
check if the user has admin rights for given fan page for Event Sync using Facebook Graph ApI

I want Event Syncing on user's fan pages on their behalfs. For this first i confirmed that user has the admin rights for given page. I google but I can't figure out that how i checked that user has the admin rights for given page. Any one has idea?? ...

Creating "Like" buttons for arbitrary elements on my site, and reading back the status - possible?

I'm a total newbie to Facebook programming and would like to know, as a follow-up to this question, whether the following is possible. I have a collection of events on a web site. I'm fetching them from several RSS feeds, and have total freedom in how to output them - e.g. as single pages, so there is a permalink for every event. I wou...

Facebook search api

Hello, Is it possible to get user's data such as "relationship_status", "interested_in", "political" etc. because all I'm getting is just basic info: id, name, last_name, gender, locale... Or maybe this isn't possible? Thank you. ...

How to format facebook status retrieved using status.get

When I retrieve my facebook status through facebook API, using status.get, the informations comes in the form of [ { "message": "Does anyone here knows how to disappear and reappear again after a few months??", "time": 1282146230, "status_id": 00000000000000, "source": 2915120374, "uid": 000000000 }, { "me...

Facebook like not working for Unauthorized Users.

I ma implementing a facebook like function for my site using FBML.If click like as facebook authorized its working fine .But Whenever i click as unauthorized it pops up for the login and successfully logs in.But it doesnt perform the like operation. I have to click it again to like it.I would appreciate any help. ...

Drupal: posting photos from Drupal site to Facebook, Flickr and a twitter update -- all at same time. Looking for API.

Is there existing code available that provides functionality in Drupal to: - post from a Drupal website, photos into Facebook, Flickr accounts - view the photos also in the Drupal site from one of these sites (preferrably Flickr) - update a twitter feed to indicate photos have been published (If there isn't then I'm happy to reuse exist...

HttpClient ssl and login.facebook.com

When I Get "https://login.facebook.com" by using Chrome, the response is 302 and redirect me to http://www.facebook.com. However, when I get "https://login.facebook.com" by using HttpClient's GetMethod, it will be blocked for a long time and finally throws a Timeout Exception. I feel really frustrating. Is the implementation of Sun JDK'...

Problem using like button in application profile tab.

Hi, I have an application profile for my application. I am trying to use a like button. But it is does not work. <fb:like layout="button_count" href="http://fbrell.com"&gt;&lt;/fb:like&gt; But share button works fine. Like button works fine on canvas page. Am i missing something. I appreciate your help. Thanks. ...

How can I display the latest activity for my Facebook group's wall on my website using php?

Sample code is appreciated. Thank you. ...

Facebook Application Tab -> External Linking with PHP

I currently have an Application on the Facebook Tab, and am wondering if there is a way for me to deep link into an item on that app tab. Example: User is in the application (which is searching books), finds a book they like, and wants to share it with a friend. They click to share it, and I can pull all the info, however I don't have...

Facebook API: Access Without Reauthentication

We're hoping to create mobile phone applications for (among other features) posting video to a user's FaceBook page. However, using their API, it looks like we would need to open a web viewer and have the user enter their login credentials every time the application is used. We would prefer to store these credentials so the user only h...

getting logged-in user's details on another user's facebook profile tab

I have a Facebook application that has a user profile tab. The specs of the app dictate that the layout of the profile tab should be different depending on whether a user is looking at their own profile, or someone else is looking. Whenever I try to print_r FB's signed request details, the profile_id is always the same as the user_id, e...

facebook count total friend

how can we count total friend to specific uid ...

Getting started with Facebook's Open Graph.

Hello, I've been looking around for resources on learning to work with and use Open Graph by Facebook. I have their documentation page, http://developers.facebook.com/docs/, but am curious if there are any renowned online resources that other Facebook developers have been using? I'm all for documentation, but am most interested in a c...

Facebook Comment Export to my Blog ?

I have a blog and use Social RSS to send the feeds to facebook Fan page Wall. When some one comments on that. i want that to be captured and published on my blog. will that be possible ? ...

Send Facebook Notification as html format

I am using facebook toolkit v.3 and I am trying to send notifications in html format. How could this be? Am I missing something? this is the call var _connectSession = new ConnectSession(Properties.FacebookKey, Properties.FacebookSecret); Api _facebookAPI = new Api(_connectSession); _facebookAPI.Notifications.SendEmail(fbUID, "Title", ...

Need help please with FBConnect (Facebook iPhone API)

Hi, I'm using FBConnect in my project. I would like to commit the whole login and publishing process in an UIWebView instead of the popping window. How can I do that? Thanks! ...

show "share with friends" dialog with the new Facebook Javascript SDK

hi, is it possible to show a "share with friends" dialog with the new Facebook Javascript SDK? i'm using a frame-based application. in another app this feature looks something like this: ...

facebook and facebook messgae related problem

When a content maker shares his/her content through facebook (using facebook connect features like FB share via FB msg), is it possible to get the email IDs of the users who received the email invite via FB msg? Basically, someone suggested that when any one of the 10 invited guests contributes text on the content , the 9 others should...

fb:multi-friend-selector with stream.publish

How can I capture the friends selected in a fb:multi-friend-selector? The only way I know how would use fb:request-form and result in initiating a facebook request - which is obviously not an option. Populating the target ids in a stream.publish will be easy enough. ...