the methods. It's confusing! Second of all: my job today is making a VB.NET file more strict, by settings Option ...

Excel VBA: Help with deleting cells based on conditions

I have a new job (yay!) which includes a chunk of Excel work that I have to do. I am new to Excel programming, so I am planning on picking up a book or two to start learning. But, in the meantime, I already have tasks to do, so I was hoping that someone would be able to help. I need help programming a little task with VBA. I have a list...

Java Apache POI Excel reading exception

I'm trying to use POI to read an Excel file. It will be a large file ( > 50k rows) so I'm using the eventusermodel rather than the simpler usermodel which reads the entire file into memory. My code looks like: File file = new File("C:\\bigfile.xls"); InputStream input = new FileInputStream(file); EventRecordFactory factory =...

unable to export thai character into excel

Using this code <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%> <%@page import="java.io.*"%> <%@page import="com.db.action.SearchFormDBImage"%> <%@ page import=" java.util.*"%> <%@page import ="org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet"%> <%@page import ="org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.H...

Is it possible to "link" two cells in Excel via some sort of formula?

For example, I want the contents of A1 and B1 to always add up to 1000. If the user types "200" into cell A1, I want B1 to automatically update to be "800". Likewise, if the user types "600" into cell B1, I want A1 to automatically update to be "400". I can do one or the other pretty easily—I can set A1 to be "=1000 - B1" for example, a...

Include Parameters in the Export To Excel

I'm using Report Viewer with Reporting-Services report embedded in it. I'm using external parameters - I'm setting the parameters into the Reporting server from the form that contain the Report-Viewer (using .ServerReport.SetParameters( instance>)). I would like to see the selected values of the input parameters in the Export To Excel re...

Automatic hyperlinks in Excel?

I am exposing data from a SSAS server to which users can connect from any tool they like, (in practise usually Excel 2007). We would like to provide URLs in some cells and would like Excel to recognise these as hyperlinks and make active and format accordingly. When we put a URL into a cell, it is just rendered as plain text. If you t...

How do I create an executable application for a Excel macro procedure?

I've got two spreadsheets ("Old" and "New") and a VB Script macro. The macro runs in one ("New"), does a comparison of the contents of the other ("Old"), and then outputs the results back on to the "New" spreadsheet. I'd like to build an executable where I input the two file names and click a run button to simplify this procedure. The c...

What are pros & cons of Passed Arrays vs Global Arrays in Excel VBA

Ok, 2nd attempt at writing a Stack Overflow Question, so forgive me if this seems familiar. I am rewriting an Excel Macro that was built over a 2 1/2 year period, frankenstein style (added to piecemeal). One of the things I need to do is load the data into an array once and only once for data accuracy and speed. For my skill level I...

Updating External system from excel

It's obviously possible from a demo i saw earlier but didn't catch enough details I envision making a function call such as =MyRTDReverse("keyvalue", "fieldName", [AC51]) or =MyRTDReverse("keyvalue", [AB51], [AC51]) // where AB51 has the field name and AC51 has the field value etc. where updating the value in cell AC51 triggers...

Export to Excel using JQuery plugin on ASP.NET MVC view page?

Hi I have a button on ASP.NET MVC View page. When the user clicks on this button, i have to export the data using JQuery plugin. Appreciate your responses. Thanks ...

how do I use a excel function inside the vba editor

I want to write a Excel function like this. It is an extension of the Dec2Bin function Public Function Dec2BinEx(x As Long) Dec2BinEx = dec2bin(x) + 10 End Function But I am getting an error when trying to use it. How do I call a excel function inside the visual basic editor ...

Extacting contents from excel in Drupal

hi! I want to extract the contents of a excel file and populate them in a new post( page) . I'd like to maintain the row-column relationship. Ex: sample.xls Name | Age | Sex A | 20 | M B | 30 | F C | 40 | M In Drupal (the one which i want) Name | Age | Sex A | 20 | M B | 30 | F C | 40 | M Is there any module in Drupal to d...

.NET - A way to add my own clipboard format to existing formats

I have a Excel addin that displays some structures on the worksheet. Users can copy the structures and paste them in another worksheet or another application which is handled by the Clipboard formats. When a user copies the structure, I convert the structure into a specific format and put it on the clipboard using the DataObject::SetData...

How do we set the position of an Excel chart from C# ?

I am trying to generate an Excel chart from C#. Chart is generated just find but it allways appears at the center of the screen. How can I set the position of the chart? Thanks. My code looks like this: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Workbook ebook = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Workbook)etablo.Workbooks.Add(true); Microsoft.Off...

Working with Excel files on Android

I am working on a module that should be able to create, read and write to Excel files. Is there a (recommended?) lightweight Java library for working with excel file that can run on Android? Suggestions are welcome. Thanks. ...

Why doesn't Perl's Spreadsheet::ParseExcel never return from $parser->parse('test.xls')?

The spreadsheet is Excel 97-2003 compatible and permissions 777 use strict; use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; my $parser = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel->new(); print "<br>gets here:".__LINE__; my $workbook = $parser->parse('test.xls'); print "<br>never gets here:".__LINE__; ...

Merge contents of 2 Excel cells keeping character format intact (using VBA)

As the title says: I try to merge the contents of 2 cells into a 3rd in Excel. There was a similar question here on SO, but those solutions do not keep the character format intact. For example, parts of the source cell contents are formatted bold and red, other parts are normal. When I merge them like Range("A3") = Range("A1") & Range(...

Excel formatting cells

I have a sheet which has date with extra space at end. And i want to remove them so that i can format them as date and sort excel sheet. I used macros available online for ex: Sub TrimColumnA() Dim rng As Range On Error Resume Next ''#if entire column is blank, exit sub Set rng = Intersect(Range("B1").EntireColumn, ActiveSheet.Use...

Excel 2007 VBA signed certificate

Is it possible to create a certificate for an Excel workbook which has some VBA macros, and distribute the certificates to a small group of users? ...