
Need facebook logout if user logout from my application

Hello all, In my joomla application I am facing a problem . user can log in my application through facebook ,but I want whenever user log out from my application, it must be log out from facebook account too. Please give me your suggestion or any idea how can i do this? Thanks ...

Facebook Login/Like Fail on IE8

I've recently implemented Facebook Login button and a Facebook "Like" button using XFBML. You can see the site on http://colnect.com Everything works well with FireFox, Chrome, Opera & Safari. However, IE doesn't show neither "login" or "like" buttons and no error message is available as well. Any ideas? ...

Context on facebook api callback?

Is there a way to pass context in a javascript facebook sdk api callback? Here's a simple exemple. Now this won't work because the variable 'this.name' in my callback function would be undefined, because it's not in my user object context. Any idea how to do it? function user(id) { this.id = id; this.getUserName = function(fields,ca...

Displaying facebook albums in image galleries PART II

A few days ago i asked this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3732685/displaying-images-from-facebook-photo-albums-on-a-portfolio-site-using-the-graph I was basically asking if it was possible to pull images from facebook albums into image galleries on a website, and was very happy to find out it was. Now the next step is to ...

Is there a limit to how many times FBML.XFBML.parse() can be called per page?

I have the following code to dynamically load a XFBML fragment into an Facebook IFRAME application. The HTML: <div id="fragment" style="display:none"> <fb:serverfbml id="fragmentfbml"> </fb:serverfbml> The jQuery code: <script type="text/javascript"> function loadFragment() { jQuery.ajax( { url: "xfbml_fragment.php"...

Facebook Connect require login for some links

Hi, Is there any fb tag i can use to wrap around my html anchor tag so that if the user isn't logged in, they will get prompted to login before getting access to the link? I'm using python/django in backend. Thanks, David ...

How does one create a dialog box for Facebook IFrame applications that can be closed programmatically?

I am trying to create a dialog box for my Facebook IFRAME application which I then can close programmatically via Javascript. I cannot create the dialog via a Javascript library such as jQuery because I need to embed a particular FBML tag within the dialog. Approach 1: Via the current Javascript SDK. This doesn't provide me with any way...

how to get email address of friends using facebook api in asp.net using c#?

please any example then give me...dont give me reference site name or any facebook sdk site..because i used sdk for ASp.net and in friendlist class it show me only email hashes instead of any email address,so there is any other way to get friend email full email address ...

PHP header redirect issues

Hi All, I am facing a peculiar behavior in php header function. The code below works fine, header("Location: https://www.facebook.com/logout.php?api_key=148814828480550&next=http%3A%2F%2Fmysite.com&session_key=2.HP0X33OURpJRDPfkvWYtAQ__.3600.1285146000-1039666914"); But when I pass URL as variable, it takes me to facebook page but...

How to do any type of info sharing from within facebook tab?

Firstly apologies for the length of this question, and for asking about facebook API ( seemingly one of the most inconsistent api's in the world... ). The Situation: We're producing an FB product 'community' - type page for our client, featuring standard facebook tabs, one of which embeds a flash game. At the end of this game we'd like ...

Facebook Graph API: Reuse the code verification string?

The authorization section of this page developers.facebook.com / docs / api contains a good description on how to perform authentication for a user agains my Facebook app. However, in my scenario I cannot get it to work the way I want. Here is how it is supposed to work: User comes to my login page and clicks a "Sign in with Facebook" ...

Facebook social plugins not always showing up

Hi there Im added few weeks ago a like button and comments to my website and for some reason - its not always showing up. http://www.raal.co.il/content/view/58/%D7%A1%D7%99%D7%A4%D7%95%D7%A8%D7%95-%D7%A9%D7%9C-%D7%9C%D7%95%D7%97%D7%9D-%D7%91%D7%99%D7%97%D7%99%D7%93%D7%AA-%D7%93%D7%95%D7%91%D7%93%D7%91%D7%9F heres an example, on the bo...

developing facebook pages

can anyone give me some ideas as to where to start from for developing dynamic faebook tabs like - http://www.facebook.com/AppStore?v=app_133863019976324&amp;ref=ts and http://www.facebook.com/Savings?v=app_4949752878 Thanks in advance for help ...

Loading a swf in facebook news feed

I am building an app for a client that is a Flash based MP3 player. I would like users to be able to load and share the app with in the facebook news feed just like they do with the Youtube player (witch is a swf). I have read all the documentation on how to do this and have set up a .php file that has all the vars needed for loading. ...

FB.api is returning undefined for response.name

I'm creating a facebook app in an iframe. The page is mostly working, but I want to use the currently logged in user's name in the page, for custom messaging, etc. I'm loading the FB library like this: <div id="fb-root"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script ...

Facebook old API Video upload

Hello everyone, Our application uploads video to facebook (using the REST API video.upload method). Everything was working fine, but nearly 10 hours ago we started to receive the error "This method must run on api-video.facebook.com". We're already running it on api-video.facebook.com! The url is http://api-video.facebook.com/restserv...

fb.login seems to cause page reload

I'm using the javascript sdk for facebook. I have a my own site specific "like" button, but want to check if the user is logged in before sending the request to the server. I used the fb.login() function as follows but whenever it gets called the page the "like" button is refreshed. Why does it get refreshed? $('#like_id').cl...

Using Facebook Open Stream API with PHP

I'm interested in using the Facebook Open Stream API to read a users Facebook news feed in my PHP web app. I'm interested if someone with API experience can answer the following; Am I right to use Facebook Open Stream API? Where is the most comprehensive documentation. Is there a PHP library I can use? ...

Facebook API login button without using FB.Login() (i.e. no pop-up)

I'm creating a Facebook App and wanted to avoid firing off the Allow box, but it looks like I'm going to have to do that. One option could be to call FB.Login(), but that generates a pop-up that will probably be blocked by the user. Another option is to just use FBML: <fb:login-button></fb:login-button> When a user clicks on this ...

How can i publish a message to a list using facebook's graph api

After a user has provided me their oauth credentials, I would like to allow them to post a message to a group of their friends. Say they have created a list of 10 friends and called it "My soccer buddies", I now want to be able to allow them to POST a message to their list "My soccer buddies" from within my web application using the gra...