
Facebook Ajax Example Not Working

Hi, I have created an fbml application. Copied the code available on http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/FBJS/Examples/Ajax But my code is not working. I am unable to find out the reason for it. When i click on one of the options and check it on firefox firebug console i am getting this error: "a210470316064_do_ajax is no...

Facebook Connect: proxied_email not always returned by users_getInfo

Today I realized that FB Connect does not return the proxied_email field in about 4 out of 5 times. (I can reproduce this with a single users repeatedly, so this obviously does not have anything to do with privacy options or permissions) It definitely worked fine last week ago. I could not find any official info that this field is goin...

Developing Facebook Connect Javascript API on localhost

I'm trying to write some javascript functions to integrate with the Facebook stream. However they only seem to work if you are developing them directly on the live server so that Facebook can access the xd_receiver.htm file that they ask me to place at www.mydomain.com/xd_receiver.htm. However you all can probably agree that it's really ...

FBJS not working in FBML application

Hi, I have created an fbml application. I have tried numerous examples of fbjs but i am unable to get it working. I am using this example <script> <!-- function random_int(lo, hi) { return Math.floor((Math.random() * (hi - lo)) + lo) } function do_colors(obj) { var r = random_int(0, 255), b = random_int(0, 255), g = random_int(0, 255...

How to request extended permission from a facbook fan page tab

I am trying to request permission to publish photos from a facebook fan page tab(iframe). I am calling Facebook.showPermissionDialog('publish_stream'); before the upload(which doesn't seem to do much) But I keep on getting this error when I try to upload a photo **caught exception 'FacebookRestClientException' with message 'Permission...

facebook fb:swf stops working when you load an as2.0 object in as3.0

Hi, I'm using the gskinner.com bridge to load and talk between a as2.0 object in as3.0 . The library works smoothly. If I upload the html it works smoothly. But when I embed it as using fb:swf on facebook, the as2.0 object stops loading, any clues? ...

How to set focus on fb:swf tags in Facebook app?

My code is as follows: <input id="input" type="text" onfocus="Focus('Input')" /> <input id="text" type="text" /> <fb:swf id="game" onfocus="Focus('Game')" swfsrc="http://ventoline.com/frozenbubble/preloaderbustamove.swf" width="640" height="480" /> <script type="text/javascript"> function Focus(msg){ new Dialog...

facebook api permission check failing

if($facebook->api_client->users_hasAppPermission("status_update")) echo 'yes'; else echo 'no'; Dont understand,its always printing the string 'NO' even if i allow status update permission I tried with JS too FB.Facebook.apiClient.users_hasAppPermission('status_update', function(result) { if(result) alert("yes"); ...

unable to post status to facebook

require_once 'facebook.php'; $facebook = new Facebook($appapikey, $appsecret); if($facebook->api_client->users_hasAppPermission("status_update")) $facebook->api_client->users_setStatus("Hi there"); I am unable to post status to facebook, the above says nothing :( I already gave status update permission to my app. help please...

Facebook API - can't access any info.

I can login but the script below is not printing my status. What can I do to make it work? require_once 'facebook.php'; $facebook = new Facebook($appapikey, $appsecret); ?> <script src="http://static.ak.facebook.com/js/api_lib/v0.4/FeatureLoader.js.php" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> FB.init('<?php ...

How put a pop up permission prompt instead of fb:prompt-permission ?

Hi, I'm making a flash game which will be up on facebook, I'm using python/django on the backend but to talk to fb. I use the facebook-flash-api. The problem is when I ask for extended permission from the user, using fbml. I get a link which I have to click and get the permission. How can I make sure a popup appears instead of the link. ...

How do i ensure facebook offline access session key is still valid

I can get the offline access session key from PHP API but how do i know whether its still valid or not before i log him automatically? require_once 'config.php'; $facebook->api_client->user = "1294711371"; $facebook->api_client->session_key = "827446297c301f2cc6b581ce-1294711371"; is there any function available? ...

facebook api - How to expire current session ??

//file test.php require_once 'config.php'; if($fb->get_loggedin_user()) { // step1 do something //step2 expire session } else { //FB coonect login button } I need to expire session after i am done with the step1 in the above code. But $facebook->get_loggedin_user() always returns a user id and never goes int...

How do I check multiple permissions at the same time on facebook connect?

FB.Connect.showPermissionDialog('status_update,offline_access', function(perms) { if(!perms) return callback(false); else return callback(true); }); How do I check multiple permissions at the same time? The above code works only for status_update and its not checking offline access. ...

How to supress logout dialog box - facebook connect

FB.Connect.logoutAndRedirect("fb.php"); when i call the above it shows a confirmation dialog before logs me out. How can i modify the code so it doesnt show the dialog box. Is there a way around?? ...

How to supress logout dialog box - FB connect

FB.Connect.logoutAndRedirect("fb.php"); when i call the above it shows a confirmation dialog before logs me out. How can i modify the code so it doesnt show the dialog box? or i just wanted to show different text on the dialog box. Is there a way around?? ...

Resume FB Connect session

i am using FB Connect on my site and i am able get & store offline access session key in DB. My question, i need to display the multiple friend selector form even if there is no FB connect session. How can i force it to resume/create the session i have in DB, so i can display friends in the below form. Since i already got extended ...

Multiple friends selector FBML form - FB connect

I am using FB Connect and PHP API. I am able to get the offline access session key and user id. Is there any way that i can display the friend selector form with what i have?? Or do i have to force the user to login again?? I would like to display the form with out logging him every time. ...

can i use fbml without fb connect?

Can i use fbml multiple friend selector tag without using F connect. I mean i have the offline session keys for users. Would like to show multiple friends selector form by using the session keys i have. But i have no idea how to set the session. Is there any way?? ...

Retrieve the userid of visitor of a application tab on a business page in Facebook

Hi, I have created a business page on facebook and added application to a tab. I want to retrieve the uid of the users who visit the tab. I am using $_POST['fb_sig_profile_user'] But it give the page id not the uid. Please help me on this. Thanks Pankaj ...