
How to detect when the Facebook javascript function is ready?

I have been using this: function FB_wait() { if (typeof FB == 'undefined') { window.setTimeout(FB_wait, 100); } else { more(); } } But there must be a better way window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({ appId : '<?php echo $conf['fb']['appid']; ?>', status : true, // check login status...

Starting developing the Facebook application using the java api

How to start the facebook application development using the Java API? I am getting into authentication issues? I could not find any proper documentation for java. Everything seems to be out dated. ...

How to take all of the pages which installed the app - facebook

Hello, Im really new in the bussiness (of facebook applications) and I have a simple question. How can I take all of the pages which installed my app? I created an app and some pages registerd to.. so I want to know how to take them + data from them. (like name, ID, link to this page..) I work with PHP and the "new" SDK + I think that...

How to list facebook users who like a page or interest

I wanna get a list of facebook users who like a page or interest. FQL like 'SELECT user_id FROM like WHERE object_id=113970468613229' does not work. Is there a way to do this? ...

How to get the Facebook user id using the Access token

Hi all. I have a Facebook Desktop application and am using the Graph API. I am able to get the Access token, but after that is done - I don't know how to get the user's ID. My flow is like this: I send the user to https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize with all required extended permissions. In my redirect page I get the code ...

Problem with HTTP Get request parameters and Facebook

Hi, I need to send a GET request from a Facebook canvas application to an external URL. I'm using cURL to send the request. It seems like Facebook ignores the parameters of the GET request, except the first one. Say I have: http://url.com/page.php?param1=value1&amp;param2=value2&amp;param3=value3. The script page.php should write valu...

What is the equivalent of status.get in Facebook Graph API

Can anyone tell me what is the equivalent of status.get of the Old REST API in the new Graph API. The page http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/rest/ says "If you are new to the Facebook Platform, we recommend you use our new Graph API instead." so I'm trying to figure out the newer version. Basically, what I want is to retriev...

How to detect when facebook's FB.init is complete

The old JS SDK had a function called FB.ensureInit. The new SDK does not seem to have such function... how can I ensure that I do not make api calls until it is fully initiated? I include this in the top of every page: <div id="fb-root"></div> <script> window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({ appId : '<?php echo $conf['...

PHP: how to retreive profile data from facebook

Hi, I've been going through FB docs but I think I am totally lost now. My task is quite simple: I need to have an "import" link, user clicks it and receives FB popup where he authorizes the site, user is redirected back to my site, I access user's FB profile and retrieve some data. Also: I need to access and retrieve profile in PHP. Th...

Facebook connect database transaction help

I am trying to implement a simple login system with facebook, but I need users to pick a username. What I was thinking was to get all the information I need from facebook, request permissions, then add the information to the database, redirect to a form asking for a username and then add that to the database, to the same entry. I think ...

Facebook redirect with extended permissions.

I am trying to work out facebook connect based on this tutorial: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/how-to-authenticate-your-users-with-facebook-connect/ They have given you a few scripts to use to figure it out, this is the extended permissions one: <?php # We require the library require("facebook.php"); # Creating the facebook ob...

facebook session trouble

I have a facebook iframe facebook app. At the top of each page I run the authentication script from the php example included. For some reason however if I login to one facebook account, access my application, log out of facebook and into a new account when I visit the application I am still authenticated as the first user. How come the ...

Google's username policies vs Facebook, Twitter and others...

I have a question I've been trying to understand for awhile now. Google has terrible username policies for accounts and services. You are unable to change your username, recover a deleted account or link usernames to various accounts. It's not possible to do anything. These issues have comes up numerous times with accounts that I manage ...

Prevent iframe "This webpage is not available." error from displaying on website

Hi, Is there a way to prevent the error "This webpage is not available." from displaying within an iframe that displayed on another site? For example, if I have a website and I want to display my Facebook fans in a box, one way to display it is with an iframe (typically Facebook supplied code). However, if for some reason Facebook is d...

Facebook iOS SDK Too Slow

I have recently wired up my application to use Facebook iOS SDK (http://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk), the integration works fine but the pages are really slow. It takes really a long time to load the Login screen. Login action takes more than 10-60 seconds. I didn't have this problem with FBConnect. Am I missing something? Is ...

How to run query from FQL?

Simple question.. How can I run a query from FQL? Im using Graph API and PHP. thank you. ...

What are the benefits of supporting Open Graph Protocol on social websites?

I'm developing a social website and am investigating interoperation with other services. One that seems to pop up fairly regularly is Open Graph Protocol. What are the benefits of providing the metadata required for this protocol? How widespread is adoption of this? Are there any tangible examples of how this can improve a user's exp...

[facebook] how to use https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query?query=

Hi i need to use https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query?query= to get user profile picture and other user information on PHP. i know that https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query?query= return some json or XML. but i don't know how to get json to use. thank you ...

facing problem in facebook connect api using asp.net

Hi All, I am using Facebook connect API to grab my friendlist. It redirects me to the login page. but when I provide credentials it throws an error something like this; API Error Code: 100 API Error Description: Invalid parameter Error Message: Requires valid next URL. Here is the code; //my actual values are mentioned in the key ...

flash video embed error on facebook

Hi there. Videos on engagemedia.org (eg http://www.engagemedia.org/Members/indra05/videos/forty-one/view) are on 400x300 resolution. Once I embed a video on facebook sharer, videos appear there on 270x320 which makes them unviewable. Is there a way to fix this and make videos appear on the correct resolution? Thanks in advance for any...