
Facebook: User Like/Become fan of page

In any facebook api (connect, graph, rest, etc) is there a way to prompt the user to become a fan of a page (now known as liking a page). ...

how to publish message on facebook wall

Dear all, How can i publish a message on facebook wall using java ...

Can I get the following details from facebook via the API (old, new, whatever)

hi everybody. I have few things that I need to get from facebook through the API, and I dont seem to find a normal way to do it. if you know how, please tell me. The scenario: the admin of a PAGE registered to my application. he gave me every permission I need.I have all his credentials, access key, permanent session ... you name it. I...

Trying to use stream.puclish in SDK Javascript of facebook but i am completly lost

Hello everybody, I created a game a while ago and I just created an application on facebook linked to my game ( www.tingowar.com ) this game is in french. My idea was to give the oppotunity for the player to put on his wall his upgrades in the game like : you are now level 2, as it would make a wonderful advertising for me. So i searched...

Problems with Facebook API - Getting all content from table Stream

I am trying to get all stream data from a group (I have wall entries, discussions, events and photos). For now, Access on this group is Open. $result = $_fb->api_client->fql_query("SELECT actor_id, message FROM stream WHERE source_id=$gid LIMIT 50"); Only some of the records come back (5 out of 10) (only wall entries and a photo). Ju...

Facebook Graph API with Rails and Authlogic - preferred methodology?

There are lots of Facebook + Rails solutions, most notably Facebooker, but this and many others are not compatible with Rails 3. I'm currently using Authlogic for authentication with my app, and I want to give users the option of Facebook to sign in. I want to find the best way to have FB and Authlogic go together; right now I'm just wri...

Facebook publisher box with iframe?

I have a facebook iframe application. I wish to use the publisher box (http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Publisher), that text box in the top of the screen where users can post and also click icons of added facebook apps. Is it possible to use this box in iframe apps, or only with fbml apps? ...

issues using facebook iphone api to post image and text

I have been trying to use the facebook iphone api to publish an image and some text from my app (i.e. using FBRequest call:@"facebook.stream.publish" with the appropriate params. I've found that the behavior is extremely erratic, as it first worked fine when I implemented it, then, completely stopped working (the request would fail and ...

why facebook connect always calls back to localhost even when URL updated in FB settings

why facebook connect always calls back to localhost URL even when the URL was updated in FB settings. I have updated application key+secret key to point to another application that has no more LOCALHOST configured as CONNECT URL. Still my web page opens Facebook POPUP with localhost URL when clicking blue f connect button. I am using...

How get my Facebok wall posts?

I am using Facebook Toolkit. I have appKey and appSecret, but I dont want that visitor need to conenct to facebook. I will use my login/passwork to get my wall posts. This is possible? ...

User must have accepted TOS - Facebook Graph API error when posting photos to group page

Hi all, I've been struggling to upload an image from the user's computer and posted to our group page using the Facebook Graph API. I was able to send a post request to facebook with the image however, I'm getting this error back: ERROR: (#200) User must have accepted TOS. To some extent, I don't believe that I need the user to authoriz...

How to attach a facebook photo to a published story with iPhone sdk.

When I try to reference an image hosted in the facebook photo albums as an image when trying to publish to a stream I get the following error. FBCDN image is not allowed in stream: . I have tried referencing the image through the src url, the link url and the graph api url. I get this error all three ways. Does anyone have a work a...

AJAX call like Facebook

Hi all, I want to create a little social network (a little test). How can i implements period ajax call like Facebook ? I need to update news, status,... How does it Facebook ? ...

Unable to render php files in browser

Hello, I am very new to php, and I am trying to develop a facebook application using php. I am using Joyent as my hosting platform. Currently, I am trying to do some simple scripts in php and then build on them. However I am unable to see any php files being rendered properly in my application. For eg: I have a simple script call...

Cookie not accepted on IE when authenticating with Graph API (oauth) - iframe app

Hello guys, I started playing with the new graph api with the python sdk. I'm trying to use the python-sdk in an iframe app to make the authentication (I successfully did it with JS - although the popup is blocked on IE and chrome by default). I'm following this example: http://github.com/facebook/python-sdk/blob/master/examples/oauth/f...

Facebook - serverfbml form action must be within the application's connect url

Hi all, I am not sure, I am using a pretty standard piece of code for facebook. It sends requests for people regarding my application. All of a sudden I am receiving this error: serverfbml form action must be within the application's connect url Have you been having problems with using either one of these: fb:serverFbml fb:r...

PHP and FBML module?

Hi I am trying create a section on my FB page which uses PHP and JavaScript to take a date stored in a database on another server and then use JS to make a countdown script - all inside a FB profile. Would I be able to use the FBML html module, or will I have to create a full fledged FB Application and have that interact with my FB Page...

How to add Facebook Like button to a Flex app?

I am working on a Flex AS3 application and wanted to add the Facebook Like button inside the app. I am unable to find any API or anything apart from the http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like code generator. Any ideas on how this might be accomplished? I am quite new to the recent changes in the Facebook Platform, s...

JSON to PHP Associative array

Hey guys, would any of you know a good way to put this into an associative array . I have tried json_decode but found it to not be much help and: preg_match_all('|"name": "(.*?)",|',$json,$matches); Seems to match it (in expresso) but returns an empty array in php. This is the data i need to put into an associative array: { ...

Facebook graph api with native iPhone application

I want to use the Facebook Graph API in a NATIVE iPhone Application. Has anybody been able to find a way to post images/message on a user's feed? I have tried all possible ways to post a ‘picture’ (not a URL but a UIImage) on the feed and have been working on this for 2 weeks now. If you go to facebook.com you can upload a picture from...