
Best Practice for handling multiple authentication providers for MVC ala stackoverflow

Hi All, I'm looking for suggestions on how to handle multiple auth providers like twitter, facebook, google, openid within an MVC app. What is the general idea? I've got my own user detail table and i'm currently using ASP.Net membership authentication. When someone connects with facebook are you able to extract user detail informatio...

Is there a versioned URL for the Facebook Connect javascript?

The facebook connect library bootstrap loader sits at https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js. I am looking for a versioned URL, so that I can decide when to upgrade to a new version of the code. Is there such a URL? ...

Facebook Authentication, IFrame and Variable Passing Help

I am currently using this recently written tutorial on authorizing an application with facebook using auth 2.0 and it works. the application authorizes correctly and uses the GraphAPI. http://kartiklad.com/oauth-2-0-and-graph-api-for-facebook-canvas-applications/ But the problem is using the IFrame with a multi page website and this me...

Facebook create page through the FB JS API

I've not found a way to create a FB page through the FB JS API in FB docs or Google, somebody knows how to create a new page (a business, artist, etc.) hrough the FB JS API? Thanks in advance ...

Facebook Connect: capturing user data with django-profiles and django-socialregistration

Either my google searching has completely left me or there's hardly any documentation/tutorials for django-socialregistration. Too bad, because it seems like a nice enough app. Through some trial-and-error, I have managed to get it mostly running on my site. My question, using django-socialregistration how do I request permission for t...

Error when wrapping the view of a 3rd-party Django app? (Facebook, django-socialregistration, django-profiles)

I'm using django-socialregistration to manage my site's connection with Facebook. When a user clicks the "Connect with Facebook" button, I am able to automatically create a new Django user and log them in. However, I also need to create a UserProfile (my AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE) record for them which contains their Facebook profile inform...

Javascript asynchronous

I have some 3 methods. login(); isLogin(); reply(); function isLogin(){ FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) { if (response.session) { // logged in and connected user, someone you know } else { // no user session available, someone you dont know } }); } function login (){ FB.login(function(response)...

OpenID and FB Connect Tutorial

Hi there, Simple question really, I've been looking all over the Internet probably for the past few days for several hours a day looking for some solid information on OpenID and Facebook Connect integration on a website. I have seen the same names popup such as Janrain offering their solution, but I see a lot of websites such as Invisi...

multi-friend selector on an FB Connect / Open Graph website?

I am starting a new FB Connect website. Can I use FB's multi-friend selector on my webpage? This is my first time dealing with Facebook and their documentation is atrocious! ...

Does the Facebook Share Button work with the New Javascript SDK?

On the page http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fbml/share-button_%28XFBML%29 It talks about the Share Button, and states that it is best to use the Like Button with Open Graph API. It is not so entirely sure whether using the Share Button is supported by the new Facebook Javacscript SDK. The Button should be supported ...

Facebook: How to publish multiple images to an application profile without the "See more" text appearing?

When I try to do this using the api, all of the images are collapsed. When I use the "post to" button on the app profile page itself, multiple images cannot be posted Other applications are able to do this. As an example, see Fantasy Kingdoms: http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=213518941553 ...

How to embed a custom SWF based audio player into facebook wall posts?

We have a SWF based audio player. We want to be able to embed this player into Facebook wall posts in the same way that Youtube videos or BandPage songs are embedded into Facebook feed walls. Right now clicking on the image that we provide redirects to the player instead of loading the player inline. UPDATE: We want to embed our SWF pla...

Header("Location: [URL]").....is it safe?

Currently, for authentication for my Facebook App, I'm doing the following in PHP: if($_GET["code"] == null) { Header("Location: https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize? client_id=[MY_APP_ID]& redirect_uri=[THIS_CURRENT_URL]& scope=publish_stre...

What are the differences between Login mechanism with Facebook Graph API and REST API?

If a website uses Facebook Connect, it seems like the new Facebook Graph API way of logging in is that it will give an fbs___appID___ as a cookie, with access_token inside, and there are also the expires, session_key, and sig. Why is a session_key and sig needed? Isn't the access_token by itself enough? Is the session_key suppose to li...

Is it possible to integrate OmniAuth and Facebooker together ?

Hi I'm want to use ruby on rails to create a facebook connect web site with full facebook integration (events API) can I use OmniAuth for authentication and facebooker to handle the facebook API together ? Is facebooker up to date with the latest API changes in Facebook ? Can you recommend any good articles about the subject ? Thanks G...

Does this count as an app "User"?

I know that when a user visits your app's canvas page e.g. http://apps.facebook.com/YOUR_APP/ this counts them as a "User" and thus, your "User" counter increments. But what about if a person clicks on the Facebook's Javascript SDK Login button on your website without using the canvas page? This one: If they authorize the login and...

How much info can you pull out of facebook?

We're interested in incorporating a lot of the facebook info in our application. So for example we want to display your wall's content as part of our UI combined with other stuff etc. With facebook connect how much data can we pull from facebook? Is everything available programatically, including wall feeds, profiles, pictures, etc? Do...

Facebook "Like" produces "There was an internal error when updating the Page."

I added a like button to my blog a few months ago and things have been working perfectly. Suddenly I added a new post this morning, and for whatever reason, the like button is now broken. Everytime I click "Like" I receive this error: There was an internal error when updating the Page. There is no additional information. I used F...

Graph API: How to grab current user's information?

I'm trying to get some basic information about a user in a PHP script (id and name). I have tried the following methods: $retrieve = curl_init("https://graph.facebook.com/me?access_token=$accesstoken"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($retrieve, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10); ...

Facebook Like Box - monitoring clicks

Is it possible to somehow monitor who "Likes" my Facebook page, by intercepting the clicks in the Facebook Like Box? http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like-box I would like to find out if the user who comes to my site already likes it, and enable some additional functionality based on this (for example, less advert...