
I don't want to show the HTML file name as the home page, such as stackoverflow.com, instead of stackoverflow.com/home.

Using htaccess I was able to hide the file extensions, making it /home instead of /home.html. However, for the homepage, I would like to hide the file name altogether, for example stackoverflow.com, instead of stackoverflow.com/home. How do I achieve this? ...

Set an object in a page's window object from a Firefox extension?

I want my Firefox extension to add an object to the content window of the browsed page. I want it to have the same effect as running: top.myobj = {val : 3}; inside a script element in the page. Any ideas? I don't think there is a security risk here as I only add an object with a single integer property. Is there a simple way to get ...

Extender provider for WPF

Hi, Is there an equivalent to the System.ComponentModel.IExtenderProvider geered toward WPF ? Do I have to go toward Dependency Properties and Attached Properties to build an equivalent, or is there already something baked in the oven waiting for me ? Thanks, Patrick ...

where can I find php_memcached.dll php extension?

Spent a lot of time and I cant find a built version anywhere. please help. Note: please don't turn me to php_memcache.dll. I have this one. I'm looking for php_memcached.dll. ...

How to override an existing extension method

I want to hide extension methods included in the .NET or ASP MVC framework by mine. Exemple public static string TextBox(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string name) { ... } Is it possible? i cant use the override or new keyword. ...

Where and how to set DYLD environment in Mac OS X

I'm in the middle a long quest, by now, trying to install mcrypt library to Mac OS X PHP (Previous questions here, here and here). I narrowed it down to a possible solution the includes setting a parameter in the DYLD environment (or something; I'm guessing here). Anyone has any idea where this environment is declared? Any help would b...

Does a plugin or extension framework exist for windows mobile applications

I am looking for a .NET Compact plugin or extension framework similar to the full framework Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) provided by MS Patterns and Practices. It is to be used to dynamically and generically load and manage assemblies that will provide both hardware capabilities as well as user feature modules to the client app...

Send udp packet on LAN from web browser

I have built a simple TAPI app that will run on a machine on the LAN that connects to the office PBX, it allows me to receive dial, answer, hangup etc commands (which I was planning on receiving via a udp packet). I did this with the intention to integrate the office CRM system to the phone system. Having done this and testing using a s...

Can we contribute a new plugin.xml to ExtensionRegistry

I have a some additional xml files(containing standard eclipse extensions) that lie outside the bundle. Is there a way that I could contribute the extns/extnpoints in those files to the platform's extension registry? I tried `Platform.getExtensionRegistry.addContribution(..)` But the method takes a masterToken object, which I dont h...

XMLHttpRequest, FireFox Extension, and error code '1012' (Access Denied)

I'm working on a FireFox extension that uses XMLHttpRequest to grab data from a remote server. The javascript code is as follows: function _PostBackObject(data) { var postBack = new XMLHttpRequest(); postBack.onreadystatechange = function(){ if (postBack.readyState == 4) { if (postBack.status...

Int cast error in generic extension

I modified the extension method Thorarin gave in response to this question to work on an int instead of a string: public static TEnum ToEnum<TEnum>(this int intEnumValue, TEnum defaultValue) { if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(TEnum), intEnumValue)) return defaultValue; return (TEnum)intEnumValue; } The compiler gives the err...

Installing PDO_MYSQL PHP extension on CPanel?

I recieved this error while installing Magento on a customer's server, 'PHP Extension "pdo_mysql" must be loaded'. How would one go about installing/enabling this extension through CPanel Accelerated? Server information is as follows: cPanel Version 11.24.5-STABLE cPanel Build 38506 Apache version 2.2.13 (Unix) PHP version 5.2.8 MySQL...

Can I used mod_rewrite to change file extensions? .jpeg to .jpg for example

Hi, I am looking to use Apache mod_rewrite to serve a file as .jpg instead of .jpeg. Is this possible? ...

Extension method using Reflection to Sort

I implemented an extension "MyExtensionSortMethod" to sort collections (IEnumerate). This allows me to replace code such as 'entities.OrderBy( ... ).ThenByDescending( ...)' by 'entities.MyExtensionSortMethod()' (no parameter as well). Here is a sample of implementation: //test function function Test(IEnumerable<ClassA> entitiesA,IEnum...

How to compile a dynamic library?

Hi, I've been searching the web for a couple of days and can't seem to find clear instructions on how to do this. SQLite doesn't have math functions like, sine, cosine, etc.. I found a library that extends SQLite and adds these functions, but I can't figure out how to compile the library. http://lhealy.livejournal.com/6306.html I've ...

Extending ActiveRecord::Base in Rails does not work in the test environment

When I add the following block of code in environments.rb, ActiveRecord::Base extends the module in the development environment but not in the test environment. require "active_record_patch" ActiveRecord::Base.send(:extend, ModelExtensions) The library file which contains the module is as follows: module ModelExtensions def human_...

Python: pass c++ object to a script, then invoke extending c++ function from script.

First of all, the problem is that program fails with double memory freeing ... The deal is: I have FooCPlusPlus *obj; and I pass it to my script. It works fine. Like this: PyObject *pArgs, *pValue; pArgs = Py_BuildValue("((O))", obj); pValue = PyObject_CallObject(pFunc, pArgs); where pFunc is a python function... So, my script ha...

Best "Getting Started" Tutorial for a firefox extension developer

I browsed amazon but the reviews of all the avaialbe firefox books are pretty discouraging. And the documentation on http://developer.mozilla.org is not really good either. I need to develop a plugin that puts the browser in push mode - waiting on a socket until it receives a URL from there and displays this URL in the current tab. Wha...

How to call bat file present inside firefox extension content directory ..

I have a bat file which needs to be called from javascript in firefox extension .. I have bat file present in content/chrome directory.. I tried to call bat file like this .. var exe = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile); exe.initWithPath("chrome://sample/co...

Extending mootools Element.Events

I'd like to create a custom paste event that would fire either input (FF) or onbeforepaste (IE). I've read pretty much all about creating custom events in mootools, still the event does not get fired in any of the browsers. The extension (took the docs and the 'mousewheel' event as a reference): Element.Events.paste = { base: (Browser...