
Convert Excel 95 to Excel97+ without automation?

I have an Excel 95 workbook, and I need to convert it into a format that is at least Excel 97, although preferably Excel 2003. I don't want to use office automation as this has all kinds of issues. Is there any way to do this in a .Net managed way? ...

Excel4 API call with Office 2010 64-bit

Hello, I try to convert an existing 32-bit XLL to a 64-bit version in order to run under Excel 2010 64-bit. But when I try to run it under Excel it crashes Excel. It crashes when I do a Excel4(xlfRegister, result, 7, x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6); with XLOPER parameter (not XLOPER12). Do you know if I can still use Excel4 in 64-bit ? If i...

Excel Macro: How do I copy all rows from 3 worksheets and merge rows that are unique in the first column?

The worksheets have hundreds of rows with account numbers in column A, an account description in column B and totals in column C. I want to copy the rows from all 3 worksheets into a single 4th worksheet but where duplicate account numbers are found, I want there just to be one with the totals aggregated into column C of that row and the...

Is it possible to exclude hidden rows when searching for duplicates in Excel?

I am working on a procedure in Excel using VBA that highlights duplicate rows. The procedure evaluates the result of the worksheet function sumproduct to determine if the row has duplicates. The evaluated formula ends up looking like this: SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A10 = A1), --(B1:B10 = B1), --(C1:C10 = C1)) So far the procedure works great,...

Userform Cancel Button _Intermittently_ Unresponsive?

The attached VBA procedures are for a progress bar userform. Everything works as expected, except that the cancel button is intermittently unresponsive. I say intermittently because, 95% of the time I have to click the cancel button numerous times before the procedure stops. I can see the button click event being animated, but the proce...

Help interpret/implement "Copy/Paste from Excel to a web page" answer?

Can I get some help interpreting / implementing the answers at: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2006468/copy-paste-from-excel-to-a-web-page/2006789 please? This was the most useful answer Google found for "Paste Excel to Web Page/Form" -- seems perfect but I can't get to work. (Requirement is to give users an option to pre-populate ...

Excel find and replace a character to create a new cell

For example if have " size:1, color:red CH 4" in one cell i want " size:1. color:red" new cell "4" basically find "CH" and replace it with a new cell and everything in front of it. anyone know how? ...

What's the best language to automate this Windows task involving Outlook and Excel?

Hi, I need to automate a particular task that involves: Fetching mails from my mailbox based on a set of criteria - from a particular user, has a particular pattern of subject line, etc. Parsing the mail body of each mail and extracting some content (the mails have an almost fixed pattern) Creating an Excel sheet with a particular te...

How can I calculate the mean of all months until now?

I have a column with a value for each month, like: 1,2,3,...,12. And I have a row with 12 cells (each corresponding to a month). And I have another cell that says the current month. My question is: How can I calculate the mean of the values until the current month? I was doing something like « =MEAN(IF(S4>S16;D4:O4;IF(S4>S15;D4:N4; IF(...

How to compare literals in COUNTIF

Named lists in an excel sheet are referenced from another sheet on the same book. E.g. Sheet 2 has the named lists(GRPCNT) contain strings > 5 5 - 9 10 - 20 > 20 Sheet 1 uses GRPCNT to provide a list of options. Say, there are three rows A | > 5 B | > 20 C | > 5 Sheet 1 has to determine the number of occurrences of each option f...

How to make a sub string selection and concatenation in excel ?

Hello guys I have an excel file with field1 and field2 I want to take the first letter in field1 and concatenate it to field2 and put the result in field3 Example: Field1 = "John" Field2 = "Doe" I want to set the field three by some equation to be Field3 = "JDoe" ...

Exporting MySQL to Excel

Hi, I need some help with this code from PHP Classes, that's supposed to export MySQL to Excel. I'm getting the following error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_SL in excelwriter.inc.php on line 100 This is line 100: [Line100] function GetHeader() { $header = <<<EOH <html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-...

How can I look for the duplicate values in a certain field in a spreadsheet ?

Hello I have an excel file and I wanna look for the duplicate values in a certain field like a list of email accounts. Like making them to be formatted the same or something like that. Do you know how to that ? ...

[Excel VBA]How to cast a shape object?

I want to assign a ComboBox control to a class member of ComboBox type. This control is in a group on a worksheet. The problem is through GroupItems property, I can only get a Shape object, not a ComboBox. So when assigning, it alerts "type dismatch". If the control was not in a group, I could get an OLEObject object through OLEObjects...

export datatable to excel, value 3E2 become 300, supposed to be text 3E2

I am converting datatable to excel using the following code: public static void ExportDataTabletoExcel(String fileName, DataTable thetable) { if (thetable != null) { //clear anything in io buffer HttpContext.Current.Response.Clear(); //set to excel for to save file. HttpContext.Current...

How to add hyperlink to a cell to link to an object or shape(eg:TextBox) in excel2003?

Hi, I have an excel sheet with TextBoxes and some text in it.(There are around 60 text boxes) My requirement is that i need to assign an hyperlink to a cell which links to a particular TextBox specified in the hyperlink, but i am unable to give link to a TextBox , it is only allowing me to give link to a cell reference but not to a Text...

Displaying SpreadSheet (OpenXML) cell styling in ASP.NET

I would like to display Excel SpreadSheet on the webpage. Seems like when I am using ADO.NET I can only access to data but is there some way so I can also know which rows/cols are formatted in special way like headers? ...

Excel VBA worksheet.names vs worksheet.range

Hi There The question I have is a quick one to do with the VBA object model. I have created a defined name/range on a worksheet called "bob", pointing to a single cell. I have a bunch of other name/ranges set up on this worksheet, which I didn't create. All the other ones work perfectly. The new one created by me does not work perfectly...

Excel VBA: Copy rows from another workbook, but just the function results

I want to copy 10 rows from a workbook into a new workbook. The copy & paste is fine, but in the copied cells are some formulas that I need to replace with the results. Is there a magical way to copy only the displayed values from the cells? This is how I do it now: Rows("2:11").Select Selection.Copy myWorkbook.Sheets(1).Activate Acti...

Access query to Excel spreadsheet

In an Access database I have a query table that is linked to a form when the form is opened and edited. How can I link this query table to Excel so the when I click a button on the form in Access the spreadsheet in Excel is opened showing all items in the Access query table, the user can then edit the spreadsheet if required. All in Ac...