
In an ExpandableListView, how can I show one additional line at the end of the child results?

I have created a custom ExpandableListAdapter and everything works properly. What I'd like to be able to do is in each of the groups add a different type of child to the end. I have tried adding 1 to the getChildrenCount() number and then testing isLastChild in the getChildView() method, but that doesn't seem to work. If a group has thr...

Android: long click on the child views of a ExpandableListView?

ExpandableListView has a setOnChildClickListener method, but lacks of setOnChild*Long*ClickListener method. When I added setOnLongClickListener() on child view in getChildView(), whole sublist became completely unclickable (despite of parentView.setOnChildClickListener() present and working before). How can I enable long clicks on chil...

How to create a DBAdapter object in inner class extends BaseExpandableListAdapter?

Hello there, I want to populate ExpandableListView from database. But I can't create the DBAdapter object in class extends BaseExpandableListAdapter, because I don't know what context must be passed to DBAdapter constructor. I use DBAdapter db = new DBAdapter(AutoContacts.this); but it doesn't work. Here my code: Autocontact.java import...

setSelectedChild not working for ExpandableListView

I have an ExpandableListActivity (for an RSS feed reader) which populates itself when the activity is created, that works fine. The groups are the item titles, and the children are a webview that contains the description. I also pass a parameter to it in the hope that I can automatically expand on of the groups to display the RSS descri...

Android. ExpandableListAdapter and Sqlite

hi, are there any good examples out there of using an expandablelistadapter with the results of an sql query? The docs give 3 examples of using expandablelistadapter, but none of them deal with sqlite Thanks Kevin ...

Strange behaviour in Expandablelistview - Android

hi all, Im trying to implement an activity that uses ExpandableListView and I have gotten so far but now I have found some strange behavior. My activity is meant to record food intake as specified by the user. they have a choice of menus (breakfast, lunch and dinner - the outer group) which expand to show their contents. when a user c...

Android: Bind data to a ListView without preparing ArrayLists for the ListAdapter?

Right now, I get my Models in a nice object-oriented form. In order to bind them to my List, I have to use the listAdapter. Can I only fill this listAdapter with stupid ArrayLists? Because that means, I have to iterate over my ModelCollection and pull all the data out of my Models again. So, I detach my data from the models and I cant ...

What are the pitfalls when using static functions? Like in this Android code...

I use in the getView()-Method of this example a static function to download the source of an ImageView. Later there will be threading included. However, I like to know in general how save the use of static function is in this case. Because I experienced, that in some cases (when I scroll really fast) the Images get mixed up. /** ...

Highlight child in custom ExapandableListAdapter- Android

Hi Folks, Just a quick question. I've created a custom ExpandableListAdapter, both the parent and child have it's own XML layout file. But it's lost the highlight option when you select it (obviously it still selects the row). What option do I need to set to make it highlight like the standard layout would. Thanks! ...

Android: Bind an ExpandableList to a Dataset, but not directly a database.

Hello I am currentry working on a project and need to display some data in an expandable list. This data might change during the lifespan of the activity. I have the following setup: ListMembersActivity that extends ExpandableListActivity and CustomExpandableListAdapter that extends BaseExpandableListAdapter to get the data and prep...