
How to modify existing excel file using PHP?

I have a excel i need to add some more sheets into the excel using PHP, i have used PEAR, there i tried only can write excel and read a file, not able to read and modify the file, guys can you help me in this? Thanks in advance Prabu ...

Open in memory XML string as an Excel workbook with out saving uisng windows Forms C#

Hi Guys, I have an excel string (which I built) in memory; the code looks something like this: public static void exportToExcel() { const string startExcelXML = "<xml version>\r\n<Workbook " + "xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet\"\r\n" + " xmlns:o=\"urn:schemas-m...

What is the maximum value for row and column Range offset in VBA/Excel ?

I am using microsft excel 2003. I am getting "Application-defined or object-defined error" while executing the following If statement. If Range("MyData").CurrentRegion.Offset(i, 0).Resize(1, 1).Value = Range("MyData").CurrentRegion.Offset(i + 1, 0).Resize(1, 1).Value Then The value of i is 58981 when I get this er...

Exporting to Excel from a CrystalReportsViewer

Hi, I'm actually using the crystal report provide by Visual Studio 2008. I'm developping a wpf application in c#. So, i'm making a xmldoc and provide it to my crystalreport,and everything works properly,except when i want to export to excel from the crystalreportviewer. In my report,i have many data which are numbers like float,int......

Is it realistic to edit an ecommerce db with Excel?

Hi, I'm building an ecommerce website and the client insists that he'll be able to edit products with Excel spreadsheet. It is a bit complex ecommerce website. We have physical product - computer service - computer installation product with variations - shirt with different sizes group product - a shirt and a tie. Is it realistic ...

Excel: How to get a locale-independent printer name?

There's a PrintOut method in Excel that prints stuff. It accepts a printer name as a parameter, and that printer name is not just a system printer name, but a combination of both system printer name and port to which the printer is connected. .PrintOut ActivePrinter:="MyPrinter" & " on " & "Ne00:" If you only provide a system name, Ex...

Setting an Excel Range with an Array using Python and comtypes?

Using comtypes to drive Python, it seems some magic is happening behind the scenes that is not converting tuples and lists to VARIANT types: # RANGE(“C14:D21”) has values # Setting the Value on the Range with a Variant should work, but # list or tuple is not getting converted properly it seems >>>from comtypes.client import CreateObjec...

Excel Word Wrap Problem after Macro

I have a macro that I use to receive data from an InputBox and then insert that data into a cell. I am having some formatting issues with the data after the following macro runs. Sub InsertNotes() ' ' insertnotes Macro ' ' Dim UserNotes As String UserNotes = InputBox(Prompt:="Please enter your note below:", Title:="Note input"...

Duplicate range in Excel via C#

Hi, I have well defined Excel range, let's say "A5:I9" for example. I would like to multiply the complete rows of these range via C#. "Multiply" means to copy the range several times below itself, shifting the rest of the document down. Any hint how to do that? I'm fighting with the Range.Insert and Range.Copy methods for quite some tim...

How do i retrieve the SharePoint List path with a Excel template (VSTO) on a New Document?

Hi all, The scenario: I have a VSTO template which is installed to SharePoint. Now when i create a workbook from SharePoint (by clicking New->My Template) from the List i run my code on the ThisWorkbook_Startup event. Inside this event i need to get hold of the list-url which is "calling" the action, as i need the list-name. In W...

Excel VBA App stops spontaneously with message "Code execution has been halted"

Hi, From what I can see on the web, this is a fairly common complaint, but answers seem to be rarer. The problem is this: We have a number of Excel VBA apps which work perfectly on a number of users' machines. However on one machine they stop on certain lines of code. It is always the same lines, but those lines seem to have nothing in...

Searching two columns and returning value from third VBA

Hello, A colleague of mine has an excel spreadsheet made up of 3 columns and would like to make searching them easier. What he has is two cells off to one side that he enters a value from column one into and a value from column two into. What he would like to do is search the spreadsheet for instances where value one and two exist in ...

How to keep one variable constant with other one changing with row in excel

Lets say I have one cell A0, which I want to keep constant in a calculation. For example, I want to calculate a value like this: =(B0+4)/(A0) How do I make it so that if I drag that cell to make a calculation across cells in many rows, only the B0 value changes, while A0 always references that cell, instead of going to A1, A2, etc.? ...

how to get data in sheet2 from sheet1 in excel

I have two worksheets, Sheet1 Column A = Deptname Column B = Headname Column C = Username Sheet2 Column A = Headname (???) Column B = Username Column C = UserID "Headname" column in Sheet2 is blank and what I wanted to do is to get "Headname" from Sheet1 by using "Username". I have tried to use VLookup but it did not work if user...

Excel POI 3.5 WorkBook Java Heap Space Exception ?

Hi, I am using latest POI 3.5 for Excel reading . I have Excel MS office 2007 installed and for that poi is providing XSSF for executing the data. For 15000 lines of data it is executing properly , but exceeding the limit till 30000 or 100000 or 200000 , it is prone to java heap space exception. code is below : enter code here UA...

delete rows in excel sheet using javascript

Hello , I am trying to edit an excel sheet using activex object in Javascript. The function below opens an excel sheet and creates a few entries. function test() { var ExcelApp = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application"); var ExcelSheet = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open("c:\\jan29.xls"); ExcelSheet.Application.Visible = true; ExcelSheet.Activ...

Change value for multiple cells in Excel

If I have an Excel sheet with lets say 2 columns Name | Age, and in the Name column I have some 2000 entries and some of them repeat more than once in a random order, how can I populate the Age column inserting the value only once for each unique record from the Name column? Excel noobie, so sorry if the question seems stupid. Thanks! ...

Output table from excel using xslt

Hi I would like to output a table to a webpage. The table is stored in an excel sheet (xls). Is it possible to use xslt for this? The table is the cells are in this range: A26 - P36 (16 columns and 11 rows) If an exmaple file is need here is a link: http://finans.opengate.dk/media/6704/2010-01-13.xls Update: A daily file is uploaded....

What are the benefits of using Classes in VBA?

Hi All! I am doing some VBA programming in excel 2007 and have one workbook where all the datasheets is to be copied from, into another sheet. The new sheet will have several header rows, and I would like to keep track of where they are situated so I don't have to find words in them constantly. Is the simplest thing to use classes and...

MS Excel how to create a macro to find duplicates and highlight them?

How can I create a macro in MS excel to find duplicates in a spreadsheet and highlight it ...