
How to add an attribute to mechanize's(ruby) Field class and have it use my extended class.

Basically, when I store a form object I want to some extra analysis on the fields and set a new attribute based on that analysis. Should I just go inside the code and add the attribute manually, or is can I just extend it? How do I get mechanize to use my new class when it gets these fields? Thanks! ...

Android: how do you get a view reference from a class that DOES NOT extend Activity?

Hi, I want to have a class "Utils", that will have several methods used all over my code. For example, I have a top bar with a textview and two ImageButtons that must display different texts and icons on different activities. I find myself writing stuff like this on every activity (TextView) topBarText = (TextView) findViewById(R.id....

Run method from extends Activity extends Runnable

I'm trying to call a method from inside a Runnable that is running. It waits for a string to be entered and when it is then depending on the string (the strings act as commands) it calls a method and is supposed to run whats inside it. public class App extends Activity implements Runnable { public void run() { try { Ser...

Using extends in Java gives enclosing instance error

I'm trying to use extends (inheritance) in Java. I made a quick abstract class to extend from, and then extended it. However my IDE now is saying that "An enclosing instance that contains abstract_class is required" and gives my constructor for the derived classes big error lines. What on earth is it going on about? The abstract class do...

Extending the Arrays-class in Java.

Hi, I'm trying to add functionality to the Arrays-class. In my project I use the (static) methods from Arrays and have some other methods that also handle array-conversion, sorting, etc... I'm trying to add these to an object MyArrays that extends Arrays so I can go MyArrays.toList(foo); but also MyArrays.myOwnFunction(bar); but...

class extending GtkWindow

hi, i'm trying to learn c++, but i can not find if it's possible to extend a class in this way: main.cc #include "mWindow.h" using namespace std; int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { gtk_init( &argc, &argv ); mWindow win = mWindow(); gtk_main(); return 0; } mWindow.cc #include "mWindow.h" mWindow::mWindow() { gtk...

PHP - extended __construct

Hi guys, i was wonderinf if you could help me out.. I have two classes, one extends the other.. Class B will be extended by various different objects and used for common database interactions.. Now i would like class B to handle its connect and disconnects without direction from class A or any external input.. The problem from what i ...

django extends issue on appengine

hello all, i have put a copy of Django-1.2.1 in my appengine app [sys.path.insert(0, 'Django-1.2.1.zip')] and it works fine. in a webapp Class I have: name = 'dashboard' template_values = { 'name': name } fp = open('templates/dashboard.html') t = Template(fp.read()) fp.close() self.response.out.write(t.render(template_values)) ...

Another Inheritance Question

From a quick Google search and a the wikipedia article on Multiple Inheritance, which quotes: Multiple inheritance refers to a feature of some object-oriented programming languages in which a class can inherit behaviors and features from more than one superclass. This contrasts with single inheritance, where a class may inherit from ...

Java inheritance question

you have public class Question and public class MultipleChoice extends Question and public class SurveyQuestions where SurveyQuestions has private static List<Question> q = new ArrayList<Question>(); In main you keep adding questions and all the things questions are composed of to the list. Once done, you want to iterate ov...

Easy way to pass DB object into class that is extended numerous times

Hey guys, Consider the following PHP code: <?php require_once("myDBclass.php"); class a { private $tablename; private $column; function __construct($tableName, $column) { $this->tableName = $tablename; $this->column = $column; } function insert() { global $db; $db->query("IN...

what happened in inheritance of same class name holded classes in different packages

package a; class hello{ } package b; import a.*; class hello extends hello{ } please tell me what is the result?? ...

If i extend a static class in PHP, and the parent class refers to "self::", will this refer to the self in the extended class?

If i extend a static class in PHP, and the parent class refers to "self::", will this refer to the self in the extended class? So, for example <?php Class A { static $var public static function guess(){self::$var = rand(); return $var} } Class B extends Class A { public static function getVar(){return self::$var...

Django - Block tags in included templates get overridden by calling template

I have a template that includes another template. This included template has block tags in it. Example: base.html BASE {% block title %}Base Title{% endblock %} {% block content %}{% endblock %} template1.html {% extends 'base.html' %} {% block title %}Extended Title{% endblock %} {% block content %} Extended content {% incl...

Coldfusion object inheritance sanity check needed

Hi folks, I need to know if I am going about something the right way. For a given page, I am instantiating an object for the page itself. Let's call that object myPage. Within the page I have containers (usually div tags). When I go to an admin component to work with a specific div, I instantiate an object for that as well. Let's call ...

Simple class using php

hello I'm new to PHP and I need help to understand the basics of PHP class. I want to have example of a class that uses private public protected and static. and how do they work.. Thanks in advance. Oh I forgot how to extends also. I'm talking about the parent and child something or what.. Thanks again. ...

How to implement a generic activity that can be extended by normal, List and Map Activities?

I want to display the same options menu on all of my application's activities. I created a generic Activity that implements the menu, and all my further activies extend it. The problem: when I need to extend other specific activities, like ListActivity and MapActivity, I can't figure out how to extend the generic activity and add the L...

Calling the first declaration of foo from an extended class that declares it's own foo.

<?php class a { public function foo() { echo __METHOD__ . PHP_EOL; } } class b extends a { public function foo() { $this->foo(); # I want to call a's foo method here. echo __METHOD__ . PHP_EOL; } } class c extends a { public function foo() { echo __METHOD__ . PHP_EOL; $this->foo...