
Facebook friend validation on an external website

I'm interested in using Facebook as a way to validate that someone is my friend on an external site, and based on that, show them special content. Inside Facebook, consider this scenario: I post photos and give permission to friends only Someone tries to view my photos by URL If that person is my friend, Facebook displays the photos. ...

FBJS publish stream not working in google chrome

I have created an application in facebook,all is working fine except the "publish" to profile method of FBJS I am using it like this. first post a topic and ask the user if he wants to publish it or not. The code is working fine in firefox and internet explorer but it is not woking in google chrome browser. The extended permission dial...

Posting to a Facebook (fan) page wall

I have a blog (wordpress) and a facebook fan-page for my blog (with more than 1 fan!). I would like to post a message to my FB wall, every time I post something on my blog. Preferrably PHP. The same question is already asked here, but this question isn’t going anywhere. The question dates from march, but Facebook has updated their API s...

Which language/framework should I use for creating a Facebook Application (Video Game) ?

I'm planning to write a simple 2D game that I want to deploy as a facebook application. Which language would you advise me to use for developing the game ? Is flash my best and more reliable bet or is there any other viable alternative ? ...

How do I export facebook photos to website and save / print the photos?

I came across moo.com (a printing website) that allows me to import my personal photos from Facebook. The photos were then displayed in a gallery format and I was able to drag and drop photos I would like to print. What kind of programming language do they use and how do they do it? Any legal issues surrounding such import application? ...

Facebook tab application scripting

I have a web application that I am trying to port to Facebook. The app uses a few external javascript files. So initially I wanted to create an iframe Facebook application. However, it turns out that you cannot use iframes when creating a tab application(which is a requirement). By tab application I mean placing your app on the profile p...

How should I intergrate a facebook application into my current Rails app (what architecture)?

I want to create a very simple facebook application for my Rails app. At first since it is very simple, I created something in PHP, put it outside of the application space and set the callback URL to there. However, I would rather the facebook app live inside my Rails app (one reason is that so I can reuse views when necessary). Bec...

adding facebook iframe application to 'page' which i am admin of

Can anyone tell me how this is done? I worked out how to do it for a standard users page (I simply set protected void Page_PreInit(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.RequireLogin = true; } I can't work out how to do it for a page. Can anyone help plz? ...

How do I associate my facebook app user with my web app user?

I have a facebook fbml app and a web application. I want my web application users to be able to add my facebook app. Seems simple, right? Currently, I am making the connection by adding a param to the canvas page link in my site. For example, I have a link that says "add our fbook application" which links to http://apps.facebook.com/o...

Facebook FBML running a PHP url

I have a couple questions in the request. I have been successful using FBML to execute SWF files on a external server inside facebook. what I need to do now is to run similar to the SWF execution a PHP app.. http://test.com/opening.php So what is the best way? fb:iframe or another way? I would like a simple example if possible. Thanks...

Facebook - change background image of facebook app

Hi Is it possible to change the background image of my facebook app? I tried adding a body tag in the css and set a background image. But the change is not reflected. Any help? Thanks. ...

Facebook FBML requests do not send mime type?

I would like to respond to different formats in my Rails app: respond_to do |format| logger.info "in main format block, request.format.fbml? = #{request.format.fbml?}" format.html # index.html.erb format.fbml # index.fbml.erb end This is simple. If facebook is requesting a page, return a .fbml.erb file, otherwise return a .h...

Weird response for controller.request.format.html? in Rails

In my main controller, I have this: class MainController < ApplicationController before_filter do |controller| logger.info "controller.request.format.html? = #{controller.request.format.html?}" logger.info "controller.request.format.fbml? = #{controller.request.format.fbml?}" controller.send :login_required if controlle...

Implementation of Review method in Facebook Application

Hi, I have seen one application in which there was a button of write a review. Clicking on it opens an editor on the same page with options Rating and comments. I want to know whether there is an api for the same as i want to implement it in my application. This is the applictaion in which it is implemented: http://www.facebook.com/...

Can you change the order of friends in a Fb:multi-friend-selector?

I've noticed two different orderings of friends displayed by a Fb:multi-friend-selector in my app - by uid and alphabetically. There is no attribute for this in the api (http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Fb%3Amulti-friend-selector), but does anyone know if there is a way to control the order they're displayed? ...

Via-link on facebook stream box updates

The wiki page on fb live-stream says this: On the Connect tab, set the Connect URL to your server so Facebook can verify the call is coming from you. This is also the page where users are directed if they click the "via " link from their streams. (http://forum.developers.facebook.com/viewtopic.php?id=42983) I've done this for my a...

fb:serverfbml not rendering in ie7

I'm writing a Facebook iframe/Facebook Connect application and one of the pages includes a multi-friend-selector. It renders perfectly in every browser I tried (FF/Mac, Safari/Mac, IE8/Win) but does not render at all in IE7/Win. I waited and waited (in case it was just being slow) and it never appeared. Here's my code. <fb:serverfbml s...

Facebook Fan Box on Fan Page

Is there any way to add a fan box widget to a application tab on a facebook fan page? ...

Facebook API: How do I get the 'Allow Access?' page to display?

I want users to add my Facebook Canvas application to their profile. I can create my own page with a 'connect' button to do this, but how do I do this within the canvas page? What do I mean? Go to any typical application, usually the first screen you see is an 'Allow Access?' screen with a button for 'Allow' or cancel (link). How do I...

Facebook list sent invitations

I'm writing a Facebook application that needs to store the UID's of the logged user's friends he's inviting. To clarify: - user_a is logged on facebook and using the app; - he has the hance to invite some of his friends; - the application needs to know who are these contacts. I think I cannot use the standard fb:multi-friend-selector,...