We wish to implement a page with a list of content items, showing a title and excerpt for each one. We want to have a Like button next to each content item, which, when clicked, "likes" the individual item, rather than the index page.
We've seen this implemented elsewhere (formerly Mashable.com, on their homepage), but using a standard...
Regarding this security issue: http://techcrunch.com/2010/10/24/firesheep-in-wolves-clothing-app-lets-you-hack-into-twitter-facebook-accounts-easily/
Is it true to say "any time a user logs into a site, and isn't redirected to SSL/TLS/HTTPS connection, that the session cookies are vulnerable"?
What is the best solution to protect a Fac...
Is there an easy way to share a link from an android program to facebook, and twitter?
How to?
In light of the Firesheep exploit, does anyone know what protocol the Facebook for Android app is using?
Hello, my knowledge of flash and other web technologies isn't that good, but I was wondering, how do sites with their own API for applications (e.g. Facebook) authenticate calls from an application? I'm not really familiar with Facebook API, but Vkontakte (similar site) uses a secret key, session id and method parameters to generate a qu...
I'm hoping someone who has some experience in the Chrome/Firefox extension can save me some time by explaining whether or not this is a feasible idea.
Ok, so when you click the facebook connect button on a site, it launches the OAuth dance and pops a window to a URL with a parameter called "perms" that lists the Facebook extended permis...
On sign-up (i.e. when accessing the app), we need to get user's permission to invite their friends to use the app. When a user has finished using the app and the picture displays on their wall, we need to share the post with all of their friends automatically
Can this be done in FB application running from iframe? What would be the easi...
I generate a login url using:
$facebook->getLoginUrl(array('canvas' => 1, 'fbconnect' => 0, "display"=>"page", 'next' => APP_URL, 'req_perms' => 'email,publish_stream,offline_access'))
However, when user clicks the link he is redirected to the page with a Facebook logo and a message 'Go to Facebook.com' underneath it. Why is this happ...
I have been trying to use the comments.add REST api method to add comments to objects. I have all the publish_stream permissions and access_token's but its coming back with a 805.
Anyone know how to get it to work? I'm trying to comment on a photo and I'm passing in its object_id.
I am beginner in facebook API. I want to post score in wall in facebook using facebook API.
Please let me explain step by step.
It's urgent.
Thanks in advance , in any help.
I have a like button set up on my app. The link to one of the pages in the app is
If you click on the like button and then check your profile, you will see something like :
Name likes Cool Pos on heyulike
Everything is fine about this except in my php code, after Cool Po...
Hi Friends,
I have downloaded fbconnect.jar and used the following code,but the problem is the design issue in the login page of facebook in android that's email and password text box is totally collapsed, please refer the screen shot of my output, please guide me on this, I am really struggling on this.
mHandler = new Hand...
I'm creating an IFrame app which users can add to a Pages Tab. When I'm navigating to a page where the app is added as a tab ( next to wall,info, etc ) , I see that the Facebook servers call my server where the application sits, with a POST request, but not passing any additional info.
How can my app get more information at that moment...
Hi all, I have this problem: I need too let user logged on my site to publish content(link, image, post, notes) on page of Facebook where they are admin.
I've read some docs on Facebook developer section but I'm a little confused.
I need to register an app with which I can give the opportunity to connect and publish.
To let the user publ...
I'm trying to fetch data from Facebook, using the graph API.
The request I make looks like this: http://graph.facebook.com/<page_name>/, it returns basic data about the page. If I do request for: http://graph.facebook.com/<page_name/feed/, I get a json with data from this page's feed.
There are some pages that require aut...
Hi There,
I have 4.5 years experience as a professional PHP developer, I have loads of experience with session handling, etc.
I am wanting to learn how to build Facebook applications. I have gone through the process of downloading the Facebook Developer application, I have used to it Create an App, I have set the canvas URL to where th...
Hi guys,
I already done lot of blogs by using wordpress. But in one of my domain the facebook connect is not taking to my application id instead of that it's taking to another one application id. But in my facebook account i don't have the particular application. How it is default taking the non-mentioned application id and api key?? C...
I have a project for a client who have several hundred retail locations nationwide. Each of their stores has its own facebook page, and they would like an application that would allow for the automated deployment of Facebook Tabs to these pages - I've looked at the "Impersonation" / manage_pages features of the Open Graph API but can't ...
I currently am developing in VS 2008 with no access to vs 2010.
I would like to use http://facebooksdk.codeplex.com/ but there is no way to use dynamic in vs 2008 so I don't think this is an option.
Options are
I'm looking to...
I have a web app that adds an application to a users profile, and requests extended permissions.
I can't seem to find if there is a way to use a script to remove the application from the users profile when they request to do so from my web app. I know they can remove the app when logged into Facebook, but I want to know if I can remove ...