
How do I send Facebook notifications using the graph api?

I have a facebook app that hooks into an external calendar built using PHP and MySQL. Some of the events in this calendar have associated facebook events, some don't. The external calendaring system also supports invitations and responses to events. When a user is invited to an event on the non-facebook calendar, I would like to be ab...

How can I tag a user in a photo using the Facebook Graph API?

I tried: $args = array( 'access_token' => $access_token, 'id' => $uid ); $url = "https://graph.facebook.com/{$idPhoto}/tags"; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOP...

How to I post to Facebook user's news stream using the new PHP Graph API SDK?

I have seen example code in javascript for updating a user's newstream but I want to do it automatically from my php webapp when a certain event occurs - In javascript you would use the stream.publish method. I see no examples anywhere for the php graph api library though? ...

get face book fan pages

i need to get the face book pages created by one user ...

facebook fanbage id

i get the face book user id who create face book page,now i need to get page id to display like box in my website. different users have there own face book pages.however i know to get there facebook user id is there any solution or alternative solution,something like fquery or etc??? ...

Get Facebook fan page ID

I've got the Facebook user ID of the user who created a given page. Now I need to get the page ID to display like box in my website. Different users have their own Facebook pages; however, I know how to get their Facebook user IDs ...

How do I get the fan page id with the user id in the Facebook graph API?

Using the Facebook Graph API I need a way to get the fan page id using that page created "user id". Is it possible? ...

get facebook photos

i have a problem with gettin photos using facebook graph.no errors gives,but it return empty array permissions that i gave $par['req_perms'] = "publish_stream, offline_access, user_status, user_photos or friend_photos, user_videos or friend_videos, read_stream, ...

facebook photos

mypermission are $par['req_perms'] = "publish_stream, offline_access, user_status, user_photos, user_videos, user_photo_video_tags, read_stream, user_likes, user_events, ...

Migrated to Facebook Graph API - application broken now - cannot post to wall

Hey guys Yesterday I changed the application settings and enabled "New Data Permissions" and "New SDKs". After that the feature of posting message to the users wall stopped working. On my website, users login using facebook API (Graph) and are able to post messages on their wall. This is my old code that was working fine: function p...

facebook social plugin - not able to specify size

Hey guys I'm running into this simple issue but not able to find any docs for this. I was using the following facebook login button which was displaying a long/large facebook login button and this works perfectly fine <fb:login-button length="long" size="large" perms="publish_stream,offline_access,email,user_events,rsvp_event,user_abo...

Exception when uploading photo with Facebook Graph API

I would like to upload a photo to facebook for a user in the default album for an application. This is described under publishing here: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/photo The method has been answered here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2964410/how-can-i-upload-photos-to-album-using-facebook-graph-api. I am usin...

Facebook open graph - login button not displaying everytime

Hey Guys I recently upgraded to open graph and implemented some of the facebook social plugins on my website like fb:friendpile fb:like-box etc Ever since I implemented these new features, I'm seeing some random behavior with these plugins. Like on my home page, when you type in the URL and go for the first time, none of the faceboo...

Facebook graph Error Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded

Hey guys I'm using the facebook graph PHP sdk - whenever I call the $facebook->api method in a loop I end up getting this error Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\Apache\htdocs\fb\application\library\facebook-platform\php\facebook.php on line 509 This is the sample code $data = $facebook->api('/me/lik...

Accessing a user's friends via the Facebook Graph API?

Has anybody successfully accessed the list of a user's friends via the Facebook Graph API? I have written code to authenticate users on my website via Facebook's OAuth API. It works splendidly; I can access public information, likes, interests, activities, etc. I access these data points via the following URL format, where I substitute ...

Facebook graph getting my likes takes 75 seconds or longer

Hey guys On my profile page, I'm trying to pull all my likes from facebook and display the detail about each like. For example, if I like the tv show Seinfeld, I will display the Seinfeld logo along with how many like it etc. I'm using the php sdk and it takes forever to pull the data. Currently I have only 24 likes and it takes 75 sec...

how can i use localhost while developing facebook graph website ?

Hi i want to use localhost for developing website facebook application using the graph api. i working in asp.net c# in the previous api of facebook i was abe to write the http://localhost:4300/ in the connect url at the application settings. now it dosent work. it keeps telling me An error occurred with application name. Please try a...

How to get the Facebook user id using the Access token

Hi all. I have a Facebook Desktop application and am using the Graph API. I am able to get the Access token, but after that is done - I don't know how to get the user's ID. My flow is like this: I send the user to https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize with all required extended permissions. In my redirect page I get the code ...

why fql statement false but still run?

SELECT uid, name, pic_square FROM user WHERE uid=1060857175 or uid=1065687593 or uid=1112477665 or uid=1198862928 or uid=1228172806 or uid=100000296599460ORDER BY name LIMIT 2 OFFSET 1 I want to ask questions when I use fql wrong but still runs (ORDER BY not space). please help me explain why run ok. facebook parse? ...

Facebook logs me out after authentication via oauth on external site

Hi Guys, just to recap the process: I call https//graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=.. to get a code. This redirects the user to the facebook login page. They login. A FB session is created in their browser. The browser redirects to http//www.mysite.com/connect/callback?code=.. I take that code and exchange it for a token: h...