Hi all,
I want add some functionality to the jquery $.ajax call. Specifically I want to trap for http error 403. I prefer not to edit jquery JS itself. I started to look at .extend but am a little confused by the examples.
Can I $.extend $.ajax() with to trap for 403?
Zombie Killer.
I am using the DefaultComboBoxModel to display a list of customers in a ComboBox. The list currently displays their name only. I would also like to have a reference to each customer within the DefaultComboBoxModel so that when a name is selected, it also holds the reference to the real customer object.
To achieve this, I suspect I have ...
I'm a fairly new jQuery user looking to extend an existing jQuery plugin that does about 75% of what I need. I've tried to do my homework on this. I've checked out the following questions on stackoverflow:
Extending a jQuery Plugin
Extend a jQuery Plugin
jQuery: extend plugin question
I've read up on the extend method. However, al...
I'm using PRISM for developing a financial application. Our requirement is to be able to communicate across modules/process/machine boundaries.
For our first delivery we only want to be able to communicate between modules. However, we want to build a design which can be extended to cross-process/machine at a later stage wi...
I'm trying to create a CMS system based on AJAX using Prototype's library. On a page load, I have HTML, page title and additional Javascript for the page returned via JSON, and I update the HTML on the main area. I also have an event listener that listens for certain ID's to be clicked on.
The listener is working,
var TabMenu = {
I want a Map that throws on attempt to overwrite a value for existing key. I tried:
trait Unoverwriteable[A, B] extends scala.collection.Map[A, B] {
case class KeyAlreadyExistsException(e: String) extends Exception(e)
abstract override def + [B1 >: B] (kv: (A, B1)): Unoverwriteable[A, B1] = {
if (this contains(kv _1)) t...
How to extend the session timeout?
I tried entering:
Session.Timeout = 720;
in formLoad
and also tried in webconfig:
But still it times out after 10 minutes. Can any one help about this issue?
I'd like to extend/subclass admin Groups & Users classes in Django.
CourseAdmin group should be doing what admin can do, and they have extra information like email, phone, address.
CourseAdmin should be able to create CourseAdmins, Teachers, Courses and Students.
Teacher should be able to edit courses and students belong to them. They ...
I might be missing something about the intended behavior of list extend, but why does the following happen?
x = [[],[]]
y = [[]] * 2
print x # [[],[]]
print y # [[],[]]
print x == y # True
print x # [[1],[]], which is what I'd expect
print y # [[1],[1]], wtf?
I would guess that t...
I want to extend Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract to have some additional fields besides those from table.
I have
class Automobili_Model_Car extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract {
protected $_name = 'car';
protected $_rowClass = 'Automobili_Model_Row_Car';
class Automobili_Model_Row_Car extends Zend...
Hello everyone,
I was wondering how I can possible extend XSLT 1.0 so that I can use functions from fn function namespace at http://www.w3schools.com/Xpath/xpath_functions.asp
I was just told that the system is using MSXML XSLT processor from now on. All my stylesheets were written in 2.0 ... So now I'm stack, nothing is working and d...
I have to solve this exercise:
Python's dictionaries do not preserve the order of inserted data nor store the data sorted by the key. Write an extension for the dict class whose instances will keep the data sorted by their key value. Note that the order must be preserved also when new elements are added.
and i'm freaking out.....i have...
I've done some reading about how to extend ActiveRecord:Base class so my models would have some special methods. What is the easy way to extend it (step by step tutorial).
I've seen some nifty code on django-ratings documentation and like to create something similar. After googling around for now 2 weeks I got no idea on how to do this.
Maybe you could help me what to search for or where to get some docs?
Code from django-ratings docs:
response = AddRatingView()(request, **params)
if response.st...
So, I was reading up on John Resig's blog, saw his micro-templating javascript engine and decided to try and implement my own template management system for javascript, to deepen my understanding of prototype inheritance. However, the minute I started writing it, I ran into a problem.
To start off, here is my base code:
function templa...
see this code
(function($) {
$.fn.me = function(settings) {
settings = $.extend({ Until: false }, settings);
$(this).click(function() {
if(settings.Until) {
var parent = $(this).parentsUntil(settings.Until);
} else {
var parent = $(this).parent();
Hello. I would like my application to pick up meta-data from a store and use it during the runtime to emit desired behavior (as defined in the meta-data). Next, in order to generate this meta-data, I would like to build (or extend) an orchestration tool.
So first, it there a generic framework / pattern / guideline available (mine is .Ne...
I have another programmer who I'm trying to explain why it is that a UI component should not also be a data-structure.
For instance say that you get a data-structure that contains a record-set from the "database", and you wish to display that record-set in a UI component within your application.
According to this programmer (who will...
I'm use Rails 2.2.2.
Rails manual said, the way to extend controller from plug-in is:
module Plug
def self.included(base)
base.extend ClassMethods
base.send :include, InstanceMethods
base.helper JumpLinksHelper
module InstanceMethods
def new_controller_metod
module ClassMethods
I extended the User model in django to include several other variables, such as location, and employer. Now I'm trying to create a form that has the following fields:
First name (from User)
Last name (from User)
Location (from UserProfile, which extends User via a foreign key)
Employer (also from UserProfile)
I have created a modelfor...