A client of mine would like to be able to update her site's image galleries by adding images to albums on her facebook account. Is this possible using JSON? would the albums she chose to display need to be made public? Thanks for any help on this!
i want all the thumbnails of the video when someone pastes a link on my site
like one happening in facebook.dat gives the option to select the thumbnail from its actual thumbnails.
I downloaded the official facebook Javascript SDK from http://github.com/facebook/connect-js and it seems that, for some reason, it outputs the above error.
The strange thing is that it worked 2 days ago. Now I'm quite stuck. I tried with different API_KEYs and still got nothing. I'm running the examples inside my Apache Server.
Do yo...
How i can check is my visitor is logged in to Facebook?
I can use Social Graph api functions or similiar? I want to run conditional in Javascript on my page and display some content depending on that condition. If it's impossible - maybe i can check (via a:visited css or similiar) is somone visited Facebook recently? Thanks.
I am developing an iPad application in which I need to share a Youtube video link to Facebook.
I am using FBStreamDialog for image sharing as follows:
But, I do not know how to share the video (I wanted to know about the parameters like media type, src, href etc)
FBStreamDialog* dialog = [[[FBStreamDialog alloc] init] autorelease];...
This code works in a standalone HTML file, as well as in the index page of my iframe FB app. I get the FB.ui box correctly.
But if I redirect from index to another page, and have the same code there, it doesn't work.
I get all 3 alerts, but FB.ui doesn't show up. HELP!
I've tried both display:'dialog' and display:'popup' but no effect ...
Hi Folks,
I am a novice in Facebook development and PHP. I just started today and I would like to know what the following code snippet does,
define('FACEBOOK_APP_ID', '123423');
define('FACEBOOK_SECRET', '3eesewee3e');
function get_facebook_cookie($app_id, $application_secret) {
$args = array();
My application is taking in various streams of data from social media / rss and combining it into one feed on the service that I will offer to businesses.
So, I'd like to read facebook page streams and process them.. do I need to get permission from the owner of the facebook page? Or is this publicly accessible somehow? since these are ...
Hi folks,
I am trying to get some profile information in my Facebook via PHP as specified in,
$user = json_decode(file_get_contents(
'https://graph.facebook.com/me?access_token=' .
When I run this code, I am getting the following warning,
Here's my code for my Facebook share link:
<a href="<%= HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode("http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http://www.apoads.com"+ Request.Url.PathAndQuery) %>" title="Share on Facebook" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src="/Content/Img/Png/SocialIcons/facebook_16.png" width="16" height="16" alt="share on facebook" /></...
I have recently added Facebook integration into my iPhone app.
I am ready to submit my update to Apple, but I am not entirely sure if there is anything left to do on the Facebook side.
All my app does is post updates to your wall. This seems to work for me.
Also, does this mean my app now has encryption?
Hi there, to connect to an app on facebook, the user types in
how can I add an extra get var to this url and pass it to my script on successful login?
Hi folks,
I am looking out for a way to find the "Likes" of my friends. Hence the rest url using graph api would be something like,
Please note that user_id_some_number is the ID something like 12302892734748 and access_token is the access token.
I have been searching fb forums for days..yet without no luck.
Actually i want my app to have something like this::[not invitation part]
May be it's done with php sdk or may be js sdk..but either way i cant implement it.
I wish you help..please providing full code will be a great help.
Am new to facebook development and am trying to get this little job done. I've been using PHP-SDK so far to authenticate.
I used the below code to gain access
require '../src/facebook.php';
// Create our Applicati...
Facebook has deprecated their old Javascript SDK which had the FB.Connect.createApplication method (documentation). Does anyone know if similar functionality exists within their new Javascript SDK? It seems like they cut out a lot of methods :(
Note: there is Facebook.createApplication, but that is a part of FBJS, which can only be used...
I'm trying to update my own App/account on Facebook and twitter.
Using basic authentication on twitter, this was pretty easy.
However, with all the new security stuff, I have no idea where to begin.
I've got a twitter account and a facebook app to which I want to post a status update (using PHP).
I could use some getting started guides o...
Dear All,
I've been trying for couple days now without luck, I managed to use the example.php that comes with PHP-SDK and worked perfectly. I just need to store the returned session and use it later on so I could access without re-authenticating.
I tried storing the sessions in a serialized field in a database and then, restoring the...
I am using the Facebook Graph API to publish on a user's wall. I give it these parameters:
It posts to the wall, but it is not treating it as a link. I know this because it does not open a new tab when the link is clicked, there is no share action link, and Twitter does not pick it up beca...
How i can create a custom dialog like this:
I'm using iframe application with graph api/new js-api, but i cant figureout a way to reproduce this, the buttons and the title, keep the user languague.