
What's the reason for my ASP.NET Cache never expiring, despite having a sliding expiration time set?

Hi all, So, I've cached a value using the ASP.NET Cache object, with the following code: Cache.Insert("TEST_VALUE", 150, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120)); As I understand it, this should mean that if nothing accesses that object for 120 seconds, it will expire and return null. However, if after 10 minutes...

Consensus on software license protection?

Is there any generally accepted guidelines as to when and how often to check with a license server that the license is still active? Edit: For clarification, the software I am dealing with would have expiration. It would be necessary to check at least each time the application is launched. ...

Design Classic ASP applications to detect session expiration dynamically

I've got a Classic ASP application that relies on session; if the user leaves a screen idle and then runs a form post or other operation, I'd like to know whether the session has expired. Currently I'm checking session in each page to see if it's timed out, but is there a better, dynamic, JavaScripty approach that will do what banks do ...

How long should you let a user stay signed in for on a web application?

Background to question: We are building an online web application that requires the user to sign in. We will add the ability to "keep me signed in on this computer for x weeks." Question: What is the normal standard for how long you should allow a user to stay signed in for? * 2 weeks? * 4 weeks? * Forever? And why? Is there a reason ...

How to unittest Session timeout in Django

I have a requirement something like this: As soon as the user signsup(and will be in the waiting state untill he confirms his email address), a session variable is set something like "FIRST_TIME_FREE_SESSION_EXPIRY_AGE_KEY"(sorry if the name sounds confusing!) which will be set to a datetime object adding 8hrs to the current time. Ho...


hi we are using FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(profile.Id, false); Now the question is when does this cookie expires? It ofcourse expires once i close all the browsers but it doesn't i keep the browser open and i dont know the timelimit. ...

Maximum Year in Expry Date of Credit Card

Various online services have different values for maximum year of expiry, when it comes to Credit Cards. For instance: Basecamp: +15 years (2025) Amazon: +20 years (2030) Paypal: +19 years (2029) What is the reasonable maximum here? Are there any official guidelines? ...

MySQL delete row after 'expiry'

Hi, I am trying to delete expired entries in a MySQL database, on creation or update a field called lastBeat is updated with CURRENT_TIME and I use the following query to check/delete rows older than 20 seconds: DELETE * FROM rmachines WHERE lastBeat < (NOW() - 20); I have also tried CURRENT_TIME instead of NOW() There are 2 ma...

What conditions cause a web browser to display the "Page Expired" message?

I assumed that sending a page out with an expiry (a la)... Response.Cache.SetExpires(System.DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(5)); Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.Public); Response.Cache.SetValidUntilExpires(true); ...would mean that if the user hit the back button they would see the "Page Expired" message. It does ...

HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT and cookie expiry period are same?

Is HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT is true, then does this mean session expired? If yes, Then, does this same as, cookie expiry ? ...

Generating unique URL based on user IP for Amazon cloudfront content

I have contents in Amazon cloudfront. These contents are private but will be given access to users when they purchase to get access to the contents for limited period of time. I want the URLs given to the users be generated for that specific user IP or may be current session key. I am aware of the option of generating an authenticated ...