
Excel Conditional Formatting Using A Reference Range

I have a watch range with certain cells highlighted yellow. For each of these cells, there is a corresponding reference value all located within one column. I want to highlight all cells in my target range red for which the value in the corresponding reference cell matches the value in the target cells. The code I've come up with is a...

COM Add-in for Excel doesn't load when Excel is launched by opening file

Several users have reported that if they launch Excel by double-clicking an Excel file, the add-in will not load. But, if they open Excel via the Start menu (or Quick launch toolbar) the add-in loads fine. Some details, in case they help: It is a COM add-in, written in VB6. The problem has been reported on Windows XP/Excel 2003 and Vi...

How can I quote the data within my cells?

I have 2 cells that contain data that I need to wrap inside quotes like so: "cell data 1"[tab]"cell data 2" When I try and save the file from within excel, only some of the rows are quoted. Can someone help? ...

How to insert data from an excel sheet into a database table??

Hi, I need to insert the data from an excel sheet into a teradata table. and I need this to be done using a MACRO. I have data in an excel sheet like COL1 COL2 COL3 COL4 1 2 3 4 2 5 8 10 . . so on and i need to keep a button in the excel sheet and assign a macro to that button so that when i click the button...

XlsIo DateTime Incorrect by about 4 years

I'm using the XlsIo .net library and it seems to consistently return a date that is four years and one day in the past compared to the value I see in Excel. Does anyone know what the cause of this is? ...

Excel: the Incredible Shrinking and Expanding Controls

Occasionally, I'll happen across a spreadsheet which suffers from magic buttons or listboxes which get bigger or smaller over time. Nothing in the code is instructing this. Has anybody else experienced this joy? ...

Generating Excel from C# - How to make diagonal borders?

I am using C# to generate an Excel spreadsheet and saving it in Excel 2003 XML format using this library. I need to make a cell that contains a big X. The sample sent by the client uses a left and right diagonal border to accomplish this. I've have been unable to find the correct code syntax to set a cell's style in this manner. How is ...

PHP: Turn HTML table into spread sheet?

I am generating an HTML table full of data. They need it to be an editable spreadsheet though that they can save and edit. I currently have it exactly as they want but as an HTML table, is there anyway I can convert this to an excel spread sheet that they can download? Thanks!! ...

Excel VBA - connect to sql with a trusted connection (no uid/pwd)

Is there a way to have Excel connect to Sql Server using the current user's network windows authentication (trusted connection/integrated security)? I don't want to rely on a sql login or have a uid/password in my code. ...

Can this be done using excel macos?

Hi Guys, I am new here and have been refered to this site by someone who thinks its the best site for programmers. I also think it is!! I am new to Vb and excel Macros. I want to do the following things with a 13 column and 1000 rows spreadsheet. Determine the Unique items on Column A to J Move the Unique items to a new Sheet Transp...

VBA: Querying Access with Excel. Why so slow?

I found this code online to query Access and input the data into excel (2003), but it is much slower than it should be: Sub DataPull(SQLQuery, CellPaste) Dim Con As New ADODB.Connection Dim RST As New ADODB.Recordset Dim DBlocation As String, DBName As String Dim ContractingQuery As String If SQLQuery = "" Then Else DBName = Range...

Showing multiple cvs files in a c# winform app using AxSpreadsheet control

Hi, I am using the AxSpreadsheet control, how can I show multiple cvs files as worksheets on this control? Thanks. ...

Changing Response.Header makes javascript unresponsive on my page

I use response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=file.xls"); response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"; as a method to generate a CSV/Excel file in my page. It works like a charm, however, after I open the file, the scripts on my page are unresponsive; trying tie JS onclick on any component on my page dose...

Methods in EXCEL Addin - XLL

Hi, How do I know which methods are available in my XLL module, in case i need to use / call any of them in my VBA code. I can do this by calling the: Application.Run() method, in which I have to pass my macro-name as the parameter. My question is about this macro-name: how do I know which macros are present in my XLL addin. Any h...

Using VBA to change Excel data

Hi all, I have some Excel data that looks like the following (top two rows): and I need to get it looking like the data on the bottom rows. I've not really used Excel VBA before, so can someone point me in the right direction of where to start with this please? Many thanks in advance leddy ...

Is there a regular expression for a comma separated list of discrete values?

I use the following regular expression to validate a comma separated list of values. ^Dog|Cat|Bird|Mouse(, (Dog|Cat|Bird|Mouse))*$ The values are also listed in a drop down list in Excel cell validation, so the user can select a single value from the drop down list, or type in multiple values separated by commas. The regular expressi...

Changing the page layout using Office Web Components

I am using Office Web components to fill an Excel template with values. The template is in Excel xml format, containing all relevant fields and layout options including the page layout, landscape in this case. I'm filling this template with some real fields using the code below. Set objSpreadsheet = Server.CreateObject("OWC11.Spreadshee...

Ruby: Parse Excel 95-2003 files?

Hi, Is there a way to read Excel 97-2003 files from Ruby? Background I'm currently using the Ruby Gem parseexcel -- http://raa.ruby-lang.org/project/parseexcel/ But it is an old port of the perl module. It works fine, but the latest format it parses is Excel 95. And guess what? Excel 2007 will not produce the Excel 95 format. John Mc...

Apache HSSF POI excel doc to tab delimted file

went and got a file that already "works" from here: xls to csv Note, I wanted a tab delimited format, so I just went in and changed "," to "\t" and then removed a bunch of the extra formatting, such as naming the workbook. The problem is, however, that this code I found splits some Excel rows into 2+ lines. These are the rows where I h...

Server moved, now MS Excel 2003 queries won't work

We use MS Query to retrieve data from various databases to create management metrics (i.e. within Excel, go to Data...Import External Data...New Database Query). The SQL query and parameters (mostly conn string) are automatically stored by Excel within the spreadsheet. However, we recently moved one of our databases to a new server. ...