
Facebook Graph Api doesn't redirect to my callback

I am following the steps to do the authorization as described here, but I am not redirected to my callback url. I get the following five steps after calling the first one: https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize?display=touch&client_id=...&redirect_uri=... https://www.facebook.com/connect/uiserver.php?display=touch&c...

Facebook Graph API: user gender

The old Facebook API provided the user sex/gender as part of the default user data. Apparently the new Graph API does not provide that information, even though the documentation says that it does. I've heard people say that you need to request special permissions to get it and other pieces of data, but I have not been successful in get...

Using Facebook Graph to simply post a wall message with just javascript

Hey guys, Now I know this question has been asked similarly a lot of times but I'm really struggling here. Its a simple thing I need to do: I would like to post a message onto a users wall saying "I scored 8/10 on objects game" then a URL Thats it. I don't mind if facebook needs to authenticate and then post the message. and I really ...

How to use Facebooks Graph-API from a Servlet

Hi everyone, I need to access Facebook from a J2EE-App (serverside). I first had a look at this project: http://code.google.com/p/facebook-java-api/ , but as I need to create Facebook-Events and invite people this does not help. So I guess I need to use the Graph API, but Igot no clue on how to perform those HTTP POST requests needed -...

How do i redirect to a GET request from a POST request on GAE

Hello everyone, i am writing an FBML app on facebook hosted in GAE. Facebook will talk to your hosted app only vai POST (im sure this is the cause, but please do correct me if i'm wrong). So im faced with the issue that inside of my POST method, i need to redirect to facebook OAuth authroize URL. But i can only send a GET request. How ca...

Facebook Open Graph without a browser

Hello, For a middleware system with internet (which works inside a set-top box) I want to develop a primitive Facebook interface where users can type their user-names and password, showing their latest notification, messages and other casual stuff on the TV screen by using the recent Facebook Graph API. This middleware program uses Jav...

Diffence between FQL query and Graph API object access

What's the difference between accessing user data with the Facebook Graph API (http://graph.facebook.com/btaylor) and using the Graph API to make a FQL query of the same user (https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query?query=QUERY). Also, does anyone know which of them the Facebook Developer Toolkit (for ASP.NET) uses? The reason I ask ...

Howto use FB Graph to post a message on a feed (wall)

I have created an app, and now i want to post a message on one of my friends wall with use of the new Graph API. Is this do-able? I am already using oAuth and the Graph-api to get a list of all my friends. The API at http://developers.facebook.com/docs/api tells me to cURL https://graph.facebook.com/[userid]/feed to read the feed, but i...

Retrieve group events with Facebook Graph API.

I'm a little confused trying to adapt to the new facebook Graph API. Whereas before I would have used events.get, I'm not entirely sure what to use now! I can't seem to get a list of a group's events through fql, nor through the Graph API itself. Any pointers? Should I keep using REST? ...

Facebook Graph and PHP API

I've been working at this for a few hours, but the poor documentation is of no help. All I want to do is grab the data that exists at https://graph.facebook.com/cocacola/ as an example, and I cant even do that. I'm using the latest php API from facebook. This is my code, which returns nothing: <?php require '../src/facebook.php'; /...

Facebook Insights for Page via the API

Using the new API, is it possible to get the insights (analytics) data from a page that you are an admin of? I can successfully get the data from an app I own, but its not clear how to do this for a page. If not, is it possible to download the CSV of data from the API? ...

How to publish to Facebook page stream and appear as application instead of user

Background: I have successfully used the Facebook Graph API to publish activity on a particular web site to a Facebook fan page's stream (wall). To do this I had to create a Facebook application for the web site and add it to my own Facebook user profile, with necessary authorizations. Problem: I don't want all the status updates to ...

Facebook Graph API: Get user's profile url?

The Facebook Graph API lists a 'link' parameter in its documentation, which is the user's profile url. Mine is http://www.facebook.com/adambossy. This is not listed as one of the available Extended Permissions, so, presumably, it's available without asking. I believe it's publicly available as Google results would reveal this. However,...

Facebook Graph API: FB.login() called before calling FB.init()

I'm trying to use the new Facebook Graph API on my website. This is what I have: Somewhere on the page: <fb:login-button autologoutlink="true" perms="email,user_birthday,status_update,publish_stream"></fb:login-button> Right after the tag: <div id="fb-root"> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> window.fbAsyncInit ...

Facebook Javascript FB.api - callback not called on error

I've a problem with FB.api I'm making a call to create an event something along the lines of: FB.api('/me/events', 'post', { access_token: $('#access_token').attr('value'), name: td.find('#event_name').attr('value'), description: td.find('#description').attr('value'), start_time: td.find('#event_start').attr('value'), ...

Add a wall post to a page or application wall as page or application with facebook graph API

Hi, I wan't to create a new wall post on a appliaction page or a "normal" page with the facebook graph API. Is there a way to "post as page"? With the old REST-API it worked like this: $facebook->api_client->stream_publish($message, NULL, $links, $targetPageId, $asPageId); So, if I passed equal IDs for $targetPageId and $asPageId I w...

Father's day coming up! - Can I get the profile of a Facebook user's father?

I'd like to get the Facebook profile ID of a Facebook user's father. Basically I want to display a picture of the user's father and say 'how about buying an X for Dad'. Is this possible with the graph (or REST) API ? Edit: It looks like this needs to be an FQL query and can't be done directly with the other APIs. I'm still trying to f...

Facebook SDK and Graph API Comment Deleting Error

Working with the Facebook php SDK's, I am having a lot of trouble figuring out how to delete comments, given its id and xid. At first I was using the REST API, where you can call 'comments_remove($xid, $id);' to delete a comment. The problem with this method came when the xid parameter only accepts alphanumeric characters and underscor...

how to get a page owner feeds by facebook graph API

hello i'm trying to get a facebook page feeds using graph URL. but i want to get only the owner data ... i don't want anything not from the owner. i can do that using PHP. but i'm asking if i can do that using the same graph request. Thanks ...

Facebook Graph Throwing Error on Server, Fine on localhost

I'm using the new facebook graph API and getting an odd error when I push to a web server. My Code is pretty simple with fbmain.php calling facebook.php <?php include_once "fbmain.php"; $ab = $facebook->api('/cocacola/feed'); echo ($ab['data']['0']['message']); When I run this locally, it works great without any errors. When I ru...